
  1. 理雅各、贝恩斯《周易》译本比较分析

    Comparative analyses of legge 's and baynes'versions of book of changes

  2. 周易人格模型与麦氏人格模型的比较

    The Comparison between I Qing Personality Model And Myers-Briggs Personality Model

  3. 《周易》的人格类型与伦理价值导向

    The Personality Types and its Ethical Value Presented by Zhou Yi

  4. 论《周易》审美文化模式的创造

    On the Creation of Cultural Mode in The Book of Change

  5. 对《周易》的生态美学思想解读《周易》的文观与美学接受美学与作品内含的变迁

    The Concept of Figure in The Book of Change and Aesthetics

  6. 从表面上看《周易》的确是一部占卜吉凶的书。

    Superficially , the Book of Changes is indeed about divination .

  7. 《周易》政治管理思想的现代意义

    Modern Significance of Political Management Thought of The Book of Change

  8. 《周易》与中国画审美之渊源

    On the Aesthetic Connection between Zhou Yi and Traditional Chinese Painting

  9. 周易六维空间几何模型

    Six & dimensional geometric figure for " book of changes "

  10. 《周易》中蕴涵着丰富的管理心理思想。

    The Book of Changes involved abundant thoughts of managerial psychology .

  11. 阴阳观念是《周易》的核心观念。

    Yinyang Concept is a core concept of The Book Of Change .

  12. 《周易》:《文心雕龙》的思想之本

    Zhouyi : the root of the thought in Wen xin diao long

  13. 术数是《周易》的一大分支。

    Shushu is one of big branches of Zhou Yi .

  14. 《周易》的占问与上古文学的问对体

    Auguries in Zhou Yi and Question-and-Answer Type in Ancient Literature

  15. 《周易》的语言运用理论

    Theory of language usage in the book " Yijing "

  16. 这在《周易》中有着清晰的表现。

    This has a clear performance in the " Zhou Yi " .

  17. 《周易》中的福及相关问题

    " Fu " and Related Questions in Book of Changes

  18. 周易爻卦与人生决策。

    Divination in book of change and decision making in life ii .

  19. 那你听说过《周易》这部书吗?

    Have you ever heard of the Book of Changes ?

  20. 《周易》对宋玉的影响发微

    The Micro Influence of Zhou Yi Sends to Song Yu

  21. 《周易》的心理学思想及其在先秦的发展

    Psychological thoughts of Zhou Yi and its develop ment in Pre-Qin Dynasty

  22. 《周易》&中国诗歌原初状态的萌芽

    Zhou Yi ── the Rudiment of the Primitive State of Chinese Peom

  23. 《周易》的大科学观

    The Great Viewpoint of Science in The Book of Changes

  24. 《周易》的风险观及其现代价值

    The Sense of Risk of " Zhouyi " and Its Modern Value

  25. 《周易》的人格结构观探索

    Research of the concept of personality structure in the Book of Changes

  26. 《周易》对中医理论的三次影响

    Influences for Three Times of Zhou Yi on TCM Theory

  27. 《周易》在春秋时期的接受&以《左传》为例

    The Zuo Commentary , Its Acceptation in the Spring and Autumn Period

  28. 论《周易》的生态伦理思想

    On the Concept of Ecological Ethics Embodied in the Book of Changes

  29. 《周易》是世界最早的系统科学著作

    I Ching & the Earliest Book on Systems Science in the World

  30. 《周易》计数法的两个问题

    Two problems of the count in the book of changes