
  • 网络Periodic changes;periodic variation;cycling;cyclical change;cyclical variation
  1. 温度周期性变化导致冻土在寒季冻胀,暖季融化沉陷。

    Cyclical change of temperature leads to permafrost heaving in cold season and thawing settlement in warm season .

  2. 地幔圈形状周期性变化使地壳产生势能(位能)力导致地壳运动。

    That the cyclical change of the shape of the mantle produces potential energy force in earth 's crust results in crustal movement .

  3. 在活跃期与其后的平静期,b值形成一个有规律的低高低周期性变化;

    In active and quiet stages , b values changed regularly from low to high and to low .

  4. 血葡萄糖、果糖水平无周期性变化且与宫颈粘液葡萄糖、果糖水平无明显相关性(r=0.23,P>0.05)。

    There was no correlation of glucose and fructose levels between serum and cervical mucus ( P0.05 ) .

  5. 在远离平衡态的条件下,振荡体系中的某些状态量(像是物质浓度,电位,ph值等),随时间空间发生周期性变化的反应。

    Some quantity of state in the oscillating system changes with the time and the spatial , periodically , under nonequilibrium circumstance .

  6. 如果g模式确实存在,那么它就会引起太阳内部的密度,压强和温度的周期性变化。

    If g-mode oscillations do exist , they would give rise to periodic variation of solar interior temperatures , pressures and densities .

  7. 第一次发现具有侧反射面不稳定腔的损耗随费涅耳数N呈周期性变化。

    The periodic properties of the diffraction losses of the unstable resonators with regard to the Fresnel number N are obtained for the first time .

  8. 结果表明:PAL活性表达呈周期性变化;

    The result showed that PAL activities changed periodically ;

  9. 细菌、真菌和花粉浓度在于24h内呈现出周期性变化规律。

    The concentrations of farina , bacteria and fungi vary periodically in 24 hours .

  10. DM各组IBS亦呈周期性变化,但曲线夫去正弦曲线形态,周期变化幅度亦减低(见图2。3),以DM11组减低明显;

    IBS also change periodically in DM , but the form of the curve were abnormal .

  11. 目的研究凋亡诱导因子Fas基因与正常妇女月经周期性变化的关系。

    Objective To study the relationship between the expression of Fas and the periodic changes of normal menstrual cycle .

  12. 针对灰色GM(1,1)模型用于电力短期负荷预测不能有效反映负荷周期性变化及精度不高的问题,提出了GM(1,1)模型群方法。

    In view of periodicity of the power load in power system , the group GM ( 1,1 ) model cluster is developed .

  13. 该方法通过分时段(时、天)单独建模,利用一群GM(1,1)模型进行预测,有效提高了预测精度并很好地反映了负荷的周期性变化。

    This method builds GM ( 1,1 ) model by hour or day and forecasts load by a group of GM ( 1,1 ) models .

  14. 细胞内Retinoid结合蛋白mRNA水平在生精过程中的周期性变化

    The periodic change of cellular retinoid binding protein mRNA level in rat testis during the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium

  15. 动态力学分析(DMA)是研究粘弹性材料在周期性变化的应力(或应变)作用下的力学行为,是研究沥青粘弹性能的重要手段。

    Dynamic mechanical analysis ( DMA ) is the method to study the viscoelastic properties of asphalt under cyclic stress and strain .

  16. 结果:正常子宫内膜的Ub表达呈现周期性变化;

    Results : Ub expressed cyclic changes in normal cases .

  17. BHK-21细胞表面形态周期性变化的扫描电镜观察

    Observation of the cyclic alteration of surface morphology of BHK-21 cells by SEM

  18. 异位内膜的微血管密度显著大于在位内膜及EMI(P<0.01),但无周期性变化。

    The Microvessel density in ectopic endometrium increased compared to that in eutopic endometrium and EMI ( P < 0.01 ), but showed no cyclic change .

  19. 介绍了超声波振动切削的特性和GFRP的纤维束与切削速度方向的相位参数,相位参数沿圆周方向成周期性变化,变化周期为π。

    Experimental results indicate that the phase parameters of GFRP fibres with respect to cutting direction change in the circumferential direction at cycle ;

  20. 根据这些数据利用有限元软件ANSYS进行瞬态分析,得出打散轴在轴承支撑位置的受力随着时间的周期性变化规律。

    Use those data to do the transient Analysis through the finite element software - ANSYS . The paper finds the conclusion that the change of the bearing node force follows the time .

  21. 当在平面ab内旋转磁场H的方向时,磁阻成周期性变化;实验表明,磁场沿(110)方向时,出现磁阻的极大值。

    When rotating the direction of magnetic field in the ab-plane , the magnetoresistance varies periodically , and the maximum appears as the applied magnetic field is in the ( 110 ) direction .

  22. 结果:门)心肌IBS变化规律:对照组心肌IBS呈周期性变化,舒张末期最大,收缩末期最小,曲线形态呈正弦曲线样(见图1);

    Results : ( 1 ) IBS change periodically in normal subjects . The value was maximal at end diastole and was minimal at end systole .

  23. GPS反演的大气水汽总量随时间明显的呈周期性变化,平均周期为7.2天。

    The IWV derived from GPS varies with time and it has an obvious period of 7.2 days in average . Moreover , the IWV derived from GPS is compared with the observed surface integrated precipitation hour by hour .

  24. 随着幂律指数减小,C型室中上部混合变差,但振动力场使速度场随时间周期性变化,促进了流体界面再取向,进而提高混合效果。

    Mixing in the upper middle section became poorer with the decrease of power law index , while vibration force field made the velocity field vary periodically with the result that the mixing was improved owing to the reorientation of interface of the fluid element .

  25. 试验结果表明,MnS随变形量的增加,其碎化方式呈周期性变化;

    The experimental results show that the fracture of MnS inclusion presents periodic character with the enhancement of the matrix deformation ;

  26. VEGF及其受体在雌性动物卵巢上的卵泡、黄体正常发育与维持,子宫内膜的周期性变化及胚胎发育与附植等方面均具有重要作用。

    VEGF and its receptors have important role on the female 's regular development and maintainance of follicular on ovarium and corpus , luteum , endometrial tissues 's regular changes and embryo 's development and implantation .

  27. 结果HFRS的短、中期的周期性变化较明显,以6个月和1年的时间作为它们的变化周期,而长期趋势揭示目前HFRS发病率在高位振荡。

    Results HFRS has six-month short period and twelve-month middle period . The long trend shows that the change of HFRS has the state of oscillation in high .

  28. 结论:MMP一2、MMP一7和T压护一1的表达在子宫腺肌病异位内膜和在位内膜组中增生期与分泌期之间没有差别,即失去了周期性变化的规律。

    Conclusions : The expression of MMP-2 , MMP-7 and TIMP-1 was irrespective of the phase of the menstrual cycle in the ectopic and eutopic endometrium of adenomyosis group .

  29. 当FBG横向局部受力时,光谱会分裂,在反射光谱上出现一个透射缺口,且随压力的变化而呈线性、周期性变化。

    The reflection spectrum of the FBG subjected to the transverse and local force will split into two main peaks , and the split point will shift linearly and periodically with the applied force .

  30. 在受控脉冲PAW焊接条件下,焊接电流按特殊设计的脉冲波形变化,焊接熔池相应的呈现未熔透-全熔透的周期性变化。

    Under the condition of controlled pulse keyhole PAW , the weld pool undergoes the periodic variation of " partial penetration-full penetration " with the specially designed welding current waveform .