
chūn xià qiū dōnɡ
  • the four seasons;a year
  1. 你是一把绿色的伞,撑起春夏秋冬,与风交谈,与云作伴。

    You are a green umbrella , supporting the four seasons , talking with wind and being a companion of cloud .

  2. 一年春夏秋冬四季构成一个循环。

    The seasons of the year spring , summer , autumn and winter make a cycle .

  3. 这部母女剧将于下个月在Netflix网站回归,总共四集,每集象征着春夏秋冬中的一个季节。

    The revival of the mother-daughter drama is coming to Netflix next month , with four new episodes , each representing a season of the year .

  4. 春夏秋冬的气候的变化,引起文人各自不同的反应。

    The climate changes in seasons cause different responses from literators .

  5. 不论春夏秋冬,

    whether it 's spring , summer , fall or winter ,

  6. 这种转变,与春夏秋冬四季的变化推移是同样的道理。

    It is like the alternation of the four seasons .

  7. 春夏秋冬四组比较发现,住院病例中各类型心律失常的发生无明显季节差别。

    The types of arrhythmia had no significant difference between the four seasons .

  8. 这双鞋也是他长期穿在脚上的,春夏秋冬四季不变。

    This pairs of shoes is on-show at the all time in one year .

  9. 一年有四个季节:春夏秋冬。这四个季节循环交替、运行不止,没有尽头。

    Spring and Summer , Autumn and Winter ; these four seasons revolve without end .

  10. 让自然的背景下,春夏秋冬,你的指南。

    Let the natural backdrop of spring , summer , fall and winter be your guide .

  11. 四种花样代表一年四季,春夏秋冬。

    The four suits represent the four seasons : Spring , Summer , Fall and Winter .

  12. 无论春夏秋冬

    Be it spring or fall

  13. 汉生:在春夏秋冬之中,我最喜欢北京的秋天。

    Han Sheng : In spring summer autumn and winter , I like Beijing 's autumn best .

  14. 春夏秋冬是快乐的季节,他们都有喜欢他们的特别的朋友。

    Spring summer full winter are happy seasons , they all have special friends who love them .

  15. 雨花区宛然一幅天然的图画,一个动人的故事,不论是春夏秋冬,这里都展现着不同寻常的风采。

    Like a natural drawing and a moving story , Yuhua District shows its charisma in all seasons .

  16. 这一年到头,春夏秋冬,心情随四季阴晴不定。

    The year round , spring , summer , autumn , and winter , the mood with four seasons vagaries .

  17. 从1991年开始,加热器就春夏秋冬日日夜夜的悬挂在那里。

    they have been on constantly , day and night , winter , spring , summer and fall since 1991 .

  18. 让我们看一下,春夏秋冬的天气是怎么样的?

    Cenie : Let 's look ! How 's the weather in the spring , summer , fall and winter ?

  19. 哈尔滨国际贸易城,作为黑龙江省服装行业的代表性企业,经历了15个春夏秋冬。

    As the representative business enterprise of rag trade in Heilongjiang Province , the International Trade City has experienced 15 years .

  20. 春夏秋冬肯定要过了,为什么要说过冬天,这么喊呢?

    Spring , summer , autumn and winter will certainly be yes , why should that winter , so call it ?

  21. 适用于女士春夏秋冬服装展示,不同的头饰给予顾客不同的面孔。

    Apply to show , different lady clothing headwear the spring , summer , autumn and winter give a customer different face .

  22. 谢谢你陪我走过每个春夏秋冬,我会把我所有的爱粘贴在你心里!

    Thank you walked with me every spring and autumn and winter , I will paste all my love in your heart !

  23. 本文运用原子吸收光谱法和原子荧光光谱法,分析了江苏省内的这六个典型地区的春夏秋冬四个季节的淤泥不同层面的重金属含量及絮凝前后泥样和水体中的重金属含量。

    By using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry and Atomic Fluorescence Spectrophotometry , the contents of heavy metals in sullages and the flocculated sullages were analyzed .

  24. 全年调查结果显示,非水鸟分别占盐渍藻类带、海三棱藨草带/藨草带、芦苇带观察种数的7.25%、31.25%和47.06%,比例逐渐升高,春夏秋冬四季均符合这个规律;

    It was 7.25 % in saline algae zone , 31.25 % in Scirpus marqueter / Scirpus triqueter zone and 47.06 % in reed zone ;

  25. 他在园子里种了许多竹子,经常仔细观察竹子的生长过程,特别是在晴天,雨后以及春夏秋冬不同的季节下竹子的各种形态,对竹子有了较深切的了解。

    He planted a lot of bamboos in his garden so that he could observe the process of their growth and appearance in different seasons .

  26. 我觉得他像大自然般多变,并怀疑自己是否有本事应付他的春夏秋冬。

    I thought of him as a force of nature and wondered whether I 'd be up to the task of living through his seasons .

  27. 目的:比较春夏秋冬4个季节不同部位皮肤对紫外线红斑反应的敏感性,了解皮肤紫外线红斑反应敏感度的影响因素。

    Objective : To compare the ultraviolet-induced erythema reaction intensity of skin at different parts in 4 seasons and investigate the factors influencing the skin sensitivity to ultraviolet-induced erythema reaction .

  28. 无论春夏秋冬,这里都将会是客人度过慵懒午后时光的最佳去处。

    Swimming while enjoying the panoramic river view , guests can spend the most relaxed afternoons and indulge in various refreshing drinks no matter whether it is summer or winter .

  29. 春夏秋冬时光如白驹过隙,儿时水果糖留给现在的味道,虽然已过许久,但感觉却如昨日!

    Fallen autumn Time fleeting , childhood fruit sugar is now left to the flavor , though a long time has passed , but feel as if they were yesterday !

  30. 在春夏秋冬弥漫着积极的失望主义精神,颜色明亮妩媚,其间的互补超越了对比。

    In the spring , summer , autumn and winter filled with a positive spirit of optimism , bright and charming colors , which complement each other more than the contrast .