
  • 网络State of the Union
  1. “对于这样的打扰存在忧虑,”他在CNN说“在联邦的一个州”安排这样的演讲对于白宫来说有些笨拙。

    " I think there 's concerns about the disruption ," he said on CNN 's " State of the Union ," calling the scheduling of the speech a " little ham-fisted " by the White House .

  2. 摩门教徒于1849年提出的作为一个独立州或联邦的一个州。

    An area proposed by the Mormons in1849 as an independent state or a state of the Union .

  3. 在最高法院取消了一部联邦和一部州限制同性婚姻的法律后,支持者们欢呼雀跃。

    Supporters of same-sex marriage cheered when the Supreme Court canceled a federal and a state law on the issue .

  4. 包括加州在内,我们联邦的每一个州都遵守法律和美国宪法。

    Every state in our Union is subject to the laws and Constitution of the United States including California .

  5. 联邦的每一个州,通过提供建设材料或劳动力,几乎都分享了这一系列建设工程的经费开支,带动了国内商业的繁荣。

    Each federal state , by providing building materials or labor , almost all shared this series of construction projects , expenditure , promoting the prosperity of domestic business .