
lián hé ɡuó bù duì
  • United Nations forces;UN forces;the Blue Helmet
  1. 我从未暗示过联合国部队实际上能够将该地区各参战方隔离开。

    I have never suggested that UN forces could physically separate the combatants in the region

  2. 朝鲜声称,这次演习是美韩在为入侵朝鲜施放烟雾。联合国部队上周试图反驳这一说法,他们承诺保持热线畅通,就任何可能引起误解之事提前对朝鲜预警。

    UN forces last week tried to counter North Korean claims that the exercises were a smokescreen for an invasion by promising to keep the hotline open , giving Pyongyang advance warning of anything that could cause a misunderstanding .

  3. 一支联合国部队被派出维护和平。

    A UN force has been sent to keep the peace .

  4. 联合国部队准备应付更多的暴行。

    UN troops are braced for more violence .

  5. 联合国部队将裁减90%。

    The UN force is to be cut by 90 % .

  6. 联合国部队可以乘直升机着陆,甚至可以伞降。

    UN troops could be landed by helicopter or even by parachute .

  7. 任何敌对行为都可能招致报复,进而使联合国部队卷入战斗。

    Any hostilities could result in retaliation and further embroil U.N. troops in fighting .

  8. 联合国部队被派去维持该动乱地区的秩序

    United nation force be send to police the troubled area

  9. 联合国部队可以用降落伞在那里着陆。

    UN troops could be landed by parachute .

  10. 他们拒不允许联合国部队驻扎在他们的国土上。

    They have refused to allow UN troops to be stationed in their territory .

  11. 联合国部队一到,该地区的紧张局势开始缓解。

    After the arrival of the United Nations soldiers , tension in the area began to ease .

  12. 联合国部队人员及有关文职人员的地位和安全国际公约草案

    Draft International Convention on the status and safety of the personnel of the United Nations force and associated civilian personnel

  13. 联合国部队的任务是监督援助物品运到那个国家最需要的地区。

    The role of the UN force is to oversee the transport of aid to the parts of the country that need it most .

  14. 由于海地政府十分脆弱,国内冲突不断,不得不从1993年开始就依靠联合国部队来维持稳定。

    Because of a feeble government and unrelenting domestic conflicts , Haiti has had to , since 1993 , rely on troops of the United Nations to preserve stability .

  15. 决议草案表明,联合国部队可独自或与刚果军队一起实施防卫行动,通过“强有力的机动性和多种方式”对抗叛军。

    The draft resolution states the UN force may conduct defensive operations on its own or with Congo 's military to neutralize rebels " in a robust highly mobile and versatile manner . "

  16. 沙特领导的轰炸行动摧毁了仓库、道路、学校、农场、工厂、电网和水电站,一只海上封锁舰队强制联合国部队对叛军施以禁令,而且切断了食物供给的来源。

    While the Saudi-led bombing campaign has destroyed storehouses , roads , schools , farms , factories , power grids and water stations , a naval blockade , enforcing a UN arms embargo on the rebels , has disrupted the entry of food and supplies .

  17. 联合国维和部队估计会在边界线上就位。

    UN peacekeeping forces are expected to take up positions along the border .

  18. Doss说联合国维和部队在刚果人民共和国的维和任务(简称MONUC)需要几个月的时间进行部署。

    Doss said deployment of reinforcements to the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo , or MONUC , could take several months .

  19. 主管管理和协调-联合国和平部队助理秘书长

    Assistant Secretary-General for Administration and Coordination - UN Peace Force

  20. 昨天一枚大型地雷爆炸,两名联合国维和部队士廷身亡。

    Two UN peacekeepers were killed when a massive landmine exploded yesterday .

  21. 联合国维和部队努力维持那个地方的安全。

    The peace-keeping troop try to keep the peace of that place .

  22. 联合国紧急部队经费问题委员会

    Committee on the Financing of the United Nations Emergency Force

  23. 多国联合国待命部队高度戒备旅工作组;

    Working group on a multinational UN standby forces high readiness brigade ;

  24. 已经向那里派驻了联合国维和部队。

    A UN peacekeeping force has been sent there .

  25. 如果能和平解决的话就没有必要派遣联合国维和部队。

    Apeaceful solution would obviate the need to send a UN peace-keeping force .

  26. 联合国紧急部队特别帐户;

    Special account of the United Nations emergency force ;

  27. 联合国维和部队因未能阻止反叛军的活动而遭到指责,联合国方面也针对指责予以回应。

    The UN peacekeeping mission has countered criticism for failing to stop them .

  28. 联合国维和部队的部署情况没有被透露。

    The disposition of the Peacekeeping Force of the UN was not revealed .

  29. 1974年联合国维和部队进驻。

    U.N. peacekeepers have been stationed there since 1974 .

  30. 吉布提协议中要求部署的联合国维和部队还没有组成。

    N.peacekeeping force called for in the Djibouti accord has yet to be formed .