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  1. 核聚变实验装置EAST放电失效的可靠性分析

    Reliability Analysis on Discharge Failure of Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak

  2. EAST是一个全超导的托卡马克核聚变实验装置,磁体采用超临界氦迫流冷却。

    Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak ( EAST ) is a fully superconducting fusion device .

  3. 冷屏是EAST超导托卡马克核聚变实验装置的重要部件之一。

    The thermal shield ( TS ) is a main part of EAST superconducting Tokamak .

  4. EAST托卡马克核聚变实验装置是世界上从事核聚变研究的先进科学设备。

    EAST is an advanced device for the study of nuclear fusion around the world .

  5. 介绍了EAST托卡马克核聚变实验装置技术诊断数据采集系统设计。

    In this paper the data acquisition system of technical diagnosis of the Tokamak experimental device for nuclear fusion is introduced .

  6. 本文旨在对国家重大科学工程项目EAST(HT-7U)超导托卡马克核聚变实验装置的大型超导磁体关键技术作一介绍。

    In this paper , the key technologies of large scale magnet for the EAST superconducting tokamak are introduced .

  7. 核聚变实验装置HT-7U停机辐射剂量率三维计算与分析

    3-D calculation and analysis of shutdown dose rates for nuclear fusion device HT-7U

  8. EAST真空室作为超高真空压力容器是EAST超导托卡马克核聚变实验装置的关键部件之一,是等离子体放电的直接场所,其获得的真空度质量直接影响装置运行时等离子体的各项基本物理参数。

    The vacuum vessel as an ultrahigh vacuum pressure vessel is one of the important components of the EAST device , providing high quality vacuum conditions for the plasma discharge , which will affect greatly all kinds of plasma parameter .

  9. 国家大科学工程HT-7U托卡马克(Tokamak)是一个全超导核聚变实验装置。

    HT-7U Tokamak , Which has been funded as a Chinese national science project , is a fully superconducting experimental device for nuclear fusion .

  10. 随着超导技术的发展,CICC在大型超导核聚变实验装置及超导储能磁体中的应用具有不可比拟的优越性。

    With the development of superconducting technology , CICC is applied in large-scale superconducting nuclear fusion experimental device and superconducting energy storage magnets with unmatchable advantage .

  11. ITER是由欧盟、中国、日本等七方共同参与建造的磁约束核聚变实验装置。

    ITER is an experimental fusion reactor based on magnetic confinement fusion , with the cooperation of seven countries including EU , China , Japan , et al .

  12. 给出了用于HT7超导托卡马克聚变实验装置的电子回旋共振加热(ECRH)系统大功率毫米波传输线的设计。

    The design of the high power millimeter wave transmission line for Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating ( ECRH ) system on the HT 7 Tokamak was given .

  13. 评估了SiC/CFGM的微观组织和物理性能。其中SiC/CFGM的耐等离子体冲刷行为显示了它们在核聚变实验装置中作为面向等离子体材料的良好应用前景

    SiC / C FGM was fabricated by hot pressing The microstructures and physical properties of SiC / C FGM are evaluated Some plasma relevant performances of SiC / C FGM show their good application perspective as plasma facing materials in fusion experimental facilities

  14. 利用Hulse原子速率系数代码和简单的0维模型,计算了聚变实验装置中几种典型轻杂质的非日冕辐射特性的结果,并分析了它们辐射的特点。

    By using the atomic rate code developed by Hulse , non-coronal radiation results of some typical light impurities is calculated , and their characteristics are analyzed in the zero-dimensional model .

  15. 国际上许多国家已经对其聚变实验装置进行了系统的分析。

    Many countries have performed systematic analysis on their fusion experimental devices .

  16. 核聚变实验装置HT&7U及大厅活化分析

    Activation analysis on HT-7U fusion experimental device

  17. 介绍了超导托克马克聚变实验装置中加速极电源系统的光纤监控网络;

    The fiber-optic monitor network of neutral beam accelerator power is introduced in experimental advanced superconducting Tokamak ( EAST ) .

  18. 本文给出了运动光束位置复原的分析方法,对用于高功率激光核聚变实验装置的高速机械转镜隔离器的光束复原特性作了详细的讨论,并得到了光束复原应满足的条件。

    An analytical method for the restoration study of a moving optical beam is developed in this paper . The optical restoration characteristics of the high-speed mechanical rotating mirror isolator for high power laser-fusion system is discussed , and its restoration conditions are obtained .

  19. 在托卡马克核聚变实验装置中,装置的热负荷计算、导体超导性能和运行稳定性都与运行温度有很大关系,因而要求低温的温度测量有较高测量精度。

    In the tokamak , heat load of the device , the superconducting conductor 's performance and the operating stability , all of these are related to the operating temperature in the tokamak experimental device for nuclear fusion , so we need the high measure precision for Low Temperature Sensors .

  20. EAST托卡马克装置是一个全超导的大型核聚变实验研究装置,实验过程中,对超导磁体的失超保护是一项非常重要的内容。

    Quench-protection of superconducting magnets is very important in the EAST superconducting tokamak .

  21. PLC在受控核聚变物理实验装置中的应用

    Application of PLC in the Experimental Device for Controled Nuclear Fusion Research

  22. J-TEXT托卡马克是用来研究热核聚变的实验装置。

    J-TEXT Tokamak is an experimental facility designed for fusion research .

  23. HT-7超导托卡马克是我国正在运行中的中型准稳态磁约束聚变实验研究装置,运行时产生一个复杂的瞬发混合辐射场。

    HT-7 Tokamak is a middle sized magnetic confinement fusion device in operation . It produces a complicated mixed prompt radiation field when working .

  24. 神光-Ⅲ主机装置是实现激光打靶产生惯性约束核聚变的实验装置。

    SG - ⅲ host device is a laser targeting inertial confinement fusion experimental device .

  25. 大型超导磁体和大型低温技术已在全世界的粒子加速器和核聚变实验等装置中广泛采用。

    Large scale superconducting magnets and cryogenic systems have been widely used in the particle accelerators and nuclear fusion experimental devices all over the world .

  26. 我国科学家于近日宣布,他们成功实现了托卡马克101.2秒稳态高约束运行,创造了新的世界纪录。托卡马克是一种旨在利用核聚变能量的实验装置。

    Chinese scientists announced they have set a new world record by achieving 101.2 seconds of steady-state H-mode operation of the tokamak , an experimental device designed to harness the energy of fusion .

  27. ITER全称Internationalthermonuclearexperimentalreactor,国际热核聚变实验反应堆,ITER装置是一个能产生大规模核聚变反应的超导托克马克,俗称人造太阳。

    Full name of the ITER is International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor , the international thermonuclear fusion experimental reactor , ITER device is one that produces large-scale fusion reaction of superconducting Tokmak , commonly known as " artificial Sun " .