
cōnɡ mínɡ jué dǐnɡ
  • extremely clever or intelligent
  1. 她聪明绝顶。

    She 's formidably intelligent .

  2. 他过去聪明绝顶。

    He used to be as smart as anything

  3. 陆克文是虔诚的基督徒,他告诉我一个故事:在罗马,他有位聪明绝顶的耶稣会(jesuit)朋友,对方的主要工作就是做他所谓的“肤浅问题全球化”。

    Rudd , who is a devout Christian , is telling me a story about an " enormously intelligent " Jesuit friend in Rome whose main preoccupation is with what he calls " the globalisation of superficiality " .

  4. 因为你的狗狗聪明绝顶。

    Your dog is a canine version of a brain surgeon .

  5. 我聪明绝顶。14岁就从大学毕业了。

    I 'm exceedingly smart . I graduated college at 14 .

  6. 谢尔顿:你知道我是个聪明绝顶的人。

    Sheldon : You know me to be a very smart man .

  7. 韩佳,聪明绝顶的人在这儿呢。

    Han Jia , the extremely intelligent man is here .

  8. 要不是我那么聪明绝顶的话。

    If I were just a little less brilliant .

  9. 唉,这个聪明绝顶的小建议并不能起到明显作用。

    Alas , this brilliant tip was not enough .

  10. 因为你是夏洛克·福尔摩斯.你聪明绝顶.

    Because you 're Sherlock Holmes , you 're as clever as it gets .

  11. 我曾经有个老板聪明绝顶。

    I once had a boss who was the smartest man in the room .

  12. 幸运的是,你们那聪明绝顶的律师

    Luckily , you have a very talented lawyer

  13. 我们都是聪明绝顶的人物。

    We are both incredibly intelligent people .

  14. 一个聪明绝顶。

    And there 's the clever one .

  15. 他英俊迷人,聪明绝顶,是个伪装高手。

    He is handsome , charming , highly intelligent , and a master of disguise .

  16. 那他还真是聪明绝顶啊。

    This shows he was incredibly intelligent .

  17. 如果他真像他自已说的那样聪明绝顶,他怎麽会被警察抓住呢?

    If he 's as smart as he says , why did the cops catch him ?

  18. 真是个聪明绝顶的计划!

    What a devilishly clever plan !

  19. 聪明绝顶的完美主义者。

    Fiercely intelligent and a perfectionist .

  20. 4.(1)(与某人)相恋[非正式]我可能就要与那个聪明绝顶的美女相恋。

    eg. I could be about to hook up with this incredibly intelligent , beautiful girl .

  21. 除非你觉得自己聪明绝顶无人能敌,谁不想变得再聪明一点呢?

    Unless you think you 're the smartest , who doesn 't want to be smarter ?

  22. 我要去哥哥家喽!他是一个聪明绝顶的帅哥哥。

    Brother I 'm going home myself ! He is an extremely smart guy in Costa Rica .

  23. 她是一位聪明绝顶的年轻女子,懂得自身的价值并为此感到骄傲。

    She 's an extremely intelligent young woman who knows who she is and is proud of it .

  24. 所以现在我全指望你们这群聪明绝顶的人想办法救我于水火之中

    So I am counting on your good graces and brilliance To figure out a way to save my ass.

  25. 哈比人的存在微不足道。他们并非骁勇善战的武士,也不算是聪明绝顶的智者。

    Hobbits must seem of little importance being neither renowned as great warriors nor counted among the very wise .

  26. 这一调整不能由聪明绝顶的规划者自上而下强制安排,而是需要众多企业和个人改变行为。

    It cannot be imposed from above by an all-wise planner but requires many businesses and individuals to change behaviour .

  27. 我发现这聪明绝顶的年轻人把它摆弄地恰合我口味,像天然的一样。

    And now I 've found this terribly clever young man who does then just the way I want them .

  28. 约翰逊总统夫人在入主白宫的众位第一夫人中,属于聪明绝顶、而又坚强泼辣者之列。

    Lady Bird Johnson was one of the wisest and strongest first ladies who ever lived in the White House .

  29. 我们都聪明绝顶,天生的领导才能,那样儿不是万里挑一的人才啊?

    We got the same brilliant mind , The same natural-born leader tendency , The same one-in-a-million-type charisma , yes ?

  30. 聪明绝顶的人如果树敌太多、太招人窥视,也难逃被人谋害的命运。

    If the wisest man antagonizes too many people or is too showy , he also is doomed to be framed .