
  1. 可是你在蘸水

    You 're dipping them in water !

  2. 特别有趣的是,它出去大小便后,会到卫生间里蘸水“洗脚”和“洗下身”。

    Especially interesting , after he is out to la stool , she will back to the bathroom to clean his feet and bottom .

  3. 能用蘸水的指头测量的一般熨斗乔和马丁用起来都嫌太冷。那种测量法不行。

    An iron that stood the ordinary test of a wet finger was too cold for Joe and Martin , and such test was useless .

  4. 我的爸爸,厚厚的手掌沉沉的鞋,黑暗里疲惫起身,蘸水梳头,喝掉咖啡,平日在我们醒来之前就走了的爸爸,今天正坐在我的床边。

    My papa , his thick hands and thick shoes , who wake up tired in the dark , who combs his hair with water , drinks his coffee , and is gone before we wake , today is sitting on my bed .

  5. 谢景连(音译)是一名退休的书法家。他弯著腰,用一把巨大的刷子,蘸著水,在石板路上书写汉字。

    Xie Jing Lian , a retired calligrapher , stoops over a flagstone walk as he draws Chinese characters with a large wet brush .

  6. 在一家店铺外,现年41岁的王家中(音)正在用一个类似海绵拖把而非毛笔的东西蘸着水在人行道上写字。

    Outside the shop , 41-year-old Wang Jiazhong traced characters in water on the pavement with a device that looked more like a sponge mop than a brush .

  7. 将化妆棉蘸上爽肤水或者纯露,朝着向上和向外的方向擦拭面部和颈部。

    Soak two cotton wool pads with toner or hydrosol , and with upward and outward movements sweep across the face and neck .
