
  1. 包装设计中的肌理构成

    Skin Texture Structure in Packaging Design

  2. 而面对如此纷繁复杂的肌理构成关系,目前却缺乏较为细致和深入的理论研究。

    But facing with so complicated texture structure , there is lack of detailed and in-depth theoretical study .

  3. 文中指出包装设计中的肌理构成从物质和精神2个层次对消费者的消费心理和行为所产生的影响。

    It also pointed out the influence of the skin texture of the packaging design on the customers ' consumption psychology and consumption behavior from material and spiritual levels .

  4. 绿地系统的肌理、构成与布局

    On Texture , Constitution and Layout Principle of Green Space System

  5. 抽象形、空间、肌理&平面构成教学实践中的思考

    The Abstract Form , Space , Skin Texture & the Consideration During the Teaching Practices about the Flat Surface Constitutions

  6. 在装饰艺术中,材料的质感、肌理和色彩是构成美感的重要因素。

    In the decorative art , the feel , skin texture and color of the material are important factors of forming aesthetic feeling .