
  • 网络internal anal sphincter;IAS;sphincter ani internus
  1. 在无钙溶液中结肠平滑肌的收缩受到明显抑制(P<0.01),而肛门内括约肌的收缩未受明显影响;

    The contractions of colonic smooth muscles were significantly inhibited under the calcium free solution ( P 0.01 ), but the IAS was not affected .

  2. 细胞内钙离子对肛门内括约肌收缩作用的实验研究

    The role of intracellular calcium in the contractions of internal anal sphincter

  3. 能使细胞内钙离子库耗竭的药物兰诺丁(ryanodine)对结肠平滑肌的收缩无影响,而肛门内括约肌的收缩则受到显著抑制(P<0.01)。

    Ryanodine , which can exhaust the intracellular calcium , remarkably depressed the contractions of IAS ( P < 0.01 ), but had no effect on the colonic smooth muscles .

  4. 结果:肛门内括约肌静息压(kPa)、肛门内括约肌最大收缩压(kPa)、最小抑制容量(mL)、直肠顺应性(mL/0.133kPa)在D-IBS患者与健康人之间无显著性差异(P>0.05);

    RESULTS : The resting pressure of internal anal sphincter , the maximal squeeze pressure , the minimal rectal distention volume that could induce the rectum-ano inhibition reflex and the rectal compliance in the patients with d-IBS were similar to those in HS ( P > 0.05 ) .

  5. 目的:为低位直肠癌切除后肛门内括约肌重建术提供解剖学依据。

    Objective : To provide Anatomic basis for intersphincter reconstruction after resection of low rectal cancer .

  6. 肛门内括约肌侧切术对慢性肛裂患者生活质量的影响

    Results of lateral internal sphincterotomy for chronic anal fissure with particular reference to quality of life

  7. 结论术后肛门内括约肌功能不全是污粪的主要原因,术后外括约肌功能代偿性增强。

    Conclusions The dysfunction of internal anal sphincter is the main cause of soiling and fecal incontinence .

  8. 方法采用肛门内括约肌部分切断术治疗陈旧性肛裂176例。

    Methods 176 patients with old anal fissure were performed with lateral partial internal sphincterotomy and external hemorrhoid .

  9. 结论内括约肌部分切除术治疗肛门内括约肌失弛缓症可取得满意的远期疗效。

    Conclusion The long term results of partial internal sphincterectomy for the treatment of internal anal sphincter achalasia in childhood are satisfactory .

  10. 四川大学华西医院肛肠外科·结直肠外科快速流程临床指南(三)经腹肛门内括约肌切除术在超低位直肠癌保肛手术中的疗效观察

    Fast Track Guideline for Colorectal Surgery of West China Hospital in Sichuan University ( 3 ) Clinical efficacy of trans-abdominal internal sphincterectomy in anal-preserving operation for super-low rectal cancer

  11. 结果表明,该法可松解肛门内括约肌缓解括约肌痉挛,改善肛裂溃疡面的供血不足,促进肛裂的愈合。

    The results show that the method can be release within the anal sphincter to ease spastic sphincter to improve the ulcer anal fissure side of the insufficiency , anal fissure to promote healing .

  12. 结论:肛管后中线处血供不良和肛门内括约肌痉挛也许是原发性肛裂好发于后连合处的主要原因。

    Conclusions : The poor blood supply of the posterior midline of the anal canal and spasm of the internal anal sphincter may be the main cause of the primary anal fissure which often occurs in the posterior midline of the anal canal .

  13. 结果:低位肛门闭锁肛门内括约肌正常;

    The results showed that the fetuses with low anorectal malformation had normal internal sphincter .

  14. 本文对102例耻骨直肠肌综合征的患者均检查耻骨直肠肌及肛门内、外括约肌共306块肌肉,检测6120个运动单位。

    Three hundred and six pieces of puborectal and anal sphincter muscles and 6120 motor units were studied in 102 patients with puborectalis syndrome .

  15. 直肠缩短,肠壁的蠕动波将肠腔内的粪质推入肛管,肛门部有内括约肌及外括约肌,用以阻留或排出粪便。

    The rectum shortens , pushing the feces into the anal canal , where internal and external sphincters allow them to be passed or retained .

  16. 目的探讨经肛门直肠粘膜及内括约肌切除对预防先天性巨结肠根治术后继发巨结肠性肠炎发生的作用。

    Objective To explore the effects for radical resection of rectal mucosa and internal sphincter on prevention of enteritis after congenital macrocolon operation .

  17. 肛门外结肠直肠吻合术经腹肛门内括约肌切除术在超低位直肠癌保肛手术中的疗效观察

    Clinical efficacy of trans-abdominal internal sphincterectomy in anal-preserving operation for super-low rectal cancer