
  1. 肛门坠胀感10例;

    10 cases with the sense of fall-swell in the anus ;

  2. 6例(143%)术后有肛门坠胀感。

    Sensation of rectal tenesmus occurred in 6 patients ( 14.3 % ) .

  3. 肛门坠胀8例,治疗后有效3例。

    Anus bearing-down was in 8 cases , and 3 cases were effective .

  4. 主要症状便血、肛门坠胀感、肛门不适及肛门脱出物。

    Results The chief symptoms were hematochezia , sensation of rectal tenesmus , anal discomfort and prolapse ;

  5. 结果①青年组直肠癌主要表现为:肛门坠胀和疼痛、腹痛、腹胀及骶尾部疼痛。

    Results ① The main manifestations of juvenile rectal carcinoma included anal and rectal pains , abdominalgia , abdominal distention , and sacrococcygeal pain .

  6. 观察两组在术后3个月时排便次数、便质、肛门坠胀、排便不尽情况,同时观察有无大便带血、腹痛、腹胀情况。

    Were observed at 3 months after defecation , then quality , anus bulge , defecation not the case , while observing whether the stool , abdominal pain , bloating situation .

  7. 症见便血血色淡,量较多,肛门坠胀或脱出,面色萎黄,头晕心悸,手足发麻,舌质淡白,少苔,脉细软而数。

    Zheng Jian blood in the stool color light , the amount of more or anal prolapse , pale complexion , dizziness , palpitations , numbness in limbs , pale tongue , little coating , pulse and several valuables .