
  • 网络caroli disease
  1. 先天性肝内胆管扩张症的螺旋CT诊断价值(附7例报告)

    Spiral CT diagnosis of Caroli disease ( analysis of 7 cases )

  2. CT肝内胆管扩张的形态特征分析

    CT imaging of intra-hepatic bile duct dilation

  3. 此外螺旋CT还清楚显示了肝内胆管扩张,肝叶萎缩,病灶周围异常强化区等间接现象。

    Moreover , ancillary findings including the intrahepatic biliary ducts , hepatic lobar atrophy , The abnomal enhancement areas peripheral to the tumor were also seen in helical CT .

  4. B超、CT或MRI是无损伤的诊断方法,若显示肝内胆管扩张或诊断肝外梗阻性黄疸,则应进一步行PTC(本组13例)或ERCP(本组42例)。

    BUS , CT and MRI were scatheless . If the intrahepatic bile duct dilatation or extrahepatic cholestatic jaundice were revealed , PTC ( 13 cases in this series ) or ERCP ( 42 cases in this series ) were to further determine the location of tumor .

  5. 肝内胆管扩张18例。

    The dilation of intrahepatic bill ducts was found in 18 cases .

  6. 退行性节段性肝内胆管扩张&一种新被发现的肝内液性病变

    The Degenerating Intra-hepatic Biliary Segmental Dilation ── A Newly Discovered Liver Cystic Disease

  7. 先天性胆管扩张症合并肝内胆管扩张及复杂胆道畸形的诊断与治疗对策

    Diagnosis and treatment of choledochal cyst with intrahepatic bile duct dilatation and complicated bile duct malformation

  8. 结果第1组13例,6例合并肝内胆管扩张,4例为囊样扩张。

    Results In group one , there were 6 cases with intrahepatic bile duct dilatation , four of them showing cystic type .

  9. 肝内胆管扩张11例,肝内胆管结石5例,肝叶萎缩5例,局部肝轮廓凹陷4例。

    The intrahepatic cholangiectasis was found in 11 patients , and intrahepatic bile duct stone in 5 patients . Hepatic lobe atrophy existed in 5 patients .

  10. 结果深度黄疸患者占61.76%(21/34),合并肝内胆管扩张、肝内胆管炎占82.35%(28/34),而胆囊壁光滑及囊内回声无异常者达85.29%(29/34)。

    Results The incidence rate of patients with severe jaundice was 61.76 % ( 21 / 34 ), and the rate of intrahepatic cholangiectasis and cholangitis was 82.35 % ( 28 / 34 ) .

  11. E型合并肝内胆管囊状扩张,占15.4%;

    E type , choledochus cystic dilatation combine with intrahepatic bile duct cystic dilatation , the ratio is 15.4 % .

  12. 评价项目包括肿瘤的增强形式及其与病理特征的关系、肿瘤周围的楔形增强区、肝内胆管的扩张、血管受累及肿瘤的肝外浸润征象。

    Enhancement pattern of the tumor , the wedge-like enhancement area peripheral to the tumor , dilatation of the intrahepatic biliary ducts , vascular involvement , and extrahepatic tumor invasion were evaluated .

  13. 方法对1例女性、11岁患先天性弥漫性肝内胆管囊性扩张的患儿进行了减体积肝移植。

    Methods A reduced size liver transplantation was successfully performed on a 11 year old girl with incurable caroli ′ s disease .

  14. 单因素分析得出活检钳类型、肝内二级胆管的扩张程度、阻塞段长度、球囊扩张前后活检和胆管壁浸润对PTC胆道活检敏感性有影响(P<0.05)。

    The univariate analysis showed that the significant influencing factors were types of biopsy forceps , degree of bile ducts dilation , length of obstructive segment , lesion invasion and balloon dilation ( P < 0.05 ) .

  15. Ⅵ型胆囊重度扩张伴肝内、外胆管不扩张或轻、中度扩张;

    Type ⅵ: severe gallbladder dilatation without or with slight intrahepatic and extra - hepatic bile duct dilatation ;

  16. 结果62例华支睾吸虫病患者全部有弥漫性肝内胆管末端囊性扩张,而非华支睾吸虫病患者无一出现此征象。

    Results Diffuse saccular dilation of terminal intrahepatic bile duct occurred in all the patients with clonorchiasis sinensis , but none in patients with other cholangiopancreatic abnormalities .

  17. 肝移植术后肝内胆管狭窄的球囊扩张治疗

    Balloon dilatation of intrahepatic biliary strictures in liver transplantation

  18. 10例可见病变局部肝叶萎缩,12例可见肝内胆管扩张,淋巴结转移5例,肝内血管受侵7例,肝内转移2例。

    The hepatic lobe atrophy was found in 10 patients , Intrahepatic cholangiectasis in 12 cases , metastasis of lymphnodes in 5 cases , infiltration of intrahepatic vein in 7 cases and metastasis of liver in 2 cases .

  19. 结果Caroli病Ⅰ型1例,CT表现为肝右叶近肝门区肝内胆管呈囊状扩张,伴肝内胆管多发结石,无肝硬化、脾肿大和门脉高压。

    Results One was simple type which CT findings of the liver showed saccular dilatation of the right lobe intrahepatic bile ducts and multiple intraductal calculus , there was no evidence of cirrhosis , splenomegaly , or other findings of portal hypertension .

  20. 本病需与胰头囊肿、右肾囊肿、肠系膜囊肿、肝内单发或多发囊肿、梗阻性肝内胆管扩张等病鉴别。

    This disease should be distinguished with pancreatic cyst , right renal cyst , mesenteric cyst , solitary or multiple hepatic cysts , and obstructive intrahepatic bile duct dilatation .

  21. 结果:28例肝门区恶性病变在平扫和MRCP中均可见肝门区肿块、肝内胆管扩张。

    Results : In all cases , lump in hepatic hilar region and intrahepatic cholangiectasis were showed in MRI and MRCP .