
  • 网络Equity Trading;equity deal;share-deal;Share Transaction
  1. 为客户提供免费研究报告的银行希望这会帮助客户从股权交易中去的收益。

    And the banks that give their clients free access to research hope that it will help them generate revenues from equity trading .

  2. 他们表示,该交易一旦获批,将首次赋予中国企业对美国部分股权交易基础设施的控制权。

    The deal , if approved , would for the first time give a Chinese company control over part of the US 's equity trading infrastructure , they said .

  3. 两年前,twitter调整了授予员工股票期权的政策,以抑制二级市场股权交易。

    Two years ago , twitter changed its policy for granting options to prevent trading on secondary markets .

  4. 另外笔者还建议设立房地产股权交易市场,以拓宽房地产PE的退出渠道。

    In addition , the author also recommended the establishment of real estate equity market , in order to widen the exit channels of the real estate PE .

  5. 詹姆斯同时表示,戴尔(Dell)被收购的传闻对于目前的股权交易市场没有太大的影响,不会因此涌现大中型收购标的。

    James also said that the rumored Dell ( DELL ) buyout is not having much impact on current deal-flow , in terms of bringing larger targets to the fore .

  6. 贝恩公司(BainandCo.)发布的报告显示,2011年中国私募股权交易金额创历史新高,普通合伙人不得不调整业务模式以保持竞争力。

    Private equity deal-making in China hit record levels in 2011 , forcing general partners to adjust their models to remain competitive , according to a report issued by Bain and Co.

  7. Petrobras公司是巴西国有控股的石油巨头,自2010年以来,它就不再受投资者青眯,那时,政府通过石油换股权交易减少了少数股东。

    Petrobras has been out of favour with investors since 2010 , when the government diluted minority shareholders in an oil-for-shares deal .

  8. 纳斯达克OMX集团(NASDAQOMXGroup)周三早间宣布,该公司已与非上市公司股权交易市场SharesPost共同成立了一家合资企业,旨在“为尚未上市的成长型公司提供一个杰出的股票交易市场。”

    The NASDAQ OMX group this morning announced that it has formed a joint venture with sharespost , in order to " establish the preeminent marketplace for private growth companies . "

  9. 特别在当前全国性OTC市场(非上市公众公司股权交易市场)的建设已成为国家资本市场下一步发展目标的背景下,准入制度的探索就更具有现实意义。

    Specially under the background that the construction of National OTC Market ( Non-listed companies ' stock exchange market ) has become the next development target of national capital market , the study on access system has the more practical significance .

  10. 据一名知情人士表示,有多家潜在投资者对NSN表示了兴趣,股权交易价值可达10亿美元,而且可能会加大NSN最终进行首次公开发行(IPO)的可能性。

    One person close to the situation said there was interest from a handful of potential investors in a deal that could be worth up to $ 1bn and would raise the possibility of an eventual initial public offering .

  11. 最终,新的流动性将会出现,例如买卖非流动性资产的私募股权交易平台(例如SecondMarket、SharesPost等。)。

    Finally , new forms of liquidity will emerge such as private-market stock exchanges for buying and selling illiquid assets ( e.g. , secondmarket , sharespost , etc. ) .

  12. 它们能够从事投资银行、房地产贷款甚至私募股权交易。

    They can engage in investment banking , property lending and even private equity deals .

  13. 其次,我们对我国A股资本市场上上市公司股权交易作价的难处进行了分析。

    Second , we analyzed the problem of pricing shares of Chinese listed company in A stock market .

  14. 如果说合并是企业与企业的联姻,那么战略股权交易就相当于在学校舞会上成功牵手。

    If mergers are corporate marriages , strategic stakes are the equivalent of success at the school disco .

  15. 目前,阿里巴巴的市值远远超过雅虎,所以股权交易也不无可能。

    His company is worth far more than Yahoo is , so a stock deal is a possibility .

  16. 一些非制度因素还包括股权交易市场流动性以及债权保护和破产机制的缺乏。

    Some non-institutional factors include lack of liquidity of corporation share dealing market and absence of bankruptcy mechanism .

  17. 财务投资者也开始跃跃欲试,似乎已随时准备开出支票进行大额股权交易。

    Financial buyers are limbering up too , and seem prepared to write bigger equity cheques to get deals done .

  18. 外国投资者也许发现整体收购中国企业变得更加困难,但战略股权交易市场仍然非常活跃。

    Foreigners may be finding it harder to buy Chinese companies whole , but the market for strategic stakes remains vibrant .

  19. 公司层面因素及股权交易特征因素对控制权私人收益的解释力较强。

    In a whole , the company characteristics and the stock transfer characteristics have strong interpretation to Private benefits of control .

  20. 以本文提出的58项涉及控制权转移的大宗股权交易为样本,笔者分析我国民营上市公司的现金流权、控制权、两权分离率等因素对控制权私人收益的影响。

    This paper analyzes the influence of the separation between cash flow rights and control rights to the private benefits of control .

  21. 但是,晨鸣纸业股权交易案的失败,将使人们更加担忧:中国官员和实业家反对外国投资的情绪将日益高涨。

    However , failure of the Chenming deal will heighten concerns about growing opposition to foreign investment among Chinese officials and industrialists .

  22. 在为股权交易融资而承诺发放的逾3000亿美元贷款中,银行可能面临巨大的潜在损失。

    Banks are facing potentially heavy losses on the more than $ 300bn they have committed to lend to finance private equity deals .

  23. 但这些数字并未包括最近的股权交易。自去年初以来,此类交易总额已达200亿澳元。

    But those figures do not include more recent equity deals , worth in total about A $ 20bn since early last year .

  24. 规模庞大的购并活动以及私募股权交易给流动性增长推波助澜并且刺激了股市需求。

    Significant mergers and acquisition activity as well as private equity transactions are providing a significant boost to liquidity and equity market demand .

  25. 内容本文研究了一个存在股权交易的代际交叠模型中,国有股权型社会保障政策对经济长期均衡状态的影响。

    This paper studies the impact of a social security financed by state-owned share on long-run economic growth in a typical overlapping generations model .

  26. 2008年3月17日,国务院批准在天津滨海新区设立非上市公众公司股权交易市场。

    On March 17 , 2008 , the State Council approved the establishment of non-listed public company equity market in Tianjin Binhai New Area .

  27. 随着改革的深入,我国企业的股权交易越来越频繁,企业股权价值评估成为股权交易关注的重点。

    Along with the deepening of reform , Chinas equity transactions have become increasingly frequent , equity value becomes the focus of equity transactions .

  28. 直译为“管理者收购”,是指公司的经理层利用借贷所融资本或股权交易收购本公司的行为。

    Management Buy-outs ( MBO ) mean manager layer to utilize debt-credit finance or stock right transaction to purchase the behavior of our company .

  29. 全球信贷危机增加了资本成本的私人股权交易在发达市场,并有助于恢复国际资金的兴趣中。

    The global credit crisis has increased the cost of capital for private equity deals in developed markets and helped renew international funds'interest in China .

  30. 积极促进多层次资本市场的发育,并把培育区域性股权交易市场作为乡镇企业开发利用资本市场的主要方向;

    Accelerating multiplayer capital market and cultivating district stock exchange market is a main direction that township and village enterprises make use of capital market ;