
  1. 通用汽车(gm)周四再次成为一家上市公司,新发行的股票交易价格远远超过其发行价。

    General Motors roared back as a public company on Thursday , with its newly-listed shares trading well above their offering price .

  2. 日本和韩国股票交易价格下滑到类似的历史最低点。

    The Japanese and South Korean exchanges dropped to similar record lows .

  3. 股票交易价格预测模型研究

    Research on the Predicting Model for Stock Market Price

  4. 他说:这将为投资者消除不确定因素,并为股东提供较我们最后的股票交易价格较高的溢价。

    It will resolve investor uncertainty and provide shareholders with a substantial premium to our last traded share price , he said .

  5. 平安持有富通5%的股份。买下时,富通股票交易价格是目前水平的4倍以上。

    Ping An has a 5 per cent stake in Fortis that it bought when Fortis shares were trading at more than four times their current level .

  6. 曼德勃罗做过股票交易价格的实验,拿他举个例子,他指出尽管结果是变化的,但实际上存在某些常量。我们需要确定哪些是常量,并考虑到所有可能的重要因素。

    Mandelbrot , who did the experiment with stock exchange prices , for example , noted that although the outcomes were variable , there were in fact certain constants . What we have to do is make sure we know what these are and take into account all the possible valuables .

  7. 目前,惠普股票的交易价格仍然与其15年前持平。

    And the stock is still trading at the same price as it did 15 years ago .

  8. 暗池可进行大宗股票交易,价格在交易完成后才会公开。

    Dark pools allow the trading of blocks of shares with prices made public only after trades are completed .

  9. 在过去几个月,该股票的交易价格为17美元至20美元。

    For the past few months , the stock has been trading in the $ 17 to $ 20 range .

  10. 暗池让投资者能够匿名交易大批股票,交易价格只会在交易完成之后公布。

    Dark pools allow investors to trade large blocks of shares anonymously , with prices posted publicly only after deals are done .

  11. 用事件分析法首次对上证180指数样本股调整所造成股票的交易价格、数量等的波动进行了实证检验。

    Based on the event study method , this paper makes an empirical study on the fluctuation of transaction price and quantity for the fist time because of the sample stock 's adjustment of the Shanghai Securities 180 index .

  12. 这一新颁布的司法解释的实施可能对我们平台的流量产生重大不利影响,不利于用户生成内容的创造,这反过来可能影响到我们的经营表现,并最终影响我们的美国存托股票的交易价格。

    The implementation of this newly promulgated judicial interpretation may have a significant and adverse effect on the traffic of our platform and discourage the creation of user generated content , which in turn may impact the results of our operations and ultimately the trading price of our ADSs .

  13. 股本、股票交易、股票价格

    Share capital , dealing , prices

  14. 本文综合考虑股票交易数量、价格波动性和交易时间,提出用单位时间内价格波动一单位所能吸收的交易量来度量日内流动性的新方法。

    Taking the trading duration , trading volume and price volatility into account , this paper firstly introduces a new approach of measuring intra-day liquidity by taking the volume absorbed per volatility in one second as proxy .

  15. 本文研究中国股票市场的交易型价格操纵问题。我们推广了Mei、Wu和Zhou(2005)的模型,研究在市场不允许卖空的条件下,交易型价格操纵发生的条件。

    This paper generalizes the Mei , Wu and Zhou ( 2005 ) model to investigate the trading-based stock market manipulation in China where short sale is not allowed .

  16. 比方这里有两只股票,每个的交易价格都是80美元;

    Say there are two shares , each trading at $ 80 ;

  17. 一家过热的英国股票交易市场里股票价格暴跌。

    Share prices tumbled on a febrile British stock exchange .

  18. 中国股票市场交易型的价格操纵研究

    Trading-based Market Manipulation in China 's Stock Market

  19. 让我们回到大约4年前,看看这些股票在那时的交易价格。

    Go back four years or so , and look at where these stocks were trading then .

  20. 股指期货作为资本市场上的一个新生事物衍生于股票交易,其存在对于促进股票价格信息流通、稳定股票交易价格、转移股票价格风险具有重要意义。

    As a newborn product of the capital market , stock index futures derive from stock transaction . The transaction of stock index futures can promote circulation of stock price information , stabilize stock price , transfer risk in stock transaction .

  21. 首先,在无套利框架下,考虑了股票有离散随机分红且股票交易收取与股票价格成比例交易费时的欧式期权定价,并给出了显式表达式。

    Firstly , we consider pricing European option problems with transaction costs which are proportional to stocks ' value and discrete stochastic dividends of stocks under an arbitrage-free framework and give an explicit expression of option pricing formula , which extends option pricing formula where underlying assets are forward contracts .

  22. 从理论上讲,业绩较好的上市公司其股票的IPO价格应该高于业绩较差的上市公司,IPO股票上市后的交易价格也应该反映公司的内在价值。

    Theoretically speaking , the IPO prices of well-performed firms should be higher than those of bad-performed firms , and the trade prices after going public should reflect intrinsic value of the companies as well .

  23. 该模型的一个重要假设是标的股票市场流动性充分,任何数量的股票均可以立即买进或卖出,也就是说任何数量的股票交易均不会引起价格发生变化。

    An important assumption of this model is perfect liquidity of the underlying stock market , that is to say , trading of any number of shares cause no pricing changes .