
sǔn shī jīn é
  • amount of damages
  1. 国际评级机构惠誉18日发布的报告显示,天津化学品仓库8月12日爆炸导致的承保损失金额可能在10亿到15亿之间。

    The insured losses from a series of explosions at a chemical warehouse in Tianjin on Aug 12 are likely to range from $ 1 billion to $ 1.5 billion , Fitch Ratings said in a report on Tuesday .

  2. 该超市表示这台ATM机是由一家私人公司运营的,损失金额未予透露。

    Sainsbury 's said that ATM was run by a private company and did not disclose how much was lost .

  3. 而这一点恰好符合VaR值在估算正常情况下最大可能损失金额的特性。

    This is exactly in line with estimates VaR value in normal circumstances the greatest possible amount of the loss .

  4. 当期及累计未确认的投资损失金额。

    The current period and accumulative amounts of unrecognized investment losses ;

  5. 有关部门仍在判断具体的损失金额。

    Authorities are still working to determine how much money was lost .

  6. 贷款损失金额比较稳定,并有可能减少;

    losses on the loans have been steady and could get smaller ;

  7. 那么,年损失金额将高达一千亿美元。

    that would indeed add up to an annual waste of 100 billion dollars .

  8. 当期确认的各项资产减值损失金额。

    The amount of impairment loss of each asset recognized at the current period ;

  9. 近年来,全球和我国巨灾发生的频率和损失金额都呈现明显上升的趋势。

    Both the frequency and loss amount of catastrophes have shown obvious increasing tendency in recent years .

  10. 有人说修理费及商业损失金额就已超过了一百亿美元。

    Some say the cost of repair and lost business has been more than US $ 10 billion .

  11. 他从不相信会计人员,所以他始终不清楚公司具体的赢利或损失金额。

    He never believed in accountants , so he never knew how much his company was making & or losing .

  12. 使用相关的参数来衡量目标进程,如工伤数、外事故数和损失金额等。

    Weigh process of target with related parameters , such as No. of work injure , sudden accidents and loss sum .

  13. 如果对操作风险概念、特征、事故类型、损失金额之间内在关系没有深刻地理解就直接对其采用量化模型可能引起量化结果的盲目性和无针对性。

    If there is no profound understanding about relationship with concept , characteristic and type of operational risk , quantitative model is useless .

  14. 洪涝灾害是一种影响范围广、发生频率高、损失金额大、突发性强的自然灾害,给人民的生命和财产带来了巨大的威胁。

    Flood is a kind of devastating natural disaster . Its suddenness , wide influence and highfrequency always results in extensive losses of lives and properties .

  15. 被保险人同意按照原定费率补交至保险终止之日止损失金额部分的日比例附加保险费。

    The Insured undertakes to pay prorata additional premium at the original rate on the amount of any loss to the expiry of the Period of Insurance .

  16. 2011年前6个月损失金额达2650亿美元&已然超过2005年这一前天灾之年全年2200亿美元的记录。

    Losses hit $ 265 billion in the first six months of 2011 – which exceeds the $ 220 billion in losses in the biggest previous year for natural disasters , 2005 .

  17. 上述中石油高管表示,南部的情况比北部糟糕,财团每年因腐败、盗窃和损害而蒙受的损失金额高达1000万美元。

    The CNPC official said conditions in the south were worse than in the north , however , and that the consortium was losing $ 10m a year to corruption , theft and damage .

  18. 就这家以相机和内窥镜闻名的日本制造商而言,对于损失金额大小、不当操作从何时开始、以及对涉事高管将作何处理等,细节仍未公开。

    In the case of the Japanese manufacturer of cameras and endoscopes , there are still no details on the size of the losses , when the scheme started or what will happen to the executives involved .

  19. 货物分摊价值,按照货物的到岸价格,减除不属于共同海损的损失金额和承运人承担风险的运费计算。

    The contributory value of the cargo shall be computed on the basis of the CIF values , less the amount of loss or damage not allowable in general average and the freight at the risk of the carrier .

  20. 巴赛尔委员会在2002年举行过一次全球性操作性风险调查,被调查银行共计报告47269起损失金额超过1万欧元的操作性风险事件,平均每家银行发生操作风险事件528起1。

    Basel Committee in 2002 held a global operational risk survey , a total of surveyed banks reported 47,269 from the total loss over 10,000 euros of operational risk events , the average per bank in the incident 528 from operational risk .

  21. 各种利好因素包括:抵押贷款服务商一直在建立机制应对违约情况;贷款损失金额比较稳定,并有可能减少;住房市场出现复苏迹象。

    Among the positives : Mortgage servicers have been putting the infrastructure in place to deal with defaults ; losses on the loans have been steady and could get smaller ; and the housing market looks like it could be turning the corner .

  22. 近年来,国内外银行业因操作风险管理不当而导致的发案率高、损失金额巨大,诸多商业银行操作风险案例需要进一步整理和研究。

    In recent years , domestic and foreign banks have operated risks due to poor management which led to high incidence , a huge amount of loss , a lot of commercial banks operating risk , and case studies need to be further improved .

  23. VaR的计量是在一定概率水平下,投资组合价值在一段时期内最多可能损失的金额。

    What VaR model measures is the most possible losses that the investment value suffers in certain period and under a given probability level .

  24. 阿里克•赫塞尔达在科技网站AllThingsD上推测道,惠普(HP)在TouchPad其相关硬件成本上损失的金额可能在1.4亿到3亿美元之间。

    Arik hesseldahl over at all things D does the mathand guestimates that HP ( HPQ ) could be losing anywhere between $ 140 million and $ 300 million just on touchpad-related hardware costs .

  25. 不过最近由波尼蒙研究所(PonemonInstitute)所做的一项调研显示,各公司每周平均受到两次攻击,每年由于网络犯罪损失的金额高达890万美元。

    But a recent Ponemon Institute survey reported that the average company is attacked twice a week and loses $ 8.9 million a year to cybercrime .

  26. 是因为账户里的金额和你损失的金额相同

    because it held the same sum that you 'd lost ,

  27. 但目前损失的金额还尚未确定。

    But the amount has not been determined yet .

  28. 他们估计损失赔偿金额为90000美元。

    They assesse damages at $ 90 000 .

  29. 根据这一规则,投保人所获赔偿金额不得超过其实际损失的金额。

    According to this rule , the policyholder cannot collect more money than was actually lost .

  30. 指保险人根据保险合同的规定,向被保险人支付的赔偿保险责任损失的金额。

    Is the compensation paid by the insurer to the insurant in accordance with the insurance contract .