
sǔn shāng
  • damage;lesion;injure;trauma;strain;harm;hurt;mar
损伤 [sǔn shāng]
  • (1) [harm;injure]∶损害

  • 损伤了肩膀

  • (2) [hurt]∶挫伤

  • 不要损伤群众的积极性

  • (3) [damage]∶损失

  • 在我军的打击下,敌人损伤惨重

损伤[sǔn shāng]
  1. 然而,摄入热量过低会损伤身体,特别是对于易受“三症候群”影响的女孩或成年女性。

    However , consuming too few calories can harm your body , especially if you 're a girl or woman subject to the female athlete triad .

  2. 涕灭威及其有毒代谢产物对DNA潜在损伤研究

    The Research of Aldicarb and It 's Toxic Metabolites on DNA Potential Harm

  3. 那场事故没有造成什么永久性损伤。

    The accident has not done any permanent damage .

  4. 软性水质不易损伤头发。

    Soft water is kinder to your hair .

  5. 所幸的是,损伤不大。

    Happily , the damage was only slight .

  6. 患者的大脑受到严重损伤。

    The patient suffered severe brain trauma .

  7. 草莓容易损伤。

    Strawberries bruise easily .

  8. 她遭受这么严重的肌腱损伤,这实际上让她残废了。

    She did all this tendon damage and it really disabled her

  9. 女性有时因过度使用磨砂膏而损伤了皮肤。

    Women sometimes damage their skin by going overboard with abrasive cleansers

  10. 该手术有导致脑损伤的轻微风险。

    There is a small risk of brain damage from the procedure

  11. 50%的道路交通事故都会导致头部损伤。

    Fifty per cent of road accidents result in head injuries

  12. 他右眼视力有损伤。

    He has a visual impairment in the right eye .

  13. 这种牙刷可以温和去除牙菌斑而不损伤齿龈。

    The toothbrush gently removes plaque without damaging the gums .

  14. 这种药物的禁忌证包括肝脏或肾脏损伤。

    Contraindications for this drug include liver or kidney impairment .

  15. 许多职业拳击手结束运动生涯时都已受到了脑损伤。

    Many professional boxers end their careers with brain damage .

  16. 酗酒能造成永久性大脑损伤。

    Heavy drinking can cause permanent damage to the brain

  17. 如果受到损伤,神经细胞再造的能力有限。

    Nerve cells have limited ability to regenerate if destroyed

  18. 研究所正在探究动脉损伤的诱因。

    The research institute is on the track of what causes the artery damage .

  19. 肌肉绷紧或受凉时更容易损伤。

    When muscles are taut or cold there is more chance of injury or strain

  20. 他的肋骨受了损伤,但除此之外一切都还好。

    His ribs were damaged , but other than that he 's in good nick

  21. 如果她在7天之内没有得到治疗,她的大脑有可能遭受不可逆转的损伤。

    She could suffer irreversible brain damage if she is not treated within seven days

  22. 他深表歉意,说外科医生会努力消除手术造成的损伤。

    He expressed great regret and said that surgeons would attempt to reverse the operation

  23. 梳理湿头发会拉抻头发,造成损伤。

    Brushing wet hair can cause stretching and breakage

  24. 与对他声誉造成的损伤相比,这一代价就变得微不足道了。

    The cost pales into insignificance when compared with the damage done to his reputation

  25. 阳光能损伤皮肤。

    The sun can damage your skin .

  26. 他的记忆力遭受了永久性的损伤。

    His memory suffered irremediable damage .

  27. 人的大脑缺氧4分钟后便会造成永久性损伤。

    The human brain needs to be without oxygen for only four minutes before permanent damage occurs .

  28. 不要给狗喂小块的骨头,以免它整个吞下去而造成内部器官损伤。

    Small bones should be avoided as the dog may swallow them whole and risk internal injury .

  29. 这种病会堵塞肝脏中的静脉,并引发多种损伤。

    With this disease the veins in the liver can block up , and all sorts of damage follows .

  30. 希望这一治疗会激发免疫反应,清除感染了艾滋病病毒的细胞,同时又不损伤未感染细胞。

    It is hoped the procedure will trigger an immune response that will wipe out HIV-infected cells while leaving non-infected cells unharmed .