
sǔn shī chénɡ dù
  • extent of the loss;measure of damages
  1. 河北省是农业大省,自然灾害种类多、分布广、频度高、强度大、损失程度较重。

    Hebei province is a major agricultural province in China , the natural disasters has the characters of different types , wide distribution , high frequency , big intensity , the heavy extent of the loss .

  2. 患者年龄、发病至就诊时间、听力损失程度、听力损失曲线类型、是否伴发眩晕、使用不同药物治疗等因素与预后有关(P0.05)。

    Age , beginning to treatment time and degree of hearing loss , hearing loss curve type , accompanied with dizziness and the different medicine would be connected with the prognosis ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 对LNG接收站进行安全评价,找出系统潜在危险有害因素、计算出事故后果,以便及时采取有效措施,把事故的损失程度降到最小。

    The assessment of LNG Receiving Terminal is aim to identify potential risk of harmful factors , and calculate the consequences of the accident , so that we can take timely and effective measures to minimize the loss of the damage .

  4. 通过填写SADL与ⅠOⅠ-HA两个调查问卷,不同年龄老年性聋患者随着助听器佩戴时间的延长满意度与受益度不断提高,且年龄及听力损失程度不会对满意度及受益度造成影响。

    By filling out the two questionnaires of the SADL and ⅰ O ⅰ - HA , the Presbycusis ' satisfaction and benefit of different ages increased with different wearing time , and the age and degree of hearing loss did not effect the result of satisfaction and benefit level .

  5. 纯音测听检查:在250Hz处,126耳(81.8%)存在骨气导差,按听力损失程度分类:轻度1耳,中度12耳,中重度18耳,重度38耳,极重度57耳;

    In the 250 Hz pure-tone test : A-B gap were observed in 126 ears ( 126 / 154,81.8 % ) with the different hearing loss degree : 1 ear mild , 11 ears moderate , 19 ears moderate severe , 40 ears severe and 53 ears profound .

  6. 杂交水稻受淹后产量损失程度及救灾措施研究

    Study on yield lost degree and saving method after hybrid rice flooded

  7. 项目风险损失程度的估计方法研究

    Research on evaluation method of loss degree of project risk

  8. 但不同水稻品种(系),产量损失程度存在一定差异。

    But output loss degree of different rice varieties had certain difference .

  9. 语频骨导听力损失程度随着患者年龄的增加而逐渐加重。

    Bone conduction threshold shift at speech frequency was associated with the ages .

  10. 卡铂造成前庭神经元的数量明显减少,其损失程度与Ⅰ型毛细胞的损失程度相接近。

    The amount of ganglion cell loss was similar to the hair cell loss .

  11. 对资产价值避免损失程度的测试。

    A test of how well an asset 's value is insulated from loss .

  12. 在此过程中不同香气类型和香气组分的损失程度存在较大差异。

    The degree of aroma groups and aroma compound lost during the process was different .

  13. 不同患者管径大小与听力损失程度无关。

    For different patients , the caliber size had no relationship with the hearing loss ;

  14. 随着受灾学生家庭经济损失程度的加重,受灾学生心理健康状况下降程度增加。

    Mental health status of stricken students decreased with the increase in their family economy damage .

  15. 目的:探讨准确评定外伤后听力损失程度的方法。

    Objective : To explore the method to accurately evaluate the level of post-traumatic hearing loss .

  16. 随着重大灾害发生次数的增加和损失程度的加重,如何应对重大灾害风险已经成为学术界普遍关注的问题。

    How to deal with disaster risk has become a major academic issue of common concern .

  17. 只不过随着锚杆索的预应力损失程度增加,应力集中现象会进一步加剧。

    Just as anchor cable pre-stress loss rate increase , the stress concentration phenomenon will further intensifies .

  18. 农业自然风险具有巨灾特性,一旦发生,损失程度严重且覆盖面广。

    Agricultural and natural catastrophe risks are characteristics , because of loss and the level of serious coverage .

  19. 自20世纪70年代以来,全球自然重大灾害和人为重大灾害的发生次数和损失程度均呈明显的上升趋势。

    Since 1970s , the occurrence of major natural disasters and man-made disasters in the world is increasing significantly .

  20. 由于轻雾天气和大雾天气下图像信息损失程度的不同,对它们分别采用不同的手段进行处理。

    Due to the difference degree of information lost in haze and dense fog , different methods are adopted .

  21. 因此,分析农地城市流转对区域生态系统服务价值的影响,衡量农地城市流转对生态容量、生态效益产生的损失程度,具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。

    So it is very important to study the effects of rural-urban land conversion on values of ecosystem services .

  22. 但因为不安全问题已经很难评估大多数地方的损害或损失程度。

    But it has been difficult to assess the damage or the losses in most places because of insecurity .

  23. 听力损失程度以轻、中度为主,男女间听力损失程度无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    There was no significant difference in hearing loss degree between male and female patients ( P > 0.05 ) .

  24. 血透和腹透研究对象个人收入损失程度大于家庭成员的收入损失程度。

    Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis study loss of personal income greater than the income losses of family members . 4 .

  25. 在一定程度上,他们经历的空虚和损失程度,努力调整它,往往不善。

    On some level , they experience degrees of emptiness and loss and try to adjust for it , often ineffectively .

  26. 应用前庭终器取材料和铺片技术以及前庭终器小视野定量观察方法进行毛细胞密度的测量以证明毛细胞的损失程度。

    Vestibular nystagmus induced by caloric stimulation was evaluated and compared to quantitative measurements of vestibular hair cell and ganglion cell loss .

  27. 辽宁的洪水灾害受区域自然环境的长期性特征制约与全球气候变化的影响,发生次数多、损失程度大。

    Influenced by the natural environment and global climate change , the flood disaster in Liaoning occurred many times and cost large losses .

  28. 在开展进程中发现进程缓慢、补偿功能方面发现补偿不能覆盖农民的损失程度。

    In the development process of the discovery process is slow , and the compensation can not cover the loss degree of the farmers .

  29. 这些维生素的损失程度因食品的不同而存在较大差异,而且在对同一食品进行研究的学者中也常有严重的分歧。

    The effects are highly variable from food to food and it is common to encounter serious disagreements between investigators considering the same foods .

  30. 梅尼埃病听力损失程度和类型对短声诱发的SP/AP比值的影响

    Influence of the hearing loss level and auditory sensation curve type on click evoked SP / AP amplitude ratio in Meniere ′ s disease