
  • 网络Equity pledged
  1. 瑕疵股权出质法律效力的范围。

    This is the effect element . Secondly , it involves the scope of the validity of the pledge of defective shares .

  2. 因自身原因导致股权出质登记事项记载错误的,登记机关应当及时予以更正。

    If the registration matters of equity pledge are inaccurate due to its own reason , the Registration Organs shall timely make rectification .

  3. 区分原则强调股权出质登记是股权质权的生效要件而非股权质押合同的生效要件。

    According to the trennungsprinzip , it is-emphasised that registered pledge is essential for the pledge instead of the equity pledge agreement have the validity .

  4. 瑕疵股权出质法律效力主要涉及到三个方面的内容:一、瑕疵股权出质有效性的构成要件,即前提条件和生效要件。

    The validity of the pledge of defective shares mainly involves three aspects : First , it involves the constitution elements of the effectiveness of the pledge of defective shares , that is the precondition and the effect elements .

  5. 近几年,在融资方式上也实现了抵押物由实物资产向商标、知识产权、股权出质等无形资产转变的突破,但是这些突破在解决中小企业融资难问题上并没有达到理想的效果。

    In recent years , financing has achieved a transfer breakthrough from physical assets of collateral to such intangible assets as trademarks , intellectual property , and equity pledge . But the breakthrough did not address the issue of financing for SMEs as desired .

  6. 公司法对股权转让与出质的规定直接影响股权质押合同效力及股权质权的取得。

    It has a direct impact to obtain validity of equity pledge agreement and to obtain pledge that the restrictions of share transfer and pledge by Company law .

  7. 第一部分是对物的效力,股权质押的范围不仅包含出质股权的价值还包括股权的孳息和出质股权的代位物上。

    The first part of the effectiveness of the materials , the scope of equity pledge a quality not only includes the value of equity also includes the equity stake in yield and quality of the material on subrogation .

  8. 股权的权利属性决定了股权出质应受公司法规制。

    Because the nature of stock rights , the equity pledge should be in accordance with company law requirements .

  9. 第二部分指出股权质押中的当事人一般包括股权质权人、出质人和第三人,其中,出质人可以是债务人自己,也可以是债务人以外的第三人。

    Part Two points out that the parties in share right pledge generally include the pledgor , the pawnee and the third party .

  10. 但由于瑕疵出资而引起的瑕疵股权的存在,加上我国相关法律对此还没有明确规定,因此,瑕疵股权出质的法律效力如何值得研究。

    However , as the existence of defective shares caused by defective funding , coupled with Chinese relevant laws have not yet clearly defined it , the validity of the pledge of defective shares is worth to discuss .