
ɡǔ quán rónɡ zī
  • equity financing;equity capital
  1. 上市公司低成本股权融资与金融风险

    Low-cost equity capital financing of listed companies and financial risks

  2. 公司治理与股权融资成本&单一与综合机制的治理效应研究

    Corporate Governance and the Cost of Equity Capital

  3. 基于DEA的高速公路上市公司股权融资效率分析

    Analysis of Equity Financing Efficiency of DEA-Based Expressway Listed Companies

  4. 澳大利亚国民银行(NationalAustraliaBank)上个月融资30亿澳元,而分析师目前预计,随着竞争对手也寻求将一级资本比率提高至8%的关口以上,市场上还会有更多股权融资。

    National Australia Bank last month raised A $ 3bn , and analysts now expect further equity raisings as rivals also seek to boost tier one ratios beyond the 8 per cent mark .

  5. 首先,运用剩余收益折现模型(RIM)计算样本公司的股权融资成本。

    First of all , applied the discounted residual income model ( RIM ) to calculate the cost of equity financing of sample companies .

  6. YL公司的股权融资研究

    Equity Financing Research of YL Company

  7. 指出了在目前网络企业的股权融资方式中存在私幕资本、风险投资、股票上市IPO、衍生风险投资四种可行的股权融资方式。

    It indicates that there are four kinds of feasibility stock-financing mode in the Internet company : Private Placement Capital , Venture Capital , Initial Public Offerings and Derivative Venture Capital .

  8. 第三章从股权融资,OTC市场融资和银行贷款融资的角度研究台湾地区中小企业的融资问题。

    The third chapter chooses the stock financing , OTC market financing and bank financing to study the problem of the Small-medium sized enterprises in Taiwan .

  9. 本文采用PEG模型计算股权融资成本,从及时性、完整性、真实性三方面对内部控制信息披露质量指标评价体系进行了构建。

    In this paper , we use PEG model to calculate the cost of equity financing and build the quality evaluation system of internal control information disclosure from three aspects : timeliness , completeness and authenticity .

  10. 最近一家通过股权融资的公司是美国储蓄及贷款机构washingtonmutual,该公司4月8日宣布,获私人股本公司tpg牵头的投资集团70亿美元注资。

    Washington Mutual became the latest company to raise funds through an equity issue when it announced on the 8 April a $ 7bn capital injection from an investment group led by TPG , the private equity firm .

  11. Uber正展开一轮15亿美元的股权融资,使其估值达到500亿美元左右,该公司计划利用这笔融资向印度和中国投入巨额资金。

    Uber is midway through a $ 1.5bn equity funding round at a valuation of about $ 50bn , which it plans to use to pour resources into India and China .

  12. 如上市公司经理人激励的两难问题、上市公司股权融资偏好之谜、上市公司资本过度利用问题、上市公司控制权转移的补偿机制问题、上市公司MBO之谜等等。

    The riddle of equity financing preference of listed companies ; the capital overuse of listed companies ; the problem of compensation mechanism of control right transfer of listed companies and the riddle of MBO of listed companies etc.

  13. 企业融资结构理论中最具代表性的是M-M理论和啄食顺序理论,我国国有企业的融资结构却与其结论完全相悖,呈现出对股权融资方式的特殊偏好。

    M-M theorem and Pecking Order theory are the two representative modern financing structure theories . But Chinese state-owned enterprises have the opposite financing structure , showing extraordinary preference to equity financing in fact .

  14. 相比股权融资而言,债权融资的平均成本要低,因此可以降低总的融资成本。

    The average cost of debt financing is lower than equity financing .

  15. 企业融资方式,直接融资与间接融资;债务融资与股权融资;

    Internal finance and external finance , the financing mode of enterprise .

  16. 中国上市公司股权融资中的盈余管理研究

    A Study on Earnings Management of Equity Financing in Chinese List Companies

  17. 总结归纳出上市公司股权融资方式的特点。

    Summarized the characteristics of the listed company equity financing .

  18. 融资中常用的两种方式是债权融资和股权融资。

    Debt financing and equity financing are most common methods for financing .

  19. 股权融资与企业治理机制研究

    Research on the Equity Finance and Firm Mechanism of Governance

  20. 基于行为金融学的上市公司股权融资偏好研究

    Research on Equity Financing Preference of Listed Companies Based on Behavioral Finance

  21. 我国高新技术企业私募股权融资研究

    Research on Private Equity Financing for High-tech Enterprises in China

  22. 本文研究中国上市公司的股权融资行为。

    This paper focuses on equity financing by listed companies in China .

  23. 战略竞争、股权融资约束与高负债融资抉择

    Strategic Competition , Equity Financing Constraint and High Leverage

  24. 基于权益不对称下股权融资机制设计

    The Equity Financing Mechanism Design Based on Asymmetry Equity

  25. 我国上市公司非理性股权融资行为研究

    Research on Irrational Behavior of Equity Financing in China ′ s Listed Companies

  26. 其中,外部融资包括债务融资和股权融资。

    Among them , the external financing includes equity financing and debt financing .

  27. 上市公司选择股票增发的时间吗?&中国市场股权融资之谜的一种解释

    On the Timing of Public Offering by Listed Companies in Chinese Stock Market

  28. 股权融资偏好能够带来很大的金融风险。

    Stock financing favor will make the listed companies face great financial risks .

  29. 我国上市公司存在十分强烈的股权融资偏好,学术界一般将其原因归结为股权融资成本偏低。

    The listed companies have strongly equity financing preference .

  30. 文章还提出了上市公司提高股权融资的效率的途径。

    Furthermore , ways to increase efficiency of equity finance are put forward .