
kěn dìnɡ pàn duàn
  • affirmative judgment
  1. 法律也存在着不完善、不周延的情形。肯定判断谓项有时周延,有时不周延难题消解

    The law is not perfect and distribute . Clearing up Distribution of Logic Predicate in Positive Judgment

  2. 行为的犯罪评价可以通过肯定判断与否定判断来具体实现。

    As to an act , people can use an affirmative or negative answer to judge whether it is criminal .

  3. 肯定判断谓项有时周延,有时不周延难题消解两周的时间不够用,我希望把提货时间延长一周。

    Clearing up Distribution of Logic Predicate in Positive Judgment ; Times of two week be not enough . I hope the time set for take delivery of the goods are prolong for another week .

  4. 那你肯定是判断错了那些姑娘被绑架的地方。

    Then those girls weren 't taken from where you think they were taken .

  5. 琼斯说他的火车误点了,领班在没有相反证据之前给予肯定的判断,并且没有因为迟到而减少他的薪金。

    Jones said that his train had been delayed ; the foreman gave him the benefit of the doubt and did not reduce his pay for being late .

  6. 正义是对道德关系和道德行为的价值判断,是一种对符合一定社会或阶级道德要求的言行的肯定价值判断,是衡量个人或社会集团道德状况的主要尺度。

    Justice is a positive value-measurement for moral relationship and behaviors to testify that a certain kind of speech or activity accords with the general social or class morality . Meanwhile , it also is a key yardstick to weigh the moral status of individuals and communities .

  7. 定义则是具有肯定意义的判断。

    Definition is the judgment with the meaning of affirmation .

  8. 社会和谐,作为对人类社会特定存在状态的肯定性价值判断,体现了主体的价值目标与理想追求。

    Social harmony , as the affirmative valuation judgment of the special existence condition of human society , incarnates the value target and idea pursuit of the main body .

  9. 结论左侧额下回在真假词任务判断中的作用,与形素到音素的转换过程无关,而是来源于对肯定和否定判断的不同反应模式。

    Conclusion The results indicate that the processing of left inferior frontal gyrus in judging pseudo words and real words is not related to grapheme-to-phoneme conversion , but rather to making positive versus negative responses in decision making .

  10. 证实被断定是正确的事物;肯定的陈述或判断。

    Something declared to be true ; a positive statement or judgment .

  11. [1]因为,没有一个人被准许审理他自己的案件,因为他的利益肯定会使他的判断发生偏差。

    Because no one is allowed to hear his case because his interest would certainly bias his judgments occurs .

  12. 价值评价是价值主体对客体属性能否和在多大程度上满足自身需要的一种肯定或否定的判断。

    Value evaluation is a positive or negative judgement about whether and how much the nature of object can satisfy the need of subject of value .

  13. 本文叙述了统计学方法在玻璃钢力学性能测试能力比对检验中的应用,通过3个示例以t-检验对结果的一致性进行了肯定或否定的判断。

    This paper describes the use of statistics in the comparative tests on the ability for testing GRP mechanical properties and cites 3 examples to give positive or negative judgement on the agreement of test results by t-test .