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  • Kentucky Fried Chicken
  1. 他在肯德基炸鸡快餐店前面的一场抗议中把自己拘禁在一个笼内。

    He confined herself to a cage during a protest in front of Kentucky Fried Chicken fastfood restaurant .

  2. 你知道吗,哈兰在65岁时用第一张小金额退休金做起来的生意,就是肯德基炸鸡。

    You see that new business Harlan started at age65 with his first small retirement check was Kentucky Fried Chicken .

  3. 指甲油与味好美食品有限公司(McCormick&Company)联合制作,这是一家为肯德基炸鸡制造香料的公司。

    The polish is made in conjunction with McCormick & Company , which produces the spices for KFC 's chicken .

  4. 与往常一样,麦当劳,肯德基炸鸡,或者比萨饼什么的。

    As usual , McDonald 's , Kentucky fried chickens , or some pizzas whatever .

  5. 这位现年29岁的医生来自澳洲悉尼,她从11年前就开始收集肯德基炸鸡桶,至今已经收集了20个左右造型独特的炸鸡桶了。

    The 29-year-old doctor from Sydney , has acquired approximately 20 unique KFC buckets since she began her collection 11 years ago .

  6. 同时,肯德基炸鸡连锁餐馆已经开始制作一系列的新的商业广告,以促销它的新产品&蜜汁无骨烤鸡翅。

    In the meantime , the restaurant chain has begun work on a series of commercials for its new Honey BBQ Boneless Wings .

  7. 周太太说,她是在读大学的时候开始收集肯德基炸鸡桶的,仅仅因为在那个时候这个主意听上去不错,但是很快,收藏炸鸡桶的习惯帮助她结识了她的丈夫乔纳森。

    Mrs Choo said that she began collecting the buckets while still at university , simply because ' it just sounded like a good idea at the time ' , but the habit soon became the means by which she got to know her husband Jonathon .

  8. 肯德基双层炸鸡汉堡-KFCdoubledown:两片多汁的炸鸡夹着芝士和培根

    Cheese and bacon sandwiched between two fillets of juicy fried chicken ;

  9. 伊娃·朗格莉亚在克罗地亚为夫婿&篮球运动员托尼·帕克助威时享用肯德基之炸鸡块。

    Eva Longoria enjoyed some fried chicken as she watched her husband , basketball player Tony Parker , play basketball in Croatia .

  10. 她最喜欢的收藏品是一个限量版的肯德基粉丝炸鸡桶,上面印有200位肯德基粉丝的头像,其中就包括她自己。

    Her favourite is the limited edition KFC fan bucket , which features the faces of 200 fans , including Mrs Choo herself .

  11. 香港——为了方便讨论起见,假设肯德基的炸鸡像广告所说,“令人吮指回味。”

    HONG KONG - Assume , for the sake of argument , that KFC 's fried chicken is , as advertised , " finger lickin " good . "

  12. 虽然加拿大人身边也有诸如“肯德基双层炸鸡汉堡”、“奶油松糕”“甜甜圈汉堡”等美国佳肴*,但他们做梦都想着从美国的饕餮大宴中分到更多的美味。

    While some delicacies like the " KFC double down , " " twinkies , " and the " Krispy Kreme burger " have made their way up * , Canadians dream of more options from the US 's plethora of fine foods .

  13. 据该公司透露,由于买不到火鸡,一所基督教教会学校在东京的肯德基预订了炸鸡。

    According to the company , a representative of a Christian mission school had ordered chicken at a Tokyo KFC as they could not get hold of any turkey .

  14. 中式炸鸡工艺远较美国肯德基的家乡炸鸡工艺复杂而丰富,但长期以来缺少最起码的基本科研资料。

    Compared with the technology of American Kentukey fried chicken , the technology of Chinese fried chicken is rich and complicated , but for a long time we lacked the least basic research materials .

  15. 香港肯德基为了体现自家的炸鸡好吃得让你舔手指,推出了一款指甲油,味道就像肯德基的炸鸡。

    Apparently , seeking to underscore how " finger-lickin ' good " the company 's fried chicken is , KFC 's Hong Kong operation launched nail polish that tastes like KFC fried chicken .

  16. 通过从1974年开始的一场最为成功的广告营销活动,肯德基日本公司将圣诞节时吃肯德基炸鸡套餐,变成了一项全国性的习俗。

    Through one of the most successful advertising campaigns , which started in 1974 , KFC Japan has made eating its chicken meals at Christmas a national custom .