
  1. 婴幼儿家长育儿知识调查及干预措施探讨

    Investigation of infant parents ' rearing knowledge and effect of intervening measures

  2. 家长育儿知识水平对婴幼儿健康影响的研究

    Research of Influence of Infanticulture Knowledge Level of Family Members over the Health of Infants

  3. 目的研究农村新生儿母亲育儿知识状况及影响因素。

    Objective To study on the status and affected factors of knowledge to bring up neonates in mothers in countryside .

  4. 目的探讨家长育儿知识水平对婴幼儿健康的影响。

    Objective To do some research into the influence of infanticulture knowledge level of family members for the health of infants .

  5. 目的:了解农村婴儿抚养者对育儿知识的认知情况,探索有效的干预措施,以提高婴儿抚养者育儿知识水平,促进儿童健康成长。

    OBJECTIVE : To reveal the status of infanticulture knowledge among infant fosterers in the rural areas and provide interventional method so as to promote infant health .

  6. 有些甚至问道,或在匿名评论中写道,“如果你还不是母亲,你是怎么知道这些育儿知识的?”

    Some even asked , or wrote in anonymous comments , " How can you really know all of this if you 're not a parent ? "

  7. 采用随机抽样的方法,在产前门诊随机抽取了160例接受产前检查的孕妇,以了解孕妇掌握育儿知识的情况。

    In order to know the situation about the nursing infant knowledge of pregnant women , 160 pregnant women who have accepted the prenatal examination were investigated by the random sampling .

  8. 结果新生儿母亲育儿知识整体水平仍较低,母亲文化程度、产前检查及产后访视次数对母亲育儿知识水平有明显影响。

    Results The general level of knowledge to bring up neonates in mothers was lower . The maternal cultural level , the frequency of antenatal examination and postnatal visitation affected the level of knowledge significantly .

  9. 认为虽然在一般的群体咨询中应将一切育儿知识交给家长,但对个体儿童时则应考虑他的个体及家庭特点。

    We conclude that while all available knowledge regarding child rearing should be given to parents in group counselling , in dealing with an individual child his individual and family characteristics should be taken into consideration .

  10. 【结论】济南市5岁以下儿童营养健康状况较好,加强农村儿童保健工作,推广科学育儿知识,是济南市下一步儿童保健工作的重点。

    【 Conclusions 】 The status of nutrition and health of children under 5 years old in Jinan was better . The next emphasis of children health care would be to enhance of children health care of rural and extend the knowledge of nutrition .

  11. 医院开展孕产妇育儿营养知识培训的效果评价

    Effectiveness evaluation of train of nutrition knowledge about infant feeding for pregnant and lying-in women in hospital

  12. 广东省母亲育儿营养知识水平的影响因素分析

    Analyses about the Influence Factors of Nutrition Knowledge Level of Feeding Infant for the Mother in Guangdong Province

  13. 孕妇育儿及早教知识水平的研究

    Study on the Nursing Infant and Knowledge Level of Early Education for the Pregnant Women