
  • 网络growing medium;substrate
  1. 漂浮栽培系统收获植物残体作为番茄育苗基质的应用研究

    Plant residues harvested in floating culture system as tomato seedling substrate

  2. 茄子穴盘育苗基质及其育苗效果的研究

    The Study of Plug Seedling Substrate and the Effect on Eggplant Seedling

  3. 石粉在育苗基质pH值调节中的应用研究

    Study about Lime Application in pH Adjustment for Growing Media

  4. 白云石石粉调节育苗基质pH的试验研究

    Dolomite powder adjusting pH of media of seedling nursery

  5. 甜瓜幼苗生长及光合特性与育苗基质pH相关性研究

    Study on Growing Media pH on Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Muskmelon Seedlings

  6. 采用猪粪/玉米秸秆型育苗基质进行茄子穴盘育苗时,除了处理F以外,所有处理的茄子的出苗率均达到80%以上,达到了CK的水平;

    Using pig manure / corn straw media to seedling , emergence rate of all treatments can get to 80 % except for treatment F.

  7. 采用堆沤65%腐熟甘蔗渣+25%膨化珍珠岩+10%煤渣(磨成粉过3mm孔径筛)配制烤烟漂浮育苗基质,能使烤烟较好地出苗、生长和成苗,大田生长发育也优于其他方式育出的烟苗。

    It was desirable for tobacco seedlings to grow in the matrix of 65 % decomposed bagasse + 25 % expanded perlite + 10 % coal silt .

  8. 每立方米育苗基质中竹醋液添加量为500ml,或苗期用200倍竹醋液灌根,对黄瓜苗期生长的促进作用明显。

    Put 500 ml bamboo vinegar into one stere bed media , or irrigated the cucumber with 200 times diluted bamboo vinegar during the seedling phase , could accelerate the cucumber growth obviously .

  9. 其中容重最小的是3基质(0.15g/cm~3),其容重只有对照(15常规育苗基质)的17%,而最大持水量却是对照(15基质)的6倍。

    ( 0.15g / cm3 ) among them , and its weight is 17 % of the contrast , but water-holding capacity is 6 times contrasted ( No. 15 ) . The weight of No.

  10. 育苗基质中氮磷钾养分适用量的筛选

    Selection of N , P , K nutrients in nursery medium

  11. 育苗基质中的氮素营养状况对移栽玉米生长发育和产量的影响

    Maize Growth and Yield as Affected by Nitrogen Level in Nursery Stage

  12. 育苗基质用的有机废弃物腐熟堆沤技术研究进展

    Research Progress on Composting Technology of Organic Waste as Growing Seedlings Media

  13. 花生糠和河砂在烟草漂浮育苗基质中的应用

    Application of Peanut Bran and Sand Medium to Tobacco Float Seedling Production

  14. 制糖废水促进稻壳腐熟用作育苗基质的研究

    Rice-husk Composting as Seedling Medium Boosted By Sugar Refinery Wastewater

  15. 生物固体用作树木容器育苗基质的研究

    Studies on Application of Biosolids as Tree Seedling Container Media

  16. 不同育苗基质对湿地松容器苗生长的影响

    Effect of Different Nursery Substrates on Growth of Container-seedling of Pinus elliottii

  17. 育苗基质对甜瓜幼苗质量的影响研究

    Influence of nursery media on the quality of melon seedlings

  18. 热区几种阔叶树种的育苗基质和容器规格研究

    A Study on Seedling Medium and Container Standard of Several Tropical Hardwood Species

  19. 辣椒育苗基质配方施肥的研究

    A study on Balanced Fertilization for pepper seedling media

  20. 新型育苗基质在烟叶生产中的应用初报

    The Primary Report on Appliance of New Type Medium in Flue-cured Tobacco Production

  21. 替代烤烟漂浮育苗基质中草炭的试验研究Ⅱ基质中有机物料混配比例对烤烟漂浮育苗的影响

    The Influence of Organic Material Mixed Proportion in Substrate to Tobacco Floating System

  22. 不同漂浮育苗基质对烤烟育苗的影响

    Effect of Different Floating System Substrates on Tobacco Seedling

  23. 城市污泥堆肥用作蔬菜育苗基质的孔隙适宜性研究

    Study on Porosity Suitability of Municipal Sludge Compost Used as Vegetable Seedling Substrate

  24. 番茄无土育苗基质配方的研究

    Study on substrate formulation of soilless Seedling Lycopersicum esculentum

  25. 苗龄、育苗基质和∑M菌对早熟番茄的影响

    Effect of Seedling Stage , Nursery Substrate and ∑ M on Early-mature Tomato

  26. 高腐殖酸含量的育苗基质对烟草育苗生长的影响

    Effect of Humic Acid of Media on Tobacco Seedling-growing in Float Tray System

  27. 但传统的容器育苗基质大都以森林腐殖质土、黄心土、火烧土配合有机肥料、树皮粉等为主,重量较重,不便于运输,增加了造林成本,从而限制了容器苗的发展。

    But traditional container seedlings media is inconvenient to transport and increase afforesting cost .

  28. 5个乡土绿化阔叶树种不同育苗基质的当年育苗效应试验

    Seedling Medium Experiment for Five Broad-leaved Tree Species

  29. 不同季节辣椒穴盘育苗基质配比对种苗质量的影响

    Effects of Different Substrate Ratios on Hot Pepper Plug Seedling Quality in Different Seasons

  30. 通过对育苗基质养分供应对番茄幼苗生长的影响的研究。

    The effects of nutrient supply from substrate on growth of tomato seedlings was studied .