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  • 网络Pulmonary system;Lung system
  1. 止咳化痰冲剂治疗肺系病证临床疗效观察

    Clinical Observation of Phlegm-Dissolving and Cough-Stopping Granule in Treating Lung System Diseases

  2. DIP注射液组仅肺系数值比模型组有显著性降低(P0.05),病理损伤无明显改善;

    While only lung index was significantly reduced in DIP injection group compared with the model group ( P0.05 ), and there is no evident improvement in pathologic damages in the former group .

  3. 针刺对急性肺系感染临床退热初探

    Discussion on Acupuncture Alleviating Fever due to Acute Respiratory Tract Infections

  4. 痰是肺系疾病常见的致病因素。

    Phlegm is the common pathogenic factor of lung disease .

  5. 中医肺系病脏腑相关性理论研究

    The Zang and Fu Relativity Theories Study of TCM Pulmonary System Disease

  6. 肺系疾病从脾胃论治的探讨

    Treatment of Pulmonary Diseases by Dealing with Spleen and Stomach

  7. 脾为生痰之源在肺系疾病中的实质研究

    Essential Research on " Pi as the Source of Sputum " in Fei Diseases

  8. 对于肺系疾病的诊断,亦可借助微循环方法进行。

    In practice , microcirculatory observation may be helpful in the diagnosis of pulmonary diseases .

  9. 试论太阳与肺系的关系

    On Taiyang Channel and the Pulmonary System

  10. 升清降浊活血法治疗温病肺系发热的临床研究

    Treatment of pulmonary fever of warm disease with therapy of ascending lucidity , descending turbidity and activating blood

  11. 目的哮喘是小儿时期常见的中医肺系疾病,是一种反复发作的痰鸣气喘疾病。

    Objective Asthma is children period of common pulmonary disease , is a repeated attacks of phlegm sound asthma disease .

  12. 但可以咳嗽这一主症作为轴心来归类肺系病变,称为咳嗽病类。

    But it could be called as cough species according to using the primary symptom cough as a core to classify lung diseases .

  13. 目的观察加味桑白皮汤在重症肺系疾病治疗中对临床症状及血气分析改善的作用。

    Objective : To observe Jiawei Sangbaipi decoction in treating severe pulmonary disease about the effect of clinical symptom and arterial blood analysis .

  14. 肺系虚证的形成与气血津液以及痰瘀均有着密切的联系。

    The lungs system Lung is the formation and deficiency of qi , blood , body fluid and phlegm and blood stasis are closely linked .

  15. 研究目的:哮喘是儿童时期常见的肺系疾病,反复发作、迁延难愈,极大地危害着儿童的健康。

    Research Purposes : Asthma is a common childhood sickness of lungs , it is recurring and hard to be cured . It greatly threat to the health of children .

  16. 中药归经(肺经)理论和肺系方剂配伍规律的解析及在海洋中药研发中的应用

    The Study of Meridian Tropism Theory ( Lung Meridian Tropism ) and Compatibility of Medicines in Lung System Prescription & Its Application in the Study of Traditional Marine Chinese Medicine

  17. 从而对虚证在各类肺系病里的所占比重、虚证主要症状、体征在肺系病的出现频率等的相关性进行观察。

    Thus in various of deficiency of the lung disease proportion , deficiency main symptoms and signs of disease in the lungs the emergence of observing the relevance of frequency and so on .

  18. 肺系虚证与虚证有相似之处,如面色、舌象、脉象等,但在肺系病之虚证的症状体征中,也有肺脏系统的专科特点。

    Pulmonary department deficiency and deficiency similarities , such as the complexion , tongue , pulses in lung disease , but the deficiency of the signs and symptoms , there is also a specialized features .

  19. 这种特征性可以用来指导肺系病的预防、辨证诊治、治疗时机、养生调护,以及对危急症状的提前关注与及时处理。

    This kind of characteristic can be used to guide the lung disease prevention , syndrome differentiation , treatment timing , and health diagnosis of critical symptoms , and regulating the attention and timely treatment in advance .

  20. 以《黄帝内经》常见的鼻鼽、失音、喘病、鼻窒等肺系疾病为示范,对其病名含义考辨研究,展示其演变过程。

    Taking the familiar names of lung disease in the Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor as example , the loss of voice , asthma and stuffy nose is demonstrated , researched the meaning and Shown its evolution process .

  21. 结果化纤方各组及泼尼松组肺系数值明显降低(P<0.01),肺组织病理学显示肺泡炎及肺纤维化程度均明显减轻。

    Results The pulmonary coefficients of the every Hua Xian Fang group and the prednisone group compared with the model group were obviously reduced ( P < 0.01 ) . The histopathological examination markedly reduced alveolitis and pulmonary fibrosis .

  22. 山羊肺淋巴系的研究

    Study on the Lymphatic System of the Lung in Goats

  23. 目的:疏风宣肺汤系导师范伏元教授多年临床治疗慢性咳嗽之经验方,具有疏风宣肺、止咳化痰之功效。

    Objective : Shufengxuanfei Decoction is an effective proved recipe on treating chronic cough in clinical .

  24. 通过试验,筛选出对水貂肠道冠状病毒敏感的貂肺传代细胞系(ML),经胰酶处理后,从6份病貂粪样中分离获得2株冠状病毒。

    Two strains of coronavirus were isolated from 6 fecal samples of infected minks with mink lung cell line ( ML ) cultures .

  25. 自发永生性转化人胚肺上皮细胞系HLEC的建立及鉴定

    Establishment and characterization of a spontaneously immortalized human lung epithelial cell line HLEC

  26. 观察了层粘连蛋白受体单克隆抗体(McB_1)对高转移能力的人肺巨细胞癌系(PG瘤)体外培养细胞生长状态的影响。

    The effects of laminin receptor monoclonal antibodies ( McB1 ) on the cell growth of human pulmonary giant cell carcinoma ( PG ) were investigated in the experiment .

  27. 小鼠乳腺癌细胞系高肺转移亚系(Ca761-P93)的筛选及其生物学特性

    The selection of high pulmonary metastatic substrain ( Ca761-P93 ) from a murine mammary carcinoma cell line and its biological characteristics

  28. 从临床细胞学的观点探讨人肺鳞癌细胞系(LTEP-78)的细胞形态学特征

    Studies on morphology of long-term cultured pulmonary squamous carcinoma cell line ( ltep-78 ) in view of clinical cytology

  29. 方法:人肺上皮细胞系A549细胞分别接种于12孔培养板各孔内,并分别用不同浓度的PAR2激动剂,反PAR2激动剂进行刺激。

    METHODS : A549 cells were cultured in a 12-well culture plate . The challenge was performed by adding various concentrations of PAR-2 agonists or their reverse peptides into each well , respectively .

  30. 早期高原性肺动脉高压系因急性低压低氧引起的肺小动脉收缩;长期慢性低压低氧则引起肺血管及心室肌重构,最终发展为难治性梗阻性肺动脉高压。

    High-altitude environment-induced pulmonary hypertension at its early stage is mainly caused by pulmonary arterial contraction due to hypobaric hypoxia . Long-term hypobaric hypoxia induces the remodeling of the pulmonary vessels and the heart , which finally leads to the incurable and obstructive pulmonary hypertension .