
  1. 介绍了成都中医药大学艾儒棣教授治疗痤疮的经验,认为肺胃热盛是痤疮发生的主要病机。

    To introduce Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 's professor Ai Rudi experience of treating acne . thinks that lung and stomach 's hotness is the main Pathogenesis .

  2. 认为痤疮是一种多因素的疾病,病因病机相对复杂,涉及到多个脏腑,并与情志、环境等因素密切相关,其中又以肺胃热盛致病最为常见。

    That acne is a multi-factor disease , the pathogenesis of acne is relatively complex , involving multiple organs , in addition its occurrence related to emotional and environmental factors and other factors , among which the most common factor is wet and heat .

  3. 急喉痹当从火热论治,其病位在咽,与肺胃关系密切,病因以火热为主,故以寒凉药直折其火,临证分为风热犯肺与肺胃热盛二型辨治。

    Acute TBS involves the pharynx and closely relates with the lung and stomach . It is caused by fire - heat and treated with drug of cold and cool nature , and differentiated as wind - heat involving the lung and heat domination in lung and stomach accordingly .