
fèi wěi xiàn
  • atelectasis
肺萎陷 [fèi wěi xiàn]
  • [collapse of lung] 由于支气管梗阻而引起的,或在腹部手术后反射地发生的肺部无气状态

  1. 全麻后肺萎陷相关影响因素的研究

    The Study of Correlative Effect Factors on Atelectasis after General Anesthesia

  2. 上星期,他因出现肺萎陷而被火速送进医院。

    He was rushed to hospital last week after suffering a collapsed lung .

  3. 此外,NBCA胶比生物蛋白胶能更有效地造成肺萎陷。

    NBCA is more effective than albumin gel in making lung collapse .

  4. 长时低频(<40Hz,60s)电刺激迷走神经可模拟呼吸频率加快、呼气时程缩短的肺萎陷反射。

    Low frequency stimulation ( < 40 Hz , 60 s ) of the central end of vagus nerve caused an increase in respiratory frequency ( f ) and shortening of expiratory duration .

  5. 肺萎陷疗法治疗自发性气胸的可行性探讨

    Lung Collapse Therapy for Spontaneous Pneumothorax : Feasible Discussion

  6. 飞机医疗箱对肺萎陷没有多大用处。

    Aircraft medical kits aren 't much help in dealing with a collapsed lung .

  7. 目的观察吸入纯氧对健康成人肺萎陷形成的影响。

    Objective To investigate the development of absorption atelectasis in healthy adult volunteers breathing 100 % oxygen .

  8. 图示血胸。外伤后,大量出血,充满胸膜腔,使右肺萎陷,并在血性液体中飘浮。

    The right lung is atelectatic and floating in bloody fluid filling the right chest cavity as a consequence of trauma . This is a hemothorax .

  9. 右肺明显萎陷。

    The right lung is markedly atelectatic .

  10. 肺水肿、肺萎陷以及换气功能障碍与肺泡表面活性物质(Pulmonarysurfactant,PS)减少有着密切关系。

    Pneumonedema , alveolar and dysfunction of gas exchange is closely related to the decrease of pulmonary surfactant ( PS ) . Pulmonary hemorrhage and pneumonedema are the significant pathological traits of pulmonary injury in blast injury .

  11. 结论电视胸腔镜手术的麻醉关键是双腔气管导管插管要到位,双肺分隔要确切,患侧肺萎陷要满意。

    Conclusions Anesthesia key of VATS is that double tubes bronchial catheter must be achieved the posture correctly , and we must separate double lung correctly and make the collapse of sick lung correctly ;

  12. 引起肺栓塞动脉低氧血症、呼吸困难的主要原因是肺通气/灌注比例失调及血液右向左分流,而肺水肿、肺泡萎陷、肺不张是其病理生理改变的解剖学基础。

    The main causes of hypoxemia are lung ventilation / perfusion imbalance and right to left shunt , and the anatomy basis of pathological changes are pulmonary edema , alveolus trap and pulmonary atelectasis .