
xì bāo dài xiè
  • cell metabolism;cellular metabolism
  1. 科学期刊《细胞代谢》(CellMetabolism)本期上的两项研究认为答案是否定的。

    Two studies in the current edition of the scientific journal Cell Metabolism suggest the opposite .

  2. 去年5月刊登在《细胞代谢》(CellMetabolism)杂志上的一篇研究论文指出,生物钟的紊乱与体重增加有关系。

    A study in Cell Metabolism last May linked disruptions of the body clock to weight gain .

  3. 用~(31)P磁共振谱对艾氏腹水癌和肉瘤S-180细胞代谢的研究

    Study on the Metabolism in Intact Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Cells and Sarcoma 180 Cells Using  ̄( 31 ) P NMR

  4. Wilson病合并溶血性贫血患者的红细胞代谢及抗氧化物水平

    Erythrocyte metabolism and antioxidant status of patients with Wilson disease with hemolytic anemia

  5. 人参皂甙Rb1对体外软骨细胞代谢的影响

    The effect of ginsenoside Rb1 on in-vitro chondrocyte metabolism

  6. 四氢叶酸(THF)辅酶是生物合成与细胞代谢的过程中一碳单元转移的载体。

    Tetrahydrofolate ( THF ) cofactor is the carrier of one-carbon unit on biosynthesis and cell metabolize .

  7. 因此定性、定量地考察SelenoproteinW的作用,有利于分析其对于骨骼肌细胞代谢的重要意义。

    To investigate the role of selenoprotein W quantitatively and qualitatively is helpful to analysis its important meaning to skeletal muscle metabolism .

  8. ROS被认为是细胞代谢的有毒副产物,可以直接与脂质、蛋白、DNA等分子相互作用,导致组织学改变和功能异常。

    ROS is considered to be the toxic byproduct of cell metabolism , which can directly act with lipids and proteins , DNA molecular etc. , causing histologic changes and dysfunction .

  9. 主要介绍cDNA芯片技术在细胞代谢、环境压力反应、新基因发现、药物筛选等领域的应用。

    This passage mainly introduced the using of cDNA microarrays in the metabolic procedure and the response to environmental stresses , the discovery of new genes and the screen for new drugs .

  10. 目的探讨兔蛛网膜下腔出血后细胞代谢的变化及其与局部脑血流量(rCBF)之间的关系。

    Objective To evaluate the metabolic changes of the brain after SAH and the relationship with regional cerebral flow ( rCBF ) .

  11. 结论5个耐多药相关蛋白中在细胞代谢中起重要作用的酶类表达量上调;ABC转运蛋白在志贺菌诱导耐多药机制中起重要作用。

    Conclusion By mass spectrum analysis of 5 proteins related to multidrug resistance , some important cellular metabolism enzymes expressed highly , ATP binding cassette transporter protein affected seriously the mechanism of shigella flexneri multidrug resistance .

  12. 相反,氟柠檬酸(一种神经胶质细胞代谢酶抑制剂)可以增加条件性恐惧应激反应,而DHEAS可以改善这种作用。

    In contrary , fluorocitrate ( a glia metabolism inhibitor ) enhance the CFS response , the effect being attenuated by DHEAS .

  13. 本研究利用测序方法扫描了调节细胞代谢的糖酵解酶磷酸甘油酸激酶(PGK)和醛缩酶-C(ALD-C)编码基因的全序列,发现了藏鸡特有的多态(SNP);

    We scanned the genome sequence of phosphoglyceric kinase ( PGK ) and aldolase - C ( ALD-C ) for glycolysis enzyme in cell .

  14. 结论1HMRs可在组织细胞代谢水平发现鼻咽癌放疗后急性反应早期的放射性脑损伤。

    Conclusion 1H-MRS can be used to diagnose the radiation-induced injury of the brain in early acute reaction stage after nasopharyngeal carcinoma radiotherapy through reflecting histiocytic metabolism , and provide objective basis for pathology development and cellular metabolism study , also it can provide feasible projects for the clinic .

  15. 结论NAA/Cho+Cr的减少与SAH后的局部脑缺血密切相关,但是较rCBF的下降晚,说明SAH后同时存在细胞代谢和rCBF的变化,并且细胞代谢变化可能是脑血管痉挛的继发反应。

    Conclusion The decrease of NAA / cho + cr was tightly correlated with focal cerebral ischemia after SAH , and later than rCBF . It showes that metabolic change and rCBF exist in SAH , and the metabolic change is the result of cerebral vascular spasm .

  16. 剪切应力对毛细血管内皮细胞代谢的影响

    Effect of shear stress on metabolism by capillary vascular endothelial cells

  17. 低强度压应力对于体外培养的软骨细胞代谢的影响

    Effects of Low Amplitude Compressive Stress on Metabolic Activity in Cultured Chondrocytes

  18. 设对照组30例,采用促进脑细胞代谢、脱水、止惊等常规治疗。

    The other 30 cases were taken as control for common treatment .

  19. 分域模型在细胞代谢动力学中的研究应用

    Research and application of compartment model in the dynamics of cell metabolism

  20. 自噬及其在细胞代谢和疾病中的作用

    Autophagy and Its Roles Played on Cell Metabolism and Diseases

  21. 研究发表在本月的《细胞代谢》杂志。

    The findings were published this month in Cell Metabolism .

  22. 乳糖修饰壳聚糖微载体的制备及对培养肝细胞代谢活性的影响

    The preparation of lactose-modified chitosan microcarriers and the influence for hepatocytes culture

  23. 大骨节病区粮所致大鼠软骨损害的细胞代谢特点

    Biochemical characteristics of rat chondrocyte injury caused by grain from Kaschin-Beck disease area

  24. 槲皮素对氧化应激大鼠肝细胞代谢组的影响

    The protective effects of quercetin on hepatocytes metabolome against oxidative stress in rat

  25. 目的从细胞代谢角度评价深低温保存家兔股动脉的效果。

    Objective To study the effect of Cryop-reserved rabbit femoral artery through metabolic activity .

  26. 神经干细胞代谢参数的测定及其模型研究

    Study of Metabolic Parameters and Modeling of NSCs

  27. 谷氨酸是细胞代谢的重要成分,同时也是一种神经递质。

    Glutamate , an important molecule in cellular metabolism , is also a neurotransmitter .

  28. 一种评价细胞代谢协调的方法

    A Method Appraising Cellular Metabolism Whether Harmony

  29. 植物细胞代谢产物的诱导释放

    Inducing release of metabolites in plant cell

  30. 胶质细胞代谢对新生大鼠离体延髓脑片呼吸节律性放电的影响

    Effect of glial cell metabolism on respiratory rhythmical discharge activity in neonatal rat medulla oblongata slices