
  • 网络Pulmonary surfactant;alveolar surfactant
  1. 固相合成肺表面活性物质蛋白质B的活性作用

    Specific activities of solid - phase synthesized pulmonary surfactant protein B

  2. 结论证实体外循环可明显降低肺表面活性物质的活性,为进一步应用外源性PS治疗体外循环术后的呼吸功能不全提供理论依据。

    Conclusion CPB significantly reduces pulmonary surfactant activity .

  3. 老年大鼠肺表面活性物质相关蛋白CmRNA表达

    Effects of ageing on surfactant protein C mRNA expression

  4. 为研究肺表面活性物质(PS)治疗疗效影响的因素。

    To Study the effective factors of pulmonary surfactant ( PS ) in therapy .

  5. 目的探讨开胸手术对肺表面活性物质(PS)的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of thoracotomy on pulmonary surfactant ( PS ) .

  6. 研究地塞米松对于哮喘豚鼠肺表面活性物质(Pulmonarysurfactant,PS)成分及超微结构的变化的影响。

    To investigate the effects of dexamethasone on pulmonary surfactant ( PS ) component and ultrastructure of asthma guinea-pigs .

  7. 肺表面活性物质(PS)是一种主要由磷脂和特异性蛋白质组成的脂蛋白复合物。

    Pulmonary surfactant ( PS ) is a complex lipoprotein mainly consisting of phospholipids and specific proteins .

  8. CPB术前应用大剂量甲泼尼龙对肺表面活性物质系统有明显的保护作用。

    High-dose methylprednisolone used before CPB can protect pulmonary surfactant .

  9. 外源性肺表面活性物质在ARDS中的治疗作用

    The role of exogenous surfactant in the treatment of ARDS

  10. 人肺表面活性物质相关蛋白A1基因在大肠杆菌中的表达及产物的分离纯化

    Expression and purification of human surfactant protein A 1 in E. Coli

  11. 目的:用肺表面活性物质(PS)治疗肺灌洗兔急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)。

    Aim : Adult rabbits with ARDS were treated by porcine surfactant ( PS ) .

  12. 目的为了提高肺表面活性物质的疗效及减少异性蛋白造成的免疫反应,我们对猪肺组织中的肺表面活性物质蛋白B和C进行了提取及纯化。

    Objective : In order to improve the treatment effect of pulmonary surfactant and avoid the immunity reaction of protein , we isolated and purified the pig pulmonary surfactant .

  13. 目的从人羊水中提取和纯化肺表面活性物质相关蛋白A(SP-A)。

    Objective To isolate and purify pulmonary surfactant-associated protein A ( SP-A ) from human amniotic fluid .

  14. 目的:应用基因工程手段获得重新设计的肺表面活性物质结合蛋白C(SPC)的cDNA克隆。

    Objective : To gain the cDNA clone of redesigned human pulmonary surfactant protein C ( SPC ) gene by genetically engineer .

  15. 目的制备人工肺表面活性物质(APS)作为胰岛素(INS)肺部给药载体。

    OBJECTIVE To prepare artificial pulmonary surfactant ( APS ) as insulin pulmonary delivery agent .

  16. 目的探讨老年大鼠肺表面活性物质相关蛋白C(SP-C)的变化。

    [ Objective ] To observe the expression of surfactant protein C ( SP-C ) in senile rats .

  17. 新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)是由于肺表面活性物质(PS)缺乏和功能障碍造成的。

    A deficiency or a dysfunction of pulmonary surfactant causes the neonatal respiratory distress syndrome ( RDS ) .

  18. 我院从猪肺灌洗液中提取肺表面活性物质(PS),取得成功。

    We have succeeded in isolating pulmonary surfactant ( PS ) from the porcine lung , which is readily available in this country .

  19. 结论:LPS可以引起AT-Ⅱ的损伤,并抑制其合成、分泌肺表面活性物质。

    CONCLUSION : LPS can injure the AT - ⅱ and suppress the secretion of pulmonary surfactants in acute lung injury .

  20. 目的:研究血管活性肠肽(VIP)对肺表面活性物质结合蛋白A(SPA)表达的影响以及VIP调控SPA表达的细胞内信号转导途径。

    Aim : To study the influence of VIP on the expression of SP-A and its intracellular signal transduction pathway .

  21. 肺表面活性物质对COPD大鼠模型基质金属蛋白酶-9及其抑制剂的影响

    Effect of pulmonary surfactant on expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 ( MMP-9 ) and its tissue inhibitor ( TIMP-1 ) in COPD in rats

  22. 肺表面活性物质蛋白质(8P)在肺表面活性物质(PS)的生理功能发挥中起着重要的作用。

    Proteins play an important role in the physiologic function of pulmonary surfactant .

  23. 目的探讨外源性肺表面活性物质(PS)治疗重症胎粪吸入综合征(MAS)患儿的疗效。

    Objective To observe the curative effect of extrinsic pulmonary surfactant ( PS ) on treating intensive meconium aspiration syndrome ( MAS ) .

  24. 目的验证葡聚糖在机体内能否增强肺表面活性物质(PS)对急性肺损伤的疗效。

    Objective To verify whether dextran can improve the efficacy of pulmonary surfactant ( PS ) on pulmonary function in rats with acute lung injury .

  25. 目的探讨联合应用外源性肺表面活性物质(PS)和保护性肺通气策略对新生儿胎粪吸入综合征的治疗效果。

    Objective To assess the efficacy of exogenous pulmonary surfactant ( PS ) combined with protective lung mechanical ventilation on meconium aspiration syndrome ( MAS ) .

  26. 目的:超声雾化吸入肺表面活性物质(PS)治疗兔急性肺损伤时,观察PS肺内吸入量及分布。

    Aim : Acute lung injury ( ALI ) of rabbits was treated by nebulizing exogenous surfactant ( PS ) to observe inspiratory dose and distribution of PS.

  27. 目的研究人肺表面活性物质相关蛋白A1(SPA1)在大肠杆菌中的表达、产物纯化及免疫原性。

    Objective To study the expression and purification of surfactant protein A1 ( SP A1 ) and preliminary analysis of its antigenicity .

  28. 目的:通过动物和临床实验,研究肺表面活性物质(PS)在哮喘发作期对T淋巴细胞活化过程的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of pulmonary surfactant ( PS ) on the activation of T lymphocytes during an asthma attack by animal and clinical experiments .

  29. 目的通过肺表面活性物质(PS)对超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的包裹制备PSSOD脂质体,从而实现SOD向肺组织细胞的靶向转运。

    Objective To make a pulmonary sulfactant ( PS ) - superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) liposome through entrapment of SOD by PS and to transport SOD into lung tissue .

  30. 目的:探讨高压氧(HBO)暴露剂量与肺表面活性物质(PS)活性和肺组织自由基变化的关系。

    Aim : To investigate the relation of different oxygen exposure doses with pulmonary surfactant ( PS ) and free radicals of the lung in rats .