
The measurement of length and location of kidneys in CT scan
Imaging study of position correlation between kidney and colon under supine and prone positions
Methods : 8 cases of ectopic opening of ureter were reviewed . IVU , Ultrasonography , CT and MRU were used to make the preoperative diagnosis and open surgeries were followed .
Method The anatomic observation of the location , shape , length , width and thickness of the aorticorenal ganglia was performed on 75 adult specimens .
After analyzing the location of those three kidney stones at the end of each ride , the researchers concluded that findings support the anecdotal evidence that a ride on a moderate-intensity roller coaster could benefit some patients with small kidney stones , Wartinger said .
Results There was a higher activity of iNOS in Pathological condition , which was main localization in tubular epithelial cell and there were different distributions among the three of NOS isoforms in the kidney .
When the kidney stone was large , the initial position of the kidney stone affected the likelihood of its passing during the ride . But even those passed two in three times while the silicone model rode the thrill ride .
Although extrahepatic portal hypertension ( EHPH ) can be effectively managed by splenorenal shunts ( SRS ), the relatively small caliber of renal vein in child may become a trouble during these operations .