
  • 网络calyx;minor calyx;minor renal calices;Minor calyces
  1. 肾小盏聚集,肾盂腔缩小。

    Aggregation of minor calyces and shrinking of renal pelvis .

  2. 11例VR及MIP同时较好地显示双侧肾小盏、肾盂及输尿管上段。

    The renal calices , renal pelvis of both kidneys and upper ureter could be displayed well by VR and MIP in 11 cases .

  3. 肾外伤后肾小盏与十二指肠相通1例

    One case of the connection of duodenum to calyces renales minores after external trauma to the kidney

  4. CT增强扫描肾髓质密度增高,肾小盏界限模糊。

    On enhanced CT scanning the density of renal medulla increased , the margin of renal calyces became indistinct .