
  • 网络Tubules;nephridium
  1. 在蚯蚓和许多其它无脊椎动物中,这些排泄结构称为肾管。

    In the earthworm and many other invertebrates , these excretory structures are called nephridia .

  2. 初孵仔鱼,肾为一对简单的直肾管,出现未分化的干细胞。

    At hatching , kidney was a paired of pronephric tubules and primordial stem cells were observed .

  3. 除临床材料介绍外,就囊肿的类型来源,包括Nuck氏管囊肿、圆韧带中肾管囊肿、滑膜囊肿、异位妊娠等四种进行了讨论。

    Besides the clinical histories the origin , anatomy , physiology and embryology of the four types of cysts , namely cyst of the Nuck 's tube .

  4. 研究表明,CAVD的发病与囊性纤维化跨膜转运调节物(CFTR)基因突变和中肾管发育缺陷有关。CAVD患者可合并肾发育不全和其他泌尿系统异常。

    The etiology of CAVD is associated with the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator ( CFTR ) gene and defects in the Wolffian duct , and frequently complicated by renal agenesis and other urogenital abnormalities .

  5. 肾管的后隔膜大部分具有分泌作用。

    Most of the post-septal part of the nephridial tube is secretory .

  6. 腹膜后中肾管源性囊肿1例报告

    One Case : Retroperitoneal Cyst Originates From Mesonephric Duct

  7. 【解】无管腺,内分泌腺肾管的后隔膜大部分具有分泌作用。

    Ductless gland Most of the post-septal part of the nephridial tube is secretory .

  8. 通过囊肿位置、上皮形态特征及组织化学特性可区分囊肿来源于副中肾管或中肾管。

    The origination was identified by location , histologic features of lining epithelium and histochemical characteristics .

  9. 体壁的附属物主要包括鳃、疣足、刚毛和肾管等结构。

    The appurtenances of the body wall consisted of gill , parapodia , chaetae and metanephridium .

  10. 罕见病例报道:副中肾管衍生性性腺发育不全的正常女性染色体核型病例

    A rare case of gonadal agenesis with paramesonephric derivatives in a patient with a normal female karyotype

  11. 肾结石指的是,在肾管系统中由于某些物质聚集形成的固体异物。

    Kidney stones are solid accumulations of material that form in the tubal system of the kidney .

  12. 龙虾会从它的第二对触须底部触角腺孔(类似于人类的原肾管)排尿。

    A lobster pees from openings ( nephrophores ) located at the base of its second antennae .

  13. 结果表明,克氏原螯虾触角腺可分为端囊、迷路和肾管三部分。

    The result shows that there are three regions in the antennal gland : coelomosac , labyrinth and nephridial canal .

  14. 鱼苗出膜12天,在其肾管区下方可见有一棒状突起,由上皮细胞构成,为生殖腺原基。

    The primordial gonad , genital fold which composed of epithelial cells formed below the nephridium area 12 days after hatching .

  15. 两中肾管位于两肾叶腹内侧,其上皮间或是假复层柱状上皮,间或是移行上皮。前者含有许多杯状细胞,并可见到顶浆分泌的现象。

    Two mesonephric canals lie in the ventral inner border of the trunk kidney , with epithelium either transitional or pseudostratified ciliated columnar .

  16. 吴氏管中肾管从中肾细管进入尿道,那在许多鱼中也用于精液传送。

    Wolffian duct The mesonephric duct into which urine drains from the mesonephric tubules and which also serves in many fishes for sperm transport .

  17. 利用透射电镜对日本沼虾触角腺的体腔囊、迷路、原肾管和膀胱的超微结构进行了研究。

    The ultrastructures of coelomosac , labyrinth , nephridial canal and bladder in the antennal gland of Macrobrachium nipponense were studied by transmission electron microscopy .

  18. 在中肾管与膀胱相接处,膀胱腔背侧出现一条明显的纵行皱襞,即在其横切面上观为巨绒毛。

    At the connection between mesonephric canal and urinary bladder , the lumen of the bladder has a distinct longitudinal dorsal fold , which appears to be a huge villus in cross-section of the bladder .