
zhàng qì
  • flatulence
胀气[zhàng qì]
  1. 此次展览向人们介绍了人体物理、气味甚至肠胃胀气的声音等各方面知识

    The exhibition delves deep into the physics , aromatics and even the timbre of flatulence .

  2. 就刚才她在Eastbourne仅有的帅哥面前说我有肠胃胀气,还不坏?

    Telling the only cool boy in Eastbourne I have flatulence issues is okay ?

  3. 我不能吃豆子,吃了肚子就胀气。

    I can 't eat beans ─ they give me wind .

  4. 碳酸饮料换成白开水,慢慢咀嚼,服用preandpro生物产品,这样就可以有效改善您的大肠菌群,从而减少腹内胀气。

    Swap fizzy drinks for still drinks , chew slowly and take pre and pro biotic supplements , which will increase your good gut bacteria and lessen the bloating .

  5. 让VideoJug向你展示怎样解决胃肠胀气的问题。

    Let VideoJug show you how to control your gas .

  6. 消化不良(Dyspepsia)是一组表现为持续或反复发作的上腹痛、上腹不适、早饱、饱胀、上腹胀气、恶心等症状的临床征候群。

    Dyspepsia , which is considered to denote episodic or persistent symptoms that include upper abdomen , upper discomfort , upper abdominal fullness , early satiety , bloating , or nausea .

  7. LeAmor退休公寓的总裁透露了她为什么要在这个远离城市喧嚣胀气的宜人乡间建立她耗资1000万美元的养老公司。

    The home 's director is coy about how she secured such a desirable rural location for her $ 10m venture , + away from the city 's downtown smog .

  8. 但TVH组病人术后疼痛少,腹部胀气少,一般术后第一日即能起床活动。

    Patients in the TVH group suffered less postoperative pain and flatulence than those in The TAH group and had earlier ambulation , generally getting up on the first postoperative day .

  9. 婴儿不能喝下足够的牛奶以减轻胀气。

    The baby cannot consume enough milk to relieve the distension .

  10. 失血性休克后解除胃肠胀气方法对比

    The Comparison of Methods for Relieving Gastroenteric Turgor after Hemorrhagic Shock

  11. 引起或产生肠胃胀气的肠胃气胀引起的不适

    Inducing or generating flatulence . feeling of discomfort caused by this

  12. 饮食可以是一个重要因素,在帮助减少胀气。

    Diet can be an important factor in helping to reduce flatulence .

  13. 食用纤维肚子会胀气的问题,特别是豆类和玉米?

    Trouble with wind when eat fibre , especially beans and corn ?

  14. 腹部胀气患者的肠道气体反射控制受损

    Impaired reflex control of intestinal gas transit in patients with abdominal bloating

  15. 感谢收看“怎样治疗胃肠胀气”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Treat Excessive Flatulence .

  16. 试验结果表明:改性大豆低聚糖无胀气现象;

    The modified soybean oligosaccharides don 't have flatulent phenomenon .

  17. 由于这些因素的综合影响,便产生了种种不同的肠胃胀气。

    These variables combine to produce flatulence of varying quality and quantity .

  18. 吃得太快会腹内胀气。

    You get wind when you eat too quickly .

  19. 你忍受他的哥们胀气来自高校。

    You endure his flatulent buddies from college .

  20. 查明是哪些食物让你如此胀气,然后从你的饮食中除掉。

    Figure out what makes you gassy and cut it out of your diet .

  21. 并提出用胀气率区分各组分对胀气的影响程度。

    Flatulence rate is introduced to distinguish the effects of each component on flatulence degree .

  22. 胃肠胀气容易造成很尴尬的局面,不过不要沮丧,有一些办法可以帮助你。

    Excessive flatulence can be embarrassing , but take heart ; there is help available .

  23. 希夫医生:会有胀气吗?

    Dr. Schiff : Any painful gas ?

  24. 大豆低聚糖胀气现象观察

    Observing the flatulent phenomenon of soybean oligosaccharides

  25. 前言:目的:观察排气汤治疗术后肠胀气的疗效。

    Objective : To evaluate the effect of Paiqitang in the treatment of flatus after operation .

  26. 环状软骨加压联合腹部加压预防腹腔镜手术患者胃肠胀气的应用

    Application of preventing flatulence of laparoscopic surgical patients by combination of cricoid pressure and abdominal pressure

  27. 如果您是一般健康的,那么,胀气不应该引起关注。

    If you are generally healthy , then flatulence should not be a cause for concern .

  28. 牛并不是唯一会产生烈性肠胃胀气来危害环境的生物。

    Cattle aren 't the only ones who can harm the environment with their potent flatulence .

  29. 如果你想尝尝胀气时,你的做法,这是为您准备的。

    If you like a dose of flatulence during your practice this is the place for you .

  30. 一些遵循该养生法的人称,结果他们感到精力更充沛,头脑更清醒并且胀气更少了。

    Some followers say they feel more energetic , more clearheaded and less gassy as a result .