
bèi lǒu
  • back basket;pack basket;a basket carried on the back
背篓 [bēi lǒu]
  • [back basket] 有二根肩带可背在背上的篓

  • [a basket carried on the back] 〈方〉∶背在背上运送东西的篓子

背篓[bèi lǒu]
  1. 他们有些人(背上)背着背篓。

    Some of them carried bamboo baskets on their backs .

  2. 我只好恋恋不舍地爬到沟上,把劫后的剩余捡进背篓里。

    I had to be reluctant to get to the bank , put the remained carrots into the basket .

  3. 那位背着孩子的大姐,看到我把镜头对准了她背篓里的孩子,笑得好灿烂;

    Another elder sister , seeing that I was ready to take a picture of her child , began to smile brightly .

  4. 这是不是意味着学习,像老农掰玉米,全装在背篓里就对了吗?

    This means the study , has looked like the old farmer to break off the corn , the full dress in the back-basket right ?

  5. 在通到马利容桥的拱形长巷中,有一个拾破烂的背篓保存得完好无缺,识货的人啧啧称赞。

    Beneath this long , arched drain which terminated at the Arche-Marion , a perfectly preserved rag-picker 's basket excited the admiration of all connoisseurs .

  6. 彭其芳新出版的散文集《背篓秋色》以敏锐的眼力洞察人生,以真诚的投入体验人生,用焕发人性之美和诗性之美的故乡情结浇灌而绽放出永不凋谢的情感花朵。

    The newly-published collection of his works , The Basket and Autumn Scenery shows his insight into life , his sincere experience of life and his feelings towards his hometown .

  7. 革命精神的战云笼罩着街垒顶部,在那里群众的呼声象上帝的声音那样轰鸣着,一种奇异的威严从这巨人的乱石背篓里流露出来。

    The spirit of revolution covered with its cloud this summit where rumbled that voice of the people which resembles the voice of God ; a strange majesty was emitted by this titanic basket of rubbish .