
pēi tāi zhí rù
  • embryo implantation
  1. 孕酮受体(progesteronereceptorPR)基因是核受体超家族成员之一,在介导与调节卵巢排卵、胚胎植入、乳腺发育等生殖生理以及相关生殖健康中起着关键的作用。

    Progesterone receptor ( PR ) is a member of nucleolus-receptor superfamily . PR exert important roles for ovulation , embryo implantation , mammary gland development : and other reproductive process .

  2. 从胚胎植入的早期胎盘开始表达HLA-G一直持续到怀孕期结束。

    The placenta expresses HLA-G from the earliest stages of embryo implantation and the molecule goes away toward the end of pregnancy .

  3. 增加与生物安全相关规定为了保障生物安全,刑法修正案规定了针对将基因编辑、克隆的人类胚胎植入人体或者动物体内等违法行为的处罚,相关违法人员最高刑期可达7年。

    To safeguard biosecurity , the law stipulates penalties for illegally implanting gene-edited or cloned human embryos .

  4. 目的:探索Rh新生儿溶血病和脆性X综合征两种单基因疾病在胚胎植入前的遗传学检测方法。

    Objective : To develop the methods of preimplantation genetic diagnosis for two kinds of monogenic diseases .

  5. 目的:探讨TGFβ2、TGFβ3和TβR-与胚胎植入的关系。

    Objective : To investigate the relationship between TGF β 2 , TGF β 3 , T β R ⅲ and blastocyst implantation .

  6. 斯泰伯格医生提供一种名叫胚胎植入前遗传学诊断(PGD)的技术。

    Dr Steinberg offers a technique called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis ( PGD ) .

  7. 结论不同的男性染色体相互易位携带者减数分裂的分离结果可能不同,对其行精子FISH分析有助于提供更准确的遗传咨询和行胚胎植入前遗传学诊断的预后估计。

    Conclusion For each reciprocal translocation carrier seems to have a particular meiotic segregation results , FISH analysis on sperm head should be done for each carrier in order to provide an accurate genetic counseling .

  8. 于孕8d检查胚胎植入数,同时,取子宫观察内膜的组织学及免疫组织化学变化。

    The numbers of embryo-implantation were examined and the histological and immunohistochemical variances in endometrium were observed .

  9. 当胚胎植入前遗传学诊断(PGD)——通过DNA测试来选择健康的体外受精(IVF)胚胎——也可以达到同样目的时,批评者还质疑基因编辑的必要性。

    Critics also question the need for gene editing when pre-implantation diagnosis ( PGD ) , which selects healthy IVF embryos by a DNA test , can do the job , too .

  10. 各组的胚胎植入率分别为94%、11.5%、21.2%和17.4%,A组与C、D组间差异有显著意义(P0.05)。

    The embryo implantation rates in these four groups were 9.4 % , 11.5 % , 21.2 % and 17.4 % respectively . The difference between group A and group C , group A and the control group was statistically significant ( P0.05 ) .

  11. 结论:确定宫颈粘液中LDH同工酶在月经周期及早孕期间的变化规律性及其差异,将对受孕、胚胎植入、胚胎发育等方面具有一定意义。

    Conclusion : Definited the changes and differences in LDH isozyme pattern in human cervical mucus during menstruation and early pregnancy . There will be significant to find their effects in conception , embryo implantation and embryo development .

  12. 研究内容1.胚胎植入期孕鼠暴露于不同剂量CS2以及胚胎植入期不同时间点暴露于CS2,观察母体毒性和胚胎毒性。

    Mice were exposed CS2 at different dosages of CS2 or at different time-points during the phase of implantation in order to observe the maternal toxicity and embryotoxicity induced by CS2.2 .

  13. CD147参与了许多生殖过程,如子宫内膜的周期性变化、排卵、黄体生成、胚胎植入和分娩等。

    Many studies suggested that CD147 involves in many female reproductive processes such as cyclic changes of human endometria , ovulation , luteinization , implantation , labor and so on .

  14. 胚胎植入期孕鼠暴露于不同剂量CS2以及不同时间点暴露于CS2,单细胞凝胶电泳技术(SCGE)检测脾脏淋巴细胞DNA损伤情况。

    Mice were exposed CS2 at different dosages of CS2 or at different time-points during the phase of implantation in order to detect the DNA damage of lymphocytes in spleens by single cell gel electrophoresis ( SCGE ) . 3 .

  15. 罗伯逊易位携带者胚胎植入前遗传学诊断

    Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for Robertsonian translocation carriers with fluorescence in situ hybridization

  16. 一氧化氮调节胚胎植入的信号通路及其分子机制

    The Signaling Pathway and Molecule Mechanism of Nitric Oxide on Embryo Implantation

  17. 单胺氧化酶与胚胎植入关系的研究进展

    Progress on the Relationship between Monoamine Oxidase and Embryo Implantation

  18. 常染色体显性多囊肾疾病行胚胎植入前遗传学诊断的实验研究

    Experimental research on preimplantation genetic diagnosis for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

  19. 胚胎植入前遗传学诊断在平衡易位携带者中的作用

    The role for preimplantation genetic diagnosis in balanced translocation carriers

  20. Aroclor1254对小鼠胚胎植入的影响

    The Effect of Aroclor 1254 on Embryo Implantation in Mice

  21. 胚胎植入与肿瘤侵袭转移的相似性

    Similarities between embryo implantation and neoplasm invasion and metastasis

  22. 血管生长抑素抑制小鼠胚胎植入的最低有效量及其作用机理

    Minimum effective dose and regulatory mechanism of angiostatin-inhibited embryo implantation in the mouse

  23. 胚胎植入和子宫的蜕膜化反应是哺乳动物妊娠过程中的两个关键事件,很大程度上影响妊娠的成功率。

    Blastocyst implantation and uterine decidualization are two critical events during mammalian pregnancy .

  24. 接受胚胎植入前遗传学诊断患者的护理

    Nursing on Patients with Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis

  25. 罗式易位携带者胚胎植入前遗传学诊断的研究

    Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for Robertsonian Translocation Carrier

  26. 对β-地中海贫血携带者进行胚胎植入前遗传学诊断

    Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for β - thalassemia

  27. 胚胎植入及其分子机制研究进展

    Study of Embryo Implantation and Molecular Mechanisms

  28. 紫草具有终止妊娠的流产效果,但不如抗胚胎植入效果明显。

    Arnebia has abortion effect , but obviously less than the anti-implantation effect . 4 .

  29. 许多凌晨医生说这个方法可能就是胚胎植入失败的原因。

    Many clinicians say this method may be the reason why some embryo transfers fail .

  30. 阻断交感神经对小鼠胚胎植入和子宫局部免疫的影响

    The roles of sympathetic nerve on embryo implantation and local immunity in uterus of mice