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  • Embryo age;【胚】embryonic age
  1. 探讨大胚龄人脑神经干细胞(NeuralStemCells,NSCs)的分离及培养方法。

    To study the isolation and culture of human neural stem cells ( NSCs ) from elder embryonic brain .

  2. 2不同胚龄之间胚性愈伤组织诱导率差异显著(P0.05),13-14d的胚龄是最适培养范围。

    Frequency of embryonic callus induction among different ages of immature embryos had significant difference ( P0.05 ), the best period for embryonic callus induction was 13 - 14d .

  3. 12~14d胚龄的胚具有较高的植株产生率。

    12 to 14 days ' embryo had higher frequency of plant production .

  4. 第6-7d的CAM及其血管覆盖了整个卵黄囊表面,且随着胚龄的增加而增大,毛细血管极其丰富。

    Between days 6 and 7 of incubation , the CAM and its blood vessels cover the entire surface of yolk sac , and capillary become extremely rich along with the embryo age increase .

  5. AQP-4的表达部位在胚龄14d、16d的小鼠为输尿管芽细胞的侧膜和基底膜(侧基底膜),在集合管出现以后则还表达在集合管细胞的侧基底膜。

    It is localized in the basolateral membrane of ureteric buds or collecting ducts .

  6. 发现鸡胚在第8、10、12天胚龄时CAMEC都位于外胚层绒毛膜上皮之下,随胚龄增大,EC逐渐由中胚层移向外胚层。

    We discovered that CAM EC on day 8,10 , and 12 after incubation localized beneath the chorionic ectoderm , but with the age growing , EC gradually migrated toward ectoderm from mesenchyme .

  7. 不同胚龄或脑区来源的NPC星形胶质细胞及神经元分化比例一致。

    Under the same culture conditions , the percentage of differentiated neuron or astrocyte has no difference in the neural progenitor cells from embryonic brains of different age or region .

  8. 授粉90d以上种子可获得较高的萌发能力。胚龄越长种子的萌发率越高。

    The germination capacity is high after 90 d pollination . Germination rate increases with embryo age .

  9. 用乙酰胆碱酯酶组织化学法观察了14、16、18、20d胚龄的鸡海马中乙酰胆碱酯酶阳性神经元的分布和发育。

    With the techniques of Nissl staining and Acetylcholinesterase histochemistry , the hippocampus of 14 , 16,18 , 20 d chick embryo were observed .

  10. 将13~14d胚龄大鼠脊髓腹侧组织块,移植到受体大鼠左侧腰段缺损运动神经元的脊髓背外侧部。

    A small piece of rat spinal cord ventral tissue in embryonic days 13 ~ 14 was transplanted into the dorsolateral portion of host 's rat left lumbar spinal cord depleted motoneurons .

  11. 胚龄为48天的,9%糖浓度处理的比6%糖浓度处理PF值大,但胚转绿比例及成苗率则低,并且胚培苗多表现为畸形;

    The PF value of embryos cultured for 48 days in the medium containing 9 % sugar was found higher that those in 6 % sugar , though fewer embryos were found turning green and most of the embryos became malformation .

  12. 方法应用透射电镜观察小鼠胚龄10、14、18d时肾小球超微结构改变。

    Methods By electron microscope , the ultrastructural changes of glomerulus in mice ( embryonic age : 10,14 and 18 days ) were observed .

  13. 胚龄对小麦盾片组织培养的影响

    The Effect of Age of Immature Embryo Scutella on Wheat Immature Embryo Culture

  14. 结果:①从胚龄16周的新鲜人胚脑中成功分离出神经干细胞。

    RESULTS : ① Neural stem cells were isolated from fresh 16-week-old embryo brain successfully .

  15. 小鼠胚胎后肾移植的胚龄选择

    Selection of mice embryonic metanephroi transplantation

  16. 方法:用放线菌酮处理第15天胚龄鸡胚,建立鸡胚脾脏细胞凋亡模型,用透射电镜进行观察。

    Methods : Injecting cycloheximide to 15 day old chick embryos and were observed under transmission electron microscopy .

  17. 胚龄和激素对小麦幼胚组织培养的影响

    Effect of Age of Immature Embryos and Exogenous Hormones on the Tissue Culture from Immature Embryos of Wheat

  18. 胚龄对小麦×玉米单倍体植株产生的影响

    The Effect of Growth Duration of Embryo from Wheat × Maize Cross on Its Haploid Plantlet Survival Rate

  19. 血管紧张素Ⅱ受体2蛋白表达随着胚龄的增加含量逐渐降低,生后降低明显。

    The expression of angiotensin ⅱ receptor 2 protein decreased gradually with embryonic age and decreased sharply after birth .

  20. 从12胚龄开始,钙含量突然降低,并以递增趋势持续至21胚龄;

    Since the 12th day , the content of Calcium decreased suddenly and lasted to the 21st day by gradual increasing tendency ;

  21. 干细胞组成数天胚龄的晶胚,并有能力生长为体内所有类型的细胞与组织。

    They make up days-old embryos and have the power to give rise to all the cells and tissues in the body .

  22. 作者分别观察了7个胚龄组湖羊的生殖腺的生长发育和分化情况。

    Observations were made on the differentiation and development of genital gland , taken from 7 groups of different prenatal stages of Hu Sheep .

  23. 结果表明,胚龄不同,用于杏胚培养的最佳培养基也不同。

    The result showed that all of tested medium were suitable to different embryonic age , but there was a best one in each age .

  24. 对不同胚龄(2,4和多细胞期)的小鼠胚胎的一步性冷冻保存效果做了实验比较。

    The present study was carried out to compare the effect of one-step freezing of mouse embryos at different stages ( 2 - , 4-and multi-cell ) .

  25. 以人类药物流产的早期胚胎为材料,根据多项判断胚龄的标准,准确估测其实际胚龄并观察心脏早期胚胎发育过程;

    Based on several quotas of determining embryonic age , we estimated the actual age of medical abortive embryos and observed the development of early embryonic heart .

  26. 方法用胚龄为13~14d的小鼠胚胎分离原代成纤维细胞,制成饲养层,用于囊胚的培养。

    Methods Mouse embryos of 13-14 days were for the cultivation of primary mouse embryo fibroblasts ( PMEF ) which turned to be a feeder layer for blastocysts .

  27. 结果表明:白及种子萌发率与其胚龄及有胚率成正相关,萌发时间则与胚龄及有胚率成负相关;

    The results showed that the germination rate was positively correlated with the embryo age and the embryo rate of seeds , whereas the germination time was passively correlated with them .

  28. 目的观察不同胚龄的大鼠和小鼠的后肾植入同种异体远交系成年宿主体内后的生长变化,探讨胚胎后肾移植的最佳胚龄及血管起源。

    Objective To observe the development of different age transplanted embryonic metanephroi from rat or mouse into an adult to investigate the best embryonic age and angiogenesis in the embryonic metanephroi transplantation .

  29. 荷包牡丹碱对受低强度训练的小鸡的记忆形成的影响方法:用放线菌酮处理第15天胚龄鸡胚,建立鸡胚脾脏细胞凋亡模型,用透射电镜进行观察。

    EFFECTS OF BICUCULLINE ON MEMORY FORMATION IN THE DAY - OLD CHICK FOLLOWING WEAKLY REINFORCED TRAINING Methods : Injecting cycloheximide to 15 day old chick embryos and were observed under transmission electron microscopy .

  30. 随着白芨胚龄增大,胚成熟度不断增加,有胚率和萌发率逐渐提高,种子萌发时间逐渐变短。

    With the increasing age of Bletilla Striata embryo , the maturity of embryo was enhanced , and the rate of albuminous seed and the sprouting rate of seed increased , while the sprouting time began to shorten .