
  • 网络RCA Victor Company
  1. 胜利公司技术实力雄厚,因此一直在同行业中处于领先地位。

    Victory company has a strong technical staff , and lead by large margin in this industry .

  2. 胜利公司专业生产工业用门类,主要使用于室内、室外、冷库、装卸货台、物流通道及需要温度控制、噪音控制、卫生控制的环境,满足现代化工业特殊需求。

    Victory company specializes in manufacturing doors and gates used in various industries , such as indoor , outdoor , refrigerating room , cargo platform , logistic passage and places requiring temperature control , noise control , hygiene control , meeting the specific needs of modern industry .

  3. 胜利物探公司竞争分析与对策研究

    The Competition Analysis and Countermeasure Research of SGC

  4. 本文就胜利物探公司的市场竞争分析与对策进行初步研究。

    This paper steps first research on market competition analysis and countermeasure of SGC .

  5. 杰克·韦尔奇曾经说过任何想依靠竞争取得胜利的公司都必须设法使每个员工敬业。

    Jack Welch once said " any company which want to win rely on competition , must try to make everyone engagement " .

  6. 胜利油田分公司胜利采油厂绿色作业QC小组。

    QC Group of Green Operation , Shengli Oil Production Plant , Shengli Oilfield Sub-Company .

  7. 为提高供水水质,节约反冲洗用水量,胜利油田供水公司辛安水厂将虹吸滤池改造为气水反冲洗V型滤池。

    In order to improve drinking water quality and minimize water consumption during backwashing , the siphon filter was modified to V-shape air-water backwashing filter in Xin ' an Waterworks of Water Supply Corporation in Shengli Oil Field .

  8. 要赢得中国市场的胜利,ABC公司HM分公司需要研究行业的发展状况和中国医院用户的需求,从而制定出符合实际的市场营销方案。

    To win in this market , ABC HM company have to analyze and assess the industry , discovery China end-user needs and make a realistic and effective marketing solution for China market .

  9. 不幸的是,这一科学领域的胜利并未给公司赢得丰厚的收入,2002年,Venter博士被公司解雇。

    Unfortunately , this scientific triumph did not produce much in the way of revenue and Dr Venter was sacked from the firm in2002 .

  10. 胜利油田测井公司开发研制出一种114mm大孔径高孔密防砂射孔器,能在射孔的同时起到防砂的作用。

    To solve this problem , Shengli Logging Company has developed a 114 mm big hole & high perforating density and sand control perforator .

  11. 由洛阳石油化工工程公司工程研究院开发的LDS-S1催化裂化汽油降硫助剂在中国石化胜利油田有限公司石油化工总厂得到了成功应用。

    LDS-S1 sulfur reduction additive developed by Research Institute of Petrochemical Engineering Technology of LPEC has been successfully applied in Petrochemical Factory of Shengli Oilfield Company Ltd.

  12. 胜利油田测井公司KM-11、KM-12刻度井的启用,对确保水泥胶结测井评价的精度和准确性具有较好的效果。

    It is proved that the logging applications of the KM-11 and KM-12 calibration wells of Shengli Logging Company in Shen-gli Oilfield have shown better effect .

  13. 刍议胜利油田存续公司改制中的产权改革

    Reforming of Property Rights in Remained Companies of Shengli Oil Field

  14. 为减少原油长输管道的漏油损失,胜利油田有限公司临盘采油厂和天津大学协作研制成原油管道泄漏检测系统。

    To reduce crude loss in oil pipeline , a leak hunting system is developed .

  15. 当意大利队在上届世界杯取得胜利,耐克公司要求创造一个这样的活动,以庆祝胜利。

    When Italy won the last world cup , Nike asked us to create a campaign to celebrate such victory .

  16. 江汉油田与胜利油田测井公司合作研制了一种便携式生产测井地面系统。

    A kind of portable production logging surface system has been made by Jianghan Oilfield and the well logging company of Shengli Oilfield .

  17. 面对华为取得的业务胜利,这些公司更加强有力地维持现有合同,这也间接地造成诺基亚的业绩下滑。诺基亚亚太地区当季收入较去年同期下滑37%,拉美地区收入下滑27%。

    These losses could be collateral damage as those companies fight even more strongly to keep existing contracts in the face of business wins by Huawei .

  18. 胜利油田分公司采油厂使用的原腐蚀监测装置存在挤坏试片、密封可靠性差等问题。

    The existing corrosion monitoring device used in the production plant of Shengli Oil Field Company was poor in seal reliability and damaging to test coupons .

  19. 为了在激烈的竞争中取得胜利,维护公司利益,实现相关目标,上市公司会利用各种机会采取各种措施进行盈余管理。

    In order to win , maintain company interests and realize relevant target , listed companies will use every opportunity and take various measures to manage earnings .

  20. 室内试验和胜利油田有限公司草桥区块油田CN8-3注汽井的现场测试表明,可一次测量出整个井筒的温度剖面,整套测量设备操作安全可靠,测量误差达到设计要求。

    Lab test and field test show that the system can be used to measure reliably and safely the temperature profile of the whole wellbore once with reasonable error .

  21. 第二部分对胜利油田分公司会计人员的现状做了分析,并指出了进行分公司会计人员能力框架研究的现实意义。

    The second part will analyzed the current situation of accountant in the Shengli Oil Field Affiliate Company and point out the importance to make a research on the competency framework of accountant .

  22. 去年,此案被法院驳回,迪斯尼公司取得暂时的胜利。但是公司警告投资者,如果最终输了官司,公司会陷入泥潭,因为要支付几百万美元的赔偿金。

    The company won a dismissal of the lawsuit last year but had warned investors that it could be on the hook for " hundreds of millions " of dollars if it eventually loses the case .

  23. 将电化学-超声化学技术用于中国石化胜利油田有限公司含油污水的处理,结果表明经处理后水质达到油田回注水标准和一级排放标准。

    After commercial application of electrochemical-ultrasonic-chemical combination process in the oily waste water treatment in SINOPEC Shengli Oil Field , the treated discharge water has met the Class I specifications as well as recovered water specifications .

  24. 本文结合胜利油田存续公司经营多元化现状,以交易成本理论、公司治理理论、代理理论等为理论基础,运用胜利油田年鉴和相关统计和问卷调查资料的数据,探讨了国有存续公司经营多元化问题。

    In the paper , taking the transaction cost theory , corporate governance theory and agency theory as the theoretical basis , the problem of firm diversification in survival companies of Shengli Oilfield was investigated using the Yearbook of Shengli Oilfield and the related statistics and survey data .

  25. 羸得决定性的胜利;羸得公司的控制权。

    Gained a decisive victory ; gained control of the company .

  26. 他们在努力争取胜利。他在公司里争权夺利。

    They are striving to win . He struggles for power and money in the firm .

  27. 知识经济体制下胜利油田物华公司人力资源管理及问题对策研究

    Investigation of Manpower Resource Management and Problem Countermeasure for Wuhua Co. Shengli Oil Field under Knowledge Economy

  28. 至抗战胜利前夕,民生公司已成为旧中国最大的民族资本集团之一,与战时后方众多民营企业经营不景气或破产倒闭的情形形成了鲜明的对比。

    Thus , it made a striking comparison against the bad management or the bankruptcy of many private enterprises in the rear during the war time .

  29. 胜利国际集团有限公司,成立于1999年,是一家专门致力于全世界农产品以及精细化工产品配售、房地产、零售业以及机械制造的集团公司。

    Wins international holdings limited is a leading manufacturer of pesticides and fine chemicals , and also is active in real estates , retail trade and machine manufacturing .

  30. 尽管云计算取得了市场的胜利,来自麦肯锡公司的研究表明试图采用云模式对于大多数大公司来说都是赔钱的买卖

    While cloud computing is a marketing triumph , new research from McKinsey & Company asserts that trying to adopt the cloud model would be a money-losing mistake for most large corporations