
yān zhi yú
  • mullet
  1. 饥饿的旗鱼转向我的假饵,判断这是不是除了胭脂鱼以外最可口的食物,然后就一口把它吞了下去。

    The hungry sailfish turned to my fly , decided it was the next best thing to a fresh mullet , and inhaled it .

  2. 如果有人不知道什么是胭脂鱼发型,那么他所接受的教育就绝对是不全面的,我得把你的学费给要回来。

    If anyone here doesn 't know what a mullet is by the way , your education 's certainly not complete . I 'd ask for your money back .

  3. 实验结果表明,不同摄食水平对胭脂鱼的生长性能,饲料利用率,营养积存,体组成和对饲料干物质、蛋白质和能量的表观消化率都有显著性影响(P0.05)。

    The results showed that growth performance , feed utilization , nutrient deposition , body composition , and ADCs of dry matter , protein , and energy were significantly ( P0.05 ) affected by feeding levels .

  4. 用水平淀粉凝胶电泳对290尾Moxostoma属3个种的胭脂鱼进行了磷酸葡萄糖异构酶(PGI)的研究,得到10种电泳表现型(Phenotype),由A与B两个位点控制。

    By using horizontal starch gel electrophoresis , 290 specimens of genus Moxostoma are examined for phosphoglucose isomerase ( PGI ) . There are 10 different phenotypes in genus Moxostoma . The patterns show either 3,4,5 , or 7 bands .

  5. 没错,我在80年代确实留过胭脂鱼发型。

    Yes , I had a mullet in the 80s .

  6. 饥饿处理组胭脂鱼幼鱼存活率最低。

    Survival was the lowest for the starvation group .

  7. 胭脂鱼弹状病毒包涵体在培养细胞中的形成

    Formation Process of Inclusion Bodies of the Chinese Sucker Rhabdovirus in an Infected Fish Cell Line

  8. 通过两个生长试验,确定了胭脂鱼幼鱼对赖氨酸和蛋氨酸的最适需要量。

    Two growth trials were conducted to investigate the lysine and methionine requirements for juvenile Chinese sucker ( Myxocyprinus asiaticus ) .

  9. 造成胭脂鱼资源下降的原因主要与其自身繁殖力低,发育时间长,以及过度捕捞和水域污染等因素有关。

    The reasons accountable for the decline of the fish resources are due to the low reproduction capacity and the long development time of the fish , overfishing and water pollution .

  10. 由于人类活动的影响,中国胭脂鱼已被列为国家二级野生保护动物,濒危等级:易危。

    The wild fish source was greatly damaged due to over-harvesting and other human activities , to date the Chinese sucker has been an endangered species and has been listed in the second class of preserved animals in China .