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kuà gǔ
  • hipbone;innominate bone
胯骨 [kuà gǔ]
  • [hipbone] 髋骨的通称

胯骨[kuà gǔ]
  1. Stryker公司成长的最大动力源泉是它的膝盖和胯骨植入物买卖。

    Stryker 's biggest growth engine is its knee-and hip-implant business .

  2. 上世纪80年代,连体泳衣开衩很大胆(想想简・方达(JaneFonda)做有氧体操的样子),但现在收敛了很多,只到胯骨下方。

    In the 1980s , the suits were cut daringly high ( think : Jane Fonda aerobicizing ) , but they now land at a more modest point just under the hipbone .

  3. 一边走一边踢腿,胯骨轴的确还有点发酸!

    He walked along , gently kicking ; his loins really did ache !

  4. 闭上双眼,将意念放在胯骨和腰部。

    Closing your eyes remain focused on the hip joints and the waist zone .

  5. 腰死板,他的胯骨便非活动不可;脚几乎是拉拉在地上,加紧的往前扭。

    This meant that he had to move his hips more rigorously , while his feet just cleared the ground , twisting rapidly forward .