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  • carpal bone;carpus
腕骨 [wàn gǔ]
  • [carpus] 构成手腕的骨头。人类的腕骨包括:与桡骨相连的近侧列的舟骨、月骨、三角骨、豌豆骨,以及与掌骨相连的远侧列的大多角骨、小多角骨、头状骨、钩骨

  1. 前肢从腕骨或略高一些的地方,到足爪。

    On the forelegs from the carpus , or a little above , downward to the toes ;

  2. 目的探讨经舟状骨骨折月骨周围腕骨脱位的损伤病理变化和诊断的关系。

    Objective To probe the relationship between the injury pathological change and diagnosis of tans scaphoid perilunar dislocations of carpus .

  3. 不同应力刺激对腕骨结构影响的CT图像分析

    A CT Imaging Study on the Effect of Different Stress Stimulation on the Carpal Structure

  4. 结论腕关节相邻韧带多形成“V”结构,起着稳定腕骨和腕关节作用。

    Conclusion Adjacent wrist ligaments oriented in many V-shaped configurations , which maintain the steadiness of wrist and carpal bones .

  5. 第6周时,第一组动物观察到明显的腕骨塌陷(腕掌指数减小4.9%±1.9%,P0.05)。

    Significant carpal collapse ( a 4.9 % ± 1.9 % reduction in the carpometacarpal index , P0.05 ) was observed in the group-one animals at six-week time-point .

  6. 目的探讨腕高率对判断RA腕骨塌陷的临床意义。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical significance of judgement about rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) carpal subsidence by carpal height ratio ( CHR ) .

  7. 工作肌群MF下降幅度,由大到小依次为肱三头肌>肱二头肌>前腕骨肌。

    MF 's dissension extent for working muscles tapered off as triceps muscle , biceps muscle , and brachioradialis muscle .

  8. 基于活体上的研究主要应用CT扫描图像进行骨的三维重建及先进的配准技术来分析腕骨运动学。

    On the other hand , information about the 3 dimensional movements of the carpal bones in vitro was obtained in studies reconstructing the geometry of the bones from computed tomography ( CT ) and using the advanced matching techniques .

  9. 肱三头肌、肱二头肌和前腕骨肌的表面肌电图的MF变化与血乳酸浓度变化相互比较,10%、30%和50%MVC三种运动形式都表现出了非常明显的相关性。

    The comparative analysis indicated that changes of MF and changes of blood lactate content have correlated with each other significantly in 10 % , 30 % and 50 % MVC .

  10. 《中国人手腕骨发育标准&中华05》RUS-CHN法在当代少年运动员中的应用

    Application of to Estimate the Skeletal Maturity of Young Athletes by RUS-CHN Method

  11. 射频皱缩在腕骨间韧带损伤和TFCC损伤中的应用

    Application of Arthroscopic Thermal Shrinkage for Treatment of Partial Intercarpal Interosseous Ligament Injuries Combined with TFCC Injuries

  12. 结论当代少年运动员表现出了生长发育加速的长期趋势,《中国人手腕骨发育标准-中华05》RUS-CHN法更适用于当代少年运动员。

    Conclusions Due to the secular trend of accelerated growth and development in young athletes , the RUS-CHN method of are more suitable for them .

  13. 结论TW系统3种腕骨骨龄对于IPP女孩都有诊断价值,TW3法和TW2法中国人南方标准诊断价值比较高,TW2法英国人标准的诊断价值为中等。

    Conclusion Our data indicate that all of the three methods for estimation of the carpal bone age are useful in diagnosis of IPP.TW2CH and TW3 methods appear to be superior to TW2 method .

  14. 方法:选择7~14岁健康女童282名,拍摄左手腕骨片及X线头颅侧位定位片,并进行骨龄评定(采用CHN法)、X线头影测量分析,采用百分位数法进行统计学分析。

    Methods : The hand wrist radiographs of 282 chinese girls aged 7 to 14 years old were analysed by CHN scoring method to assess their skeletal age . Furthermore , their lateral cephalometric films were taken and analysed with percentile method .

  15. 正常人腕骨三维运动学研究方法

    The method of three - dimentional study of normal carpal kinematics

  16. 月骨摘除及豆状骨植入腕骨的应力研究

    Biomechanical study of carpal bones after lunate excision and pisiform implantation

  17. 部分腕骨融合术治疗腕部疾患进展

    Progress of treatment of wrist disorder by limited intercarpal arthrodesis

  18. 近排腕骨切除加骨间掌、背侧神经切断治疗退行性腕关节炎

    Treatment of wrist osteoarthritis by proximal row carpectomy and denervation

  19. 正常腕骨三维运动学的在体实验研究

    The in Vivo Study of Three-dimentional Kinematics of Carpal Bones

  20. 部分腕骨融合术对腕关节生物力学影响的实验研究

    Experimental study of the biomechanical impact of limited intercarpal arthrodesis on the wrist

  21. 腕骨角的X线测量及其临床意义

    Roentgenometry of the carpal angle and its clinical significance

  22. 主要的职业病是腕骨综合症。

    The main occupational hazard is carpal tunnel syndrome .

  23. 下颌尖牙牙龄与腕骨骨龄的关系

    Relationships between mandibular canine calcification stages and skeletal maturity

  24. 加速的在他加速恢复的过程中,他的旋转腕骨也受了伤。

    accelerated He also hurt his rotator cuff in his accelerated recovery effort .

  25. 血清T4及骨龄(腕骨)、血清铜均正常。

    T_4 , bone age ( wrist ) and serum copper content were normal .

  26. 典型的骨折常发生在髋骨,脊柱和腕骨。

    These fractures , occur typically in the hip , spine , and wrist .

  27. 腕骨发育的X线解剖观察

    Radiographic Anatomy of the Development in the Carpale

  28. 目的比较腕骨和跗骨骨折的影像学检查方法。

    Objective To compare the imaging examination method of carpal bone and tarsal bone fracture .

  29. 局限性腕骨融合术新型内固定方式的探讨&四角腕骨融合器

    Approach of new fixation of carpal bones for limited intercarpal arthrodesis & four-corner arthrodesis apparatus

  30. 腕骨运动学的研究现状

    The current research of normal carpal kinematics