
  • 网络energy consumption index
  1. 综合能耗指标、可再生能源利用指标。

    Senior indexes include comprehensive energy consumption index and renewable energy index .

  2. 钢铁企业产品能耗指标体系的研究

    Investigations on energy consumption index system of iron and steel enterprise products

  3. 利用空调能耗指标CEC,对住宅空调方式进行了能耗评价。

    By means of the index of energy consumption & CEC , evaluates each of the air conditioning schemes .

  4. 本文还根据目前电梯系统设计趋势,对能耗指标和PWM脉冲对电机绝缘冲击两个实际问题进行了重点分析。

    The paper also analyzes energy consumption indicators and the impact of the PWM pulse for the motor insulation issues based on the current trend of elevator system design .

  5. 不同的列车运行曲线,对应的速度防护指标、准时性指标、精确停车指标、舒适性指标和能耗指标也不尽相同,所以在列车运行自动控制系统中非常有必要对ATO速度曲线进行优化。

    Different train operating curve , corresponding to the speed of protection indicators , punctuality indicators , precise parking indicator , comfort indicators and energy consumption indicators are not the same . It is necessary to optimize the ATO speed curve in Automatic Train Control system .

  6. 分析能耗指标与标杆企业的差距及主要原因;

    Analyses the gaps and main reasons of the benchmark enterprise ;

  7. 提高增值能力的生产工序鞍钢轧钢工序能耗指标的差距与潜力

    Disparity and Potentiality on Energy Consumption Index of AISC Rolling Process

  8. 确定长江流域供暖空调能耗指标的边界条件

    Conditions for determining the energy consumption standard in the Changjiang River Basin

  9. 家用电冰箱耗电量值应由其它能耗指标来取代

    Replacement of the Energy Consumption Value for Household - Refrigerator by Others

  10. 中国铝业河南分公司主要能耗指标分析

    Analysing main energy consumption in china aluminium industry henan branch

  11. 纤维板生产能耗指标的确定及节能措施

    The definition of fiberboard production energy consumption index and energy saving measures

  12. 基于能耗指标的拟人机器人步态优化与分析

    Optimization and Analysis for Gait of Humanoid Robot Based on Energy Consumption Index

  13. 玻璃熔窑能耗指标的设计

    Setting up target of energy consumption of glass furnace

  14. 关于统一冶金矿山采矿工序能耗指标的看法

    Views on unifying the energy consumption index of mining operations in metal mines

  15. 交流提升机能耗指标分析

    Analysis on the Energy Expenditure Index of AC Hoist

  16. 公共机构建筑能耗指标的多因素影响评价

    Multi-Factors Evaluation on Building Energy Consumption of Public Institution

  17. 能耗指标对企业经济效益的影响

    Effect of energy consumption index on economic efficient

  18. 基于变工况运行的泵能耗指标计算方法

    Method to calculate the energy consumption index of pump operation under variable working conditions

  19. 节能建筑中热桥对供暖负荷和能耗指标的影响

    Influence of thermal bridges on heating loads and energy consumption indexes for energy-saving buildings

  20. 系统的能耗指标以资源或服务使用成本的形式反映给用户。

    Energy index of systems influence users in the way of resource or service usage cost .

  21. 西安既有居住建筑热工能耗指标测试与模拟

    Measurements & Simulation on Thermal Performance and Energy Consumption Indices in Existing Residential Buildings in Xi'an

  22. 钢铁企业能耗指标体系中引入价值量的建议

    Suggestion for introducing the magnitude of value into energy consumption index system of iron and steel enterprise

  23. 长江船舶主要耗能设备的能耗指标及节能投资的经济标准

    Energy Consuming Indexes of Ships on the Changjiang River and Economic Criteria of Investment for Energy Saving

  24. 目前定价机制普遍缺少精确的数学模型,且很少与能耗指标相关联。

    Currently the existing pricing schemes lack the accurate mathematical model and are rarely related with energy consumption .

  25. 建筑节能设计中围护结构的设计和能耗指标的计算非常重要。

    It is important that the buildings envelop thermal design and energy consume value calculation in building energy design .

  26. 同时给出了各能耗指标间的数学关系及节能难度指数。

    The mathematic relation of indexes of energy consumption and the difficult index of saving energy were presented simultaneity .

  27. 目前对于建筑性能的评价,尤其是公共建筑,多采用能耗指标。

    At present , energy consumption indexs are usually used to evaluate building performance , especially in public buildings .

  28. 国家对公共建筑节能工作很重视,制定了一系列的公共建筑节能标准,这些节能标准也成为公共建筑空调系统能耗指标的基本框架与主要根据。

    These standards become the main framework and significant basis of air-conditioning system energy consumption indexes of public buildings .

  29. 许多国家和地区都对居住建筑和公共建筑的能耗指标提出了明确的要求。

    Many countries and areas have given their specific requirements on energy consumption value of residential and commercial buildings .

  30. 将评定指标设定为技术性能指标、经济性能指标和喷洒装备的能耗指标。

    The evaluation is set based on the technical performance indicators , economic performance and spraying equipment energy consumption index .