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  • energy-level diagram;energy diagram;level scheme
  1. 本文用群重迭积分构成了AH3分子的轨道能级图和结构相关图。

    The molecular orbital energy diagram and the structure correlogram of the AH_3molecules are constructed by using group overlap integral .

  2. 对用光谱项作碱金属原子能级图的探讨

    The investigation on making atomic energy diagram of base metal using spectroscopic term

  3. 这是H2的能级图。

    This is the energy level diagram of H2 .

  4. 在~(65)Ga与~(67)Ga中,给出了这两种核的新的能级图,观测到集体性很强的带结构。

    In ~ ( 65 ) Ga and ~ ( 67 ) Ga a few band structures with strong collectivity were observed and the new level schemes were given .

  5. 就是建立一个能级图。

    We are going to set up an energy level diagram .

  6. 我要为分子制作能级图。

    I want to do energy level diagrams for molecules .

  7. 三原子分子和更大的分子的能级图比较复杂。

    Triatomic and larger molecules have more complex energy-level diagrams .

  8. 开放有序,保护适度;双光子过程的能级图和时序图

    The Energy Level Diagrams and the Time - ordered Graphs for Two-photon Processes

  9. 这些原子的能级图最为简单。

    These atoms have the simplest energy level schemes .

  10. 我准备再次贴起,这个能级图。

    And I am going to put up this energy level diagram again .

  11. 能级图与原子的电子构型

    Atomic - Orbital Energies and Atomic Electron Configuration

  12. 质子自由能级图研究

    A Study of the proton-free Energy Levels Diagram

  13. 核外电子排布与近似能级图

    Arrangement of Extranuclear Electrons and Approximate Energy-level Diagrams

  14. 能级图能帮助我们,理解电子填充,和键强的关系。

    This energy level diagram helps us understand the relationship between electron filling and bond strength .

  15. 让我们从这个能级图,来看看怎么得到这个结果的。

    So , let 's look at where this comes from with an energy level diagram here .

  16. 我们就准备使用它,来建立一些能级图。

    And so we are going to use that in order to construct some energy level diagrams .

  17. 我想问你,看看这种能级图,如何证实我们知道的是正确的。

    I would ask you to see how such energy level diagrams rationalize what we know to be true .

  18. 所以我写出了它们的电子排布,并画成了能级图的形式,这样我们就可以好好想一想,这个问题发生的原因。

    So I put the electron configurations and actually drew it on an energy diagram here , so we can actually think about why this might be happening .

  19. 你从直接看,能级图中会发现,分子比单个的,原子能量更低。

    And what you can see directly from looking at this energy level diagram , is that the molecule that we have is now more stable in the individual atoms .

  20. 那么,仅仅通过观察这些电子的位置,在能级图上如何填充,我们应该就可以看出一点端倪。

    So , just looking at putting in the electrons , filling up the energy diagram here , we should be able to see a little bit why this is happening .

  21. 得到了Tm3+离子在BaY2F8中的能级图,解释了其上转换激发与发射的机理。

    According to the spectral data reported here , the energy level scheme of Tm ∶ BaY 2F 8 was given , and the mechanism of the up conversion luminescence was suggested .

  22. 结合掺杂能级图,理论分析了LiNbO3双掺杂晶体深陷阱中心能级的相对位置及其微观光学参量对全息记录性能的影响。

    Based on the doped energy-band diagram , the effect of the relative energy level of the deep trap center and its microcosmic optical parameter on holographic recording properties of doubly doped LiNbO_3 is analyzed theoretically .

  23. 所以,这堂课我们会讨论很多,关于能量的问题,讨论时,画能级图来使能量差别,形象化常常是很有用的。

    So , in this class we 'll be talking about energy a lot , and it 's often useful to draw some sort of energy diagram to visualize the differences in energy that we 're discussing .

  24. 从辐射与分子相互作用的跃迁几率幅出发,说明各种双光子过程的能级图和时序图与相互作用的微扰矩阵元的对应关系。

    Starting with the transition probability amplitudes of the radiation-molecule interactions , the correspondence is shown between the energy level diagrams and the time-ordered graphs for several two-photon processes and the perturbational matrix elements of the interactions .

  25. ~(145)Tb的高自旋态能级纲图

    Level Scheme of High-Spin States in ~ ( 145 ) Tb

  26. 双奇核~(140)Pr的高自旋态能级纲图

    High-Spin Level Scheme of Odd-Odd ~ ( 140 ) Pr Nucleus

  27. 扩展并更新了183Au的能级纲图。

    The level scheme of 183 Au was revised and extended .

  28. 根据实验结果,给出了钙铀云母的能级跃迁图。

    An energy level diagram of autunite is presented from the experimental results .

  29. 我们画出简单化学反应的,能级示意图。

    So let 's just sketch out what the levels are going to look like for simple chemical events .

  30. 我们开始时,虽然这只是,不用聚合物的能级示意图,但实际上这,也是分子的振动能级。

    And so , since we started , We formulated this by imagining different confirmations for a polymer , but in fact these are the vibrational energies of any molecule too .