
zhī jiě
  • Lipolysis;steatolysis
脂解[zhī jiě]
  1. 结果表明,在高脂组,肝脏组织总脂解酶活性(LA)降低;

    The results showed that LA in liver decreased ;

  2. UHT乳中脂解酶活性的测定

    Lipase activity determination in UHT milk Enzyme mimics

  3. 利用脂解率和水解产物中游离脂肪酸(FFA,以油酸计)质量分数分析结合响应面分析(SAS)确定最佳水解条件:加酶量为300U/g乳脂肪;温度为45℃;

    According the rate of hydrolysis and FFA content and the response surface analysis was applied to determine the optimal conditions of hydrolysis .

  4. CHF时血浆儿茶酚胺类物质浓度增高,除了对心肌组织有直接毒性作用,尚能增加β肾上腺素能受体介导的脂解作用,使能量消耗增加,脂肪储存减少。

    Excessive release of catecholamines during heart failure can act cytotoxic effect directly , increase lipolysis mediated by beta adrenoreceptors , lead to energy expenditure increased and fat stores decreased .

  5. 但随着HSL基因敲除鼠的出现,残留的40%基础脂解作用说明存在着另外的脂肪细胞脂解酶参与脂解作用。

    With more and more studies on HSL - / - mice , remained 40 % basal TG lipase activity suggested that another lipase was involved in intracellular lipolysis .

  6. 脂解产生的游离脂肪酸的放射活性与标本中脂肪酶的活性成正比。表达人脂蛋白脂肪酶的重组腺病毒感染培养的293A细胞后,肝素后培养液中表达很高的脂蛋白脂肪酶活性。

    Results There was high LPL activity expression in cultured 293A cells infected with recombinant adenovirus encoding human LPL .

  7. 结果显示,依血清剥夺时间延长,脂肪细胞激素敏感脂酶(HSL)mRNA表达水平显著提高(P<0.05),恢复血清培养后,表达水平显著降低(P<0.05),与脂解活性的变化一致;

    The results showed that mRNA levels of hormone-sensitive lipase ( HSL ) were increased according to lasting time of serum-deprivation ( P < 0.05 ), and significantly decreased with re-serum culture ( P < 0.05 ), which coincided with the changes of lipolytic activity in adipocytes .

  8. 以粳稻H129为材料,对稻米的脂解酶进行了研究。水稻脂解酶主要位于胚芽及盾片部分,它含有数种性质不同的同功酶;

    The rice lipase in japonica variety H 129 was studied .

  9. 高脂饮食对大鼠脂肪组织脂解调节因素的影响

    Effect of Fat-Rich Diet on Lipolytic Regulatory Factors of Rats

  10. 商业酶制剂对契达干酪蛋白水解和脂解的影响

    The effects of commercial enzyme preparation on proteolysis and lipolysis of Cheddar cheese

  11. 甘草次酸乳膏的制备及脂解作用研究

    Preparation of Glycyrrhetinic Acid Cream and its Lipolytic Effect

  12. 山楂黄酮对小鼠血脂和生脂与脂解基因转录表达的作用

    The Effect of Hawthorn Flavonoids on Mice Blood Fat , Adipogenesis Genes Transcription Expression

  13. 水稻种子中脂解酶活性的初步研究

    Primary Study on Lipase Activity in Rice Seed

  14. 棉花种子碱性脂解酶的特性

    Character of Alkaline Lipase in Cotton Seed

  15. 利用稳定同位素标记复合物进行的临床研究:神经性厌食症的内源性葡萄糖生成与脂解作用的关系

    Endogenous glucose production and lipolysis in anorexia nervosa-A study using stable iso - tope-labelled compounds

  16. 水稻脂解酶主要位于胚芽及盾片部分,它含有数种性质不同的同功酶;

    The results showed that the lipase of rice distribute in the plumule and the scutum , not in the endosperm , It consists of several kinds of isoenzyme .

  17. 自噬和脂解之间调节和功能的相似性,以及溶酶体具有降低血脂的功能,表明自噬可能有助于脂滴和甘油三酯的降解。

    The regulatory and functional similarities between autophagy and lipolysis , along with the capability of lysosomes to degrade lipids , indicated that autophagy may contribute to LD and TG breakdown .

  18. 因此,本课题的主要研究工作有:(1)脂质辅料脂解规律研究:禁食/进食情况下胰脂肪酶浓度差异显著。

    Consequently , in this paper , we investigate as follows : ( 1 ) Lipolysis pattern of lipid excipient : it was found that the concentration of pancreatic lipase was significantly different between fasted and fed state .