
jǐ shén jīng jié
  • Spinal ganglion;ganglion spinale;spinal ganflion
脊神经节[jǐ shén jīng jié]
  1. 人脊神经节细胞的P物质和K物质样免疫反应

    Substance P and substance K like immunoreactivity in human spinal cord

  2. 脊神经节损伤时P物质和血管活性肠肽改变与神经行为异常的关系

    The relations between the changes of neuropeptides and the abnormal neuro-behavior changes after DRG injuries

  3. 鼠脊神经节硫胺素单磷酸酶阳性神经元的P物质免疫反应及外周投射

    Peripheral Projections and Substance P-Immunoreactivity of Thiamine Monophosphatase - positive Neurons of Spinal Ganglia in Rats

  4. 含P物质的脊神经节细胞周围突的躯体&内脏分支投射

    The somato-visceral divergent projections of peripheral processes of substance P-containing spinal ganglionic neurons & tri-labeling study of combining fluorescein tracing

  5. 微囊化兔坐骨神经组织细胞移植对大鼠脊髓半横断脊神经节P物质表达的影响

    Effects of Microencapsulated Rabbit Sciatic Nerve Tissue Transplantation on Substance P Expression in Dorsal Root Ganglia in Rats with Spinal Cord Hemisection

  6. 此外,在大鼠脊神经节中,我们观察到P物质免疫反应的阳性神经元胞体,属于小型细胞。

    In addition , substance P-positive neuronal cell bodies and fibers were seen in rat spinal ganglia , and they were smaller cells .

  7. 佐剂关节炎大鼠脊神经节中核因子kappab表达的研究

    Expression of nuclear factor kappa B in the spinal ganglions of adjuvant arthritis rats

  8. 结论TNFα对周围神经损伤后脊神经节感觉神经元有保护作用。

    Conclusions It was suggested that TNF alpha might protect sensory neurons after nerve injury .

  9. 在注射侧的C1、2、3、脊神经节、迷走神经下节和交感神经颈上节观察到标记细胞。

    A few of the labelled neurons was observed in the superior cervical ganglion , nodose ganglion and spinal ganglion C1-3 in the injected side .

  10. 目的:为临床提供有关脊神经节(spinalganglion,SG)的形态学基础。

    To provide morphological data of SG ( spinal ganglion ) for clinic .

  11. 感觉神经纤维来自于同侧C6~C8脊神经节,各神经节的HRP标记细胞数量相近(P>0.05)。

    Neurons of the sensory nerve fibers of the thoracodorsal nerve were located in C_6 ~ C_8 dorsal root ganglia .

  12. 地塞米松对哮喘豚鼠肺内、脊神经节及脊髓背角内蛋白激酶C表达的抑制作用

    The inhibitory effect of dexamethasone on the expression of PKC in the lung , the spinal ganglia and the spinal dorsal horns of the asthmatic guinea pigs

  13. 大鼠脊神经节内交感神经支配的荧光组织化学与HRP示踪观察

    Fluorescence histochemical and HRP trace observation on the sympathetic

  14. 在右侧L2脊神经节内发现荧光素双标细胞;

    Fluorescent double labelled cells were found in the dorsal root ganglia of L_2 on the right side .

  15. LHRH及P物质对大鼠脊神经节细胞膜GABAA受体介导反应的抑制作用

    Inhibitory Effects of LHRH and Substance P on the Membrane Response Mediated by GABA_A Receptor in Spinal Ganglion Neurons

  16. 结果心肌缺血组左侧脊神经节的NOS表达比正常组增加。

    Result The expression of NOS in left root ganglion in the experimental rabbits was lifting compared with the controls .

  17. 猫腹腔神经节注射HRP后脊神经节标记细胞的节段分布

    The segmental distribution of the labelled spinal ganglionic cells after HRP injection into the coeliac ganglion of the cat

  18. 此外,脊神经节内分布大量MOR样免疫反应细胞。

    In addition , many neurons with MOR LI were distributed in the dorsal root ganglia .

  19. 大鼠坐骨神经切断后VEGF及其受体flk-1在脊髓与脊神经节中的表达

    Expression of VEGF and flk-1 receptor in spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia after neurotomy of rat sciatic nerve

  20. 冷热应激对大鼠脊髓和脊神经节p38信号转导的影响

    Effect of Acute Cold or Heat Stress on p38 MAPK Activation in the Spinal Cord and Ganglia of Rats

  21. 用westernblot方法分别检测各组豚鼠肺、C7~T5段脊神经节和相应节段脊髓背角NGF和IL-1β的表达。

    The expression of NGF and IL-1 β were observed respectively by Western blot in the lung , C_7-T_5 spinal ganglia and the corresponding spinal dorsal horn of all the groups .

  22. Ⅰ组、Ⅲ组C-fos、NOS在脊神经节、背侧丘脑腹后外侧核、背侧丘脑腹后内侧核表达较高;

    The express of C-fos 、 NOS is higer including dorsal ganglion , nucleus ventralis posterolateralis thalami , nucleus ventralis posteromedialis thalami both group ⅰ and group ⅲ;

  23. 目的:采用体外培养法,观察神经生长因子(NGF)在钙拮抗剂和细胞外不同Ca++浓度条件下对脊神经节突起生长的影响。

    Objective : To observe the effects of nerve growth factor ( NGF ) on neurite outgrowth in dorsal ganglia root under conditions of calcium channel antagonist and varied extracellular calcium .

  24. 结论电针可影响脊神经节NOS和AChE的表达,一氧化氮(NO)和乙酰胆碱(Ach)可能是内关与心脏联系的重要介质。

    Conclusion Electroacupuncture at Neiguan Point can influence the expression of NOS and Ach E , NO and Ach may be the important medium associated with the heart .

  25. 将HRP注入8只家兔的肠系膜下节内,观察内脏传入神经元的胞体在脊神经节的分布节段,结果如下。

    HRP was injected into the inferior mesenteric ganglia of eight rabbits to observe the labelled visceral afferent neurons in spinal ganglia and their segmental distribution .

  26. 结论:电针促进神经功能的恢复可能是通过增强脊神经节GDNF的表达而实现。

    CONCLUSION : Electroacupuncture can promote the recovery of nerve function through increasing the expression of GDNF in the neurons of DRG .

  27. P2X2、P2X3受体与CGRP和calretinin在大鼠脊神经节内的共存

    Co-localization of P2X_2 , P2X_3 subunites with CGRP and calretinin in the rat dorsal root ganglion

  28. AntiNGF组豚鼠活化ERK免疫反应在C7T5脊神经节神经元的核中明显低于哮喘组(P0.01)。

    However , in the anti-NGF group , ERK immunoreactivity was much lower in nuclei of the C 7-T 5 spinal ganglion neurons than that of the asthmatic group ( P0.01 ) .

  29. 结论:E12d~E15.5d胎鼠SC和SG中,凋亡细胞主要见于脊髓的基板和脊神经节。

    Conclusion : The apoptotic cells in SC and SG of fetal mice aged 12 ~ 15.5 days were mainly found in the basal plate of SC and the SG .

  30. CNS脱髓鞘疾病生物标记物的蛋白质组学研究自体髓核移植可致脊神经节、神经根明显的水肿、炎性反应、脱髓鞘等病理改变。

    Proteome Analysis of Biomarkers in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Central Nervous System Demyelinative Diseases Significant endoneurial edema , inflammation reaction and demyelination can be seen in the DRGs and NRs .