
  • 网络degrease
  1. 介绍了钢质冷藏货柜的涂装工艺,包括低合金高强度钢板材的预处理,不锈钢板材脱脂处理和喷涂发泡涂料。

    This paper introduces painting process for refrigerated container , including corten steel sheet pretreatment , degrease treatment for stainless steel and spraying foaming paint .

  2. 带钢经脱脂处理其表面油杂质去除率达98%、铁杂质去除率达95%。

    Through degrease disposing , 98 % of greasy impurity and 95 % of iron impurity attached on the surface of steel strip can be removed .

  3. 深冻后经75%酒精及脱脂处理使LHB螺纹部的剪切强度及扭转性能明显降低。

    Deep-frozen adding fixed by 75 % ethanol and extracted off fat decreased the strength of shear and thread at the thread part of LHBs significantly .

  4. 搪瓷坯件脱脂处理最优工艺条件的研究

    Study of Best Technological Condition in Degreasing of Substrate Enamel

  5. 结果表明:脱脂处理显著降低米糠脂肪含量,提高米糠稳定性;

    Results indicated that the storage stability was enhanced due to the defatting of bran .

  6. 结果表明,在测定鱿鱼皮中胶原蛋白的含量时,宜先将鱿鱼皮进行脱脂处理,然后再直接水解测定羟脯氨酸。

    Results suggest that the determination should be conducted after the raw material was defatted .

  7. 脱脂处理带来马尾松脂浸提物含量的变化

    Changes in Extractive Contents of Masson 's Pine Resin by Way of the Deresination Treatment

  8. 蛋黄蛋白溶液首先经过脱脂处理以降低脂肪中含有的腥味成分。

    The solution of egg yolk protein was defatted to decrease the amount of fishy smell substance in fat .

  9. 冶金系统中的氧气管路系统中,宜选用经过严格脱脂处理,法兰连接的针型阀。

    Metallurgical oxygen system pipe system , should use strict degreasing treatment , needle valve flange J29 Angle Pressure Gauge Valve connection .

  10. 干燥工艺的研究,采用100℃干燥试验法,得出对三种脱脂处理材均适用的干燥基准。

    Drying process was carried out with 100 ℃ drying method , and we gained a drying schedule that can be used for the treated board .

  11. 落叶松木材的改性处理是木材保护学领域中的技术难题,而落叶松木材的脱脂处理,又是其中的前沿问题。

    The modified treatment of larch wood is a difficult problem in the study range of wood protection , moreover , in which the degreasing of larch wood is foreland .

  12. 对此,通过采取对临时加氧系统进行脱脂处理以及蒸汽吹扫等技术措施,使问题得以解决。

    For this reason , through technical measures , such as degreasing treatment and steam purging etc. , applied to the temporary oxygen adding system , the said problem has been solved .

  13. 采用这种方法对落叶松木材进行脱脂处理,对木材的颜色、力学性能影响不大,并且易于进行液体的浸注,从而实现木材的阻燃等保护性处理。

    Using this method to deresinate , the influence on the color and mechanical property of wood is insignificant , and the liquid penetration is improved , consequently put the protective treatment such as fire retardant into effect .

  14. 脱脂处理后,马尾松单板气干密度变异系数减小,但气干密度几乎没有变化;吸水厚度膨胀率和吸水率较大;弹性模量剧减,静曲强度变化不大。

    After degreasing , gas dry density coefficient variation of Pinus Massoniana veneer decreased , but air dry density value almost had no change ; Thickness swelling rate and water absorption rate were bigger ; MOE decimated , MOR changed rarely .

  15. 微波脱脂具有处理时间短,脱脂效率高,脱脂材能保持木材本色的特点,是一种具有应用前景的松木脱脂新技术。

    The microwave deresination is a new technology with some advantages including in short time , high efficiency , and keeping the initial color of wood , which shows a good application prospect in the future .

  16. 结果表明:酶制剂在羊皮脚科的浸水、软化、脱毛、脱脂,废料处理中优于碱和酸。

    The results show that the enzyme is superior to alkalis and acids in treating the offal of goatskin for soaking , unhaining , degreasing and hating .

  17. 将头颅加热浸泡、脱脂、漂白处理后,用泡沫塑料和乙酸乙酯所配制成的溶液涂刷。

    After the head is dipped into water with soap powder , heated , degreased and blanched , it is brushed by foam with solution made of acetic acid ester .

  18. 蚕蛹蛋白粉的脱脂及前处理。选取常规溶剂正己烷,丙酮,乙酸乙酯,无水乙醇分别作为单一脱脂溶剂做脱脂优化,以脱脂率为指标,得到最佳脱脂溶剂为丙酮。

    Degrease of silkworm protein powder and pretreatment : Selecing the conventional solvent n-hexane , acetone , ethyl acetate , and ethanol as a single degreasing solvent to get a optimized degreasing rate , the best degreasing solvent aceton is acetone .

  19. 目的研究脱脂脱蛋白处理异种骨的抗原性和生物力学强度与30%H2O2处理时间的关系,选择最佳处理时间,使骨的抗原性降至最低,又尽可能地保留其生物力学强度。

    Objective By studying the relationship of antigenicity and mechanical intensity of delipidized and deproteinized heterogenic bone correlated to the time dealing with 30 % H 2O 2 , select the best time to make the lowest antigenicity and reserve its mechanical intensity .

  20. 水溶性止血纺织材料是脱脂纤维素经化学处理而成,具有生物止血活性。

    The water soluble hemostatic textile materials , which have biologically hemostatic activity , are chemically processed from delipided cellulose .

  21. 通过对铝板进行打磨、脱脂及阳极氧化处理可提高硅橡胶与铝板之间的粘结力,其中以阳极氧化处理效果最为显著。

    The adhesive strength between Silicone Rubble and Aluminum plank can be enhanced by burnishing , degreasing and anodizing Aluminum plate , among those anodizing Aluminum plate is the best way .

  22. 激光光源单色性好,减小了非单色光引起的对朗伯&比尔定律的偏离,光强度高,采用脱脂与不脱脂的前处理方法,都能保证测量精度。

    Because of the good homochromatism characteristic , the departure to Lambert-Beer law produced by non-homochromatism light is greatly reduced . In addition , the high intensity and the pretreatment of degrease and non-degrease can both insure the required measurement accuracy . 2 .

  23. 本论文主要的目的是研究落叶松板材的脱脂工艺和脱脂药剂的筛选,并对脱脂处理材的物理力学性能进行了测试。

    The Selection of Degreasing Medicament for Larch Timber In the thesis main purpose is studying the degrease techniques , sifting the degrease medicaments and measuring the physics and mechanics properties of the treated wood .

  24. 介绍了电工钢化学脱脂方法、脱脂所用的材料、影响脱脂工艺的因素以及脱脂常见问题及处理。

    It mainly introduces the chemical degreasing method for electrical steel , the material used in degreasing process , the factor of influencing the degreasing process , as well as the treatment of familiar problems during degreasing etc.