
  • 网络derail accident
  1. 列车脱轨事故智能分析技术初步研究

    Preliminarily Research on the Intelligent Analysis Technology for Train Derail Accident

  2. 为将各种事故分析方法综合集成,论文设计建造了列车脱轨事故智能分析支持系统(IDASS)原型。

    For the purpose of synthesizing all analysis methods together , the basic structure of prototype of the intelligent derailment analysis support system ( IDASS ) is established .

  3. 基于智能决策系统开发技术,采用面向对象编程方法,开发研制了脱轨事故智能分析支持系统(IDASS),为脱轨事故调查分析提供了新的现代化分析手段。

    Using the technology of intelligent decision support system ( IDSS ) and the object-oriented method , an intelligent derailment analysis support system ( IDASS ) is designed and established . This knowledge-ware provides a modern tool for analyzing derail accidents .

  4. 翻车机系统车辆脱轨事故原因分析及防范措施

    Cause Analysis on Derailment of Rotary Dumping Vehicles and Countermeasures

  5. 货车车辆脱轨事故调查过程中需要注意的几个问题

    Several Points for Attention in the Process of Investigation on Derailment Accidents of Freight Cars

  6. 加拿大艾伯塔省发生危险的火车脱轨事故并引起大火,目前急救人员正在现场处理事故。

    Emergency crews in Alberta , Canada are containing a dangerous train derailment and fire .

  7. 北线通勤铁路在布朗克斯区转弯时发生脱轨事故。

    The Metro-North passenger train derailed as it was rounding a curve in the Bronx .

  8. 日本兵库县尼崎市火车脱轨事故的死亡人数已经升至104人。

    The lives lost in Japan 's train derailment accident have risen to104 as of Thursday .

  9. 少数桥梁横向刚度不足,导致桥上货物列车脱轨事故多次发生。

    Low value of bridge lateral rigidity results in a series of derailment accidents on bridges .

  10. 从车辆、轨道和运用条件入手,对列车脱轨事故进行了调查。

    The train derailment accidents are investigated beginning with the rolling stock , track and operation conditions .

  11. 法国政府表示,今天在巴黎市外发生的火车脱轨事故至少造成6人死亡。

    The French government is reporting at least six deaths in today 's train derailment outside Paris .

  12. 同时,今天西班牙为上周火车超速脱轨事故中的79名遇难者举行葬礼。

    Meanwhile , today Spain mourned the deaths of 79 people killed in last week 's high-speed derailment .

  13. 这列北线通勤火车在转弯处发生脱轨事故,这里位于布朗克斯区附近,也是哈莱姆河和哈德森河交汇的地方。

    The Metro-North train went off the rails on a bend where Harlem and Hudson rivers meet near the Bronx .

  14. 就在4个月前,魁北克省拉克·麦肯蒂镇曾发生一起运油火车脱轨事故。

    The accident comes just four months after another train hauling crude oil derailed in the Quebec town of Lac-Megantic .

  15. 随着我国铁路列车重量、速度、密度的提高,列车脱轨事故也有所增多。

    The increment of train load , speed and density in China is accompanied by an increment of train derailment accident .

  16. 钢轨波磨的形成和发展,不仅影响车辆和轨道结构的使用寿命,而且严重的钢轨波磨会导致重大脱轨事故的发生。

    Rail corrugation not only affects the service life of vehicles and tracks but also leads to a severe derailment accident .

  17. 研究了人机交互技术,合理地设计并实现了人机对话接口,成功地将各种智能化方法综合集成起来,运用于脱轨事故分析。

    Secondly , the technologies of man-machine dialog system are researched in this paper , and the interface of man-machine is realized soundly .

  18. 但相对于满载列车,空载车辆由于垂向力的减少,其提速后容易发生脱轨事故。

    But compared to fully loaded truck , derailment accident will happen easily on no-load truck due to the reducing of vertical force .

  19. 魁北克省的湖边教堂鸣钟纪念可能在上周火车脱轨事故中遇难的50名民众。

    Church bells tolled in a lakeside town of Quebec are remembering the 50 people believed killed in last week 's train derailment .

  20. 论文建立了基于分布式多专家系统的脱轨事故分析求解体系,设计了脱轨事故问题推理求解系统。

    Firstly , the derailment problem solving system based on distributed multi-expert system is designed and built , which is the core of IDASS .

  21. 介绍了2001年以来俄罗斯铁路货车空车脱轨事故增多的原因,以及防范措施。

    Described are the reasons of the increasing derailment of empty freight cars since 2001 on ( Russian ) railroads and the preventative measures .

  22. 近年来,提速后的重载货运机车在制动工况下因为滑行而造成的脱轨事故屡屡发生。

    Recent years , the derailment accidents of the raising speed freight locomotive , many of which happened because of skidding during the braking .

  23. 为了防止内燃机车轮箍弛缓造成的机车脱轨事故,郑州铁路局机务处提出了机车轮对轮箍加装扣环的方案。

    To prevent the digression accidents caused by locomotive 's bandage relaxation , Zhengzhou train station put forward the scheme of wheel-set equipped with buckle .

  24. 防止脱轨事故,保证铁路运输安全的唯一途径就是寻找出导致脱轨事故发生的确切原因,这是铁路安全科学研究中亟待解决的问题。

    In order to avoid train derailment , the only approach is to find out the real reasons of derailment accidents and then take corresponding measures .

  25. 针对列车脱轨事故原因的复杂性,本文将现代人工智能技术引入列车脱轨事故分析领域,使用从定性到定量的综合集成的智能方法进行脱轨事故分析。

    Because of the complexity of derailment and difficulty of its study , the artificial intelligence approach is applied to analyze the essential reasons of derail accidents .

  26. 运用上述的技术和方法,成功地实现了列车小半径曲线脱轨事故分析子系统。

    A subsystem to analyze the derailment at small radius of curve is established by the methods and technologies , which are researched in detail in the paper .

  27. 艾伯塔省官员宣布进入紧急状态,一辆有13节车厢的货运列车在夜间发生脱轨事故,事发地邻近盖因福德的郊区,在埃德蒙顿市以西约50英里的地方。

    Officials in Alberta have declared a state of emergency after 13 cars of a CN freight train derailed overnight near the umland of Gainford , about 50 miles west of Edmonton .

  28. 本文总结了宝成北段和宝天铁路上小半径曲线脱轨事故和缓和曲线上车辆动力学参数的一般规律。

    The general rules of the derailment accidents and the dynamic parameters of the vehicle on the carves with small radii of the Bao-Cheng and Bao-Tian Lines are summarized in this paper .

  29. 美国国家运输安全委员会正在调查今天上午纽约市发生的火车脱轨事故,这起事故造成4人死亡,另有60余人受伤,其中有14人伤势严重。

    The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating this morning 's train derailment in New York City that killed four people and injured more than 60 others , fourteen of them critically .

  30. 我国铁路智能化紧急救援与行车安全系统主要功能与结构探讨随着我国铁路干线全面提速,货物列车的脱轨事故在每年重大事故中的比率居高不下。

    Function and Architecture of Intelligent Railway Emergency Disposal & Safety Management System in China Nowadays , the continuous improvement of the train speed results in the high rate of the freight train digression .