
tuō zhī niú nǎi
  • skim milk;skimmed milk;non-fat milk;evaporated milk;Nonfat dry milk
  1. 农家干酪(cottagecheese)是一种以脱脂牛奶为原料的新鲜软质非成熟型干酪,其风味柔和,清淡,易被我国消费者接受。

    Cottage cheese is a soft unripened , mildly acid cheese , made from skim milk . The cottage cheese should be easily accepted by consumers in our country .

  2. 可以尝试酸奶,水果,全麦面包,和脱脂牛奶。

    Try yogurt , fruit , whole wheat breads , and skim milk .

  3. 在你的燕麦粥中加入半脱脂牛奶或全脱脂牛奶,或者水。

    Make your porridge with semi-skimmed or skimmed milk , or water .

  4. 牛奶也是无糖和无添加剂的,营养学家推荐脱脂牛奶作为睡前的最佳选择,因为它是最不容易发胖的。

    Milk is also sugar-free and additive-free with nutritionists recommending skimmed milk as the best choice before bed as it is the least fattening .

  5. PATCH对于阐述像“在拿铁中放脱脂牛奶,而不是我原来定的全脂牛奶”这样的场景才有意义。

    PATCH might make sense to express concepts like " use skimmed milk in the latte , instead of the full fat I originally ordered " .

  6. 在尼路咖啡店里,半脱脂牛奶的双重巧克力冰咖啡(doublechocolatefrappe)和摩卡冰咖啡拿铁(mochafrappelatte)含有483卡路里热量,而脱脂牛奶的则有452卡路里热量。

    At Caffe Nero the double chocolate frappe and mocha frappe latte with semi-skimmed milk contains 483 calories , while the skimmed milk version has 452 .

  7. 世界癌症研究基金会表示,咖啡连锁店CaffeNero用脱脂牛奶做成的浓缩巧克力冰沙和摩卡冰沙拿铁的热量都达到了452卡路里。

    At Caffe Nero , the skimmed version of a Double Chocolate Frappe and a Mocha Frappe Latte contain 452 calories , WCRF said .

  8. 如果你正在节食的话,喝脱脂牛奶是不错的选择。

    Skimmed milk is good if you are on a diet .

  9. 新鲜脱脂牛奶,无菌包装,口味美妙。

    Fresh skimmed milk with hygienic package has a delicious taste .

  10. 《普林逖金减肥法》里,所有一切都是脱脂牛奶。

    The Pritikin Diet , everything is non-fat milk in these diets .

  11. 不过即便改用了脱脂牛奶,某些饮品的热量仍高居不下。

    But even some options with skimmed milk are high in calories .

  12. 养成喝脱脂牛奶的习惯,逐渐放弃苏打水。

    Get into the habit of drinking nonfat milk instead of soda .

  13. 可以买到像脱脂牛奶、酪和酸酪这样的奶制品吗?

    Would dairy products such as skim milk and cheese and yoghurt be available ?

  14. 用脱脂牛奶作培养基,获得了与上述相同的结果。

    The result was made by using MRS and skim milk as the medium respectively .

  15. 相反,当他们饮用脱脂牛奶时,减少了12%。

    In contrast , it dropped 12 % when they consumed the nonfat milk drink .

  16. 我以为我会想念全脂牛奶的味道,但脱脂牛奶和麦片一起食用时我就不会了。

    I thought I 'd miss the creamy taste , but in cereal I don 't.

  17. 它们也天然地存在于酸奶、脱脂牛奶、泡菜和豆腐中。

    They 're also found naturally in foods like yogurt , buttermilk , sauerkraut and tofu .

  18. 1杯低脂酸奶中钙的含量比1杯脱脂牛奶中的还多。

    One cup of plain low-fat yogurt has more calcium than a glass of skim milk .

  19. 我要加脱脂牛奶。

    Make it with nonfat milk .

  20. 更糟糕的是,我买的半脱脂牛奶似乎是其他所有人第二偏爱的品种。

    Worse , my variety ( semi-skimmed ) seems to be the second preference of everyone else .

  21. 尝试喝半脱脂牛奶或脱脂牛奶,而不喝全脂或低脂酸奶。

    Try to go for semi-skimmed or skimmed milk , rather than full fat , and low-fat yoghurts .

  22. 试验的最佳工作条件:以50%脱脂牛奶,37℃1小时封闭;

    50 % skim milk as blocking solution acting at 37 ℃ for one hour may get best result ;

  23. 一个低脂松油饼,一块哈密瓜,一杯咖啡加一些脱脂牛奶。

    A low-fat muffin , a wedge of cantaloupe , and a cup of latte made with skim milk .

  24. 因此我们建议你食用全脂牛奶或半脂牛奶而不是脱脂牛奶。

    It is for this reason that we suggest drinking whole milk or half and half instead of skim milk .

  25. 对MerebraloxGP1.4μm陶瓷膜在脱脂牛奶除菌过程中的应用进行了实验研究。

    The study of purity of ceramic membrane ( Membralox GP 1.4 μ m ) in skim milk is investigated .

  26. 他们有时会纵容下自己吃一片黑巧克力,并总在滑雪后啜饮兑了脱脂牛奶的热可可。

    They sometimes indulge in a piece of dark chocolate and always sip hot cocoa with skim milk after skiing .

  27. 用脱脂牛奶低温冻存法保藏的菌种在2年后存活率仍达97.9%,且菌种的形态、生理特征基本未变。冷冻干燥保存2年后存活率100%。

    97.9 % of the strains frozen in degreased milk were alive after 2 years and lyophilized strains were 100 % .

  28. 该中心建议市民,不要饮用保质期截止到5月26日的一升装宝莱脱脂牛奶。

    It advised the public not to consume Pura slim milk in one-liter packs with an expiration date of May 26 .

  29. 再回到我的邻居,脱脂牛奶的不良口感本应该让他意识到一些东西。

    Getting back to my neighbor , his own awareness that skim milk doesn 't taste good might have told him something .

  30. 如果你在家做热巧克力的话,使用脱脂牛奶就可以减少热巧克力中的脂肪和卡路里含量。

    If you make it at home , using skim milk is a good way to cut fat and calories from the drink .