
  • 网络Obliquus internus abdominis;internal oblique;obliquus internus
  1. 目的用带血管及多神经蒂腹内斜肌游离肌瓣移植一期治疗晚期面瘫,重建瘫痪肌肉功能。

    Objective To study the anatomy and transplantation of the obliquus internus abdominis with multiple nerve and a vascular pedicle for facial reanimation in one stage .

  2. 方法不缝合腹膜,在腹膜外将皮肤、皮下组织、腹外斜肌腱膜、腹内斜肌、腹横肌一层缝合。

    Methods Full thickness suture out of the peritoneum which consist of skin , subcutaneous tissues , aponeurosis of obliquus externus abdominis , obliquus internus abdominis , transverses abdominis .

  3. 髂骨肌联合腹内斜肌一蒂双岛瓣在颌面复合缺损重建中的应用

    Application of Free Iliac Flap Combined M-obliquus-internus-abdominis in Maxillofacial Reconstruction

  4. 髂骨-腹内斜肌瓣在下颌骨复合组织缺损修复中的应用

    Vascularized iliac crest with internal oblique muscle for immediate reconstruction of composite mandibular defect

  5. 多血管神经蒂腹内斜肌瓣修复面瘫的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of free flap transfer of internal oblique muscle of abdominis in facial palsy

  6. 游离腹内斜肌&髂骨骨肌瓣修复双侧上颌骨术后缺损

    Reconstruction after Bilateral Maxillectomy Using Deep Circumflex Iliac Artery Free Flap with Internal Oblique Abdominal Muscle

  7. 髂耻束并不恒定存在。腹内斜肌起于髂耻束者3侧,占1.17%;

    There were 3 cases that internal oblique originates from iliopubic tract , which accounts for 1.17 % .

  8. 目的:为多血管神经蒂腹内斜肌瓣修复晚期面瘫提供解剖学基础。

    Objective : To provide anatomical basis for the treatment of late facial palsy with free flap of internal oblique muscle of abdomen .

  9. 方法:在36侧成尸标本上,对腹内斜肌的形态、血供及神经支配进行解剖观测。

    Methods : The shape , blood supply and nerve innervation of the internal oblique muscle of abdomen were observed on 18 adult cadavers .

  10. 腹内斜肌腱膜与腹横肌腱膜融合形成联合腱者仅占5.6%,其余均不融合。

    In all the sides observed , only 5.6 % of them belong to the types in which the internal oblique muscle aponeurosis and transversus abdominis aponeurosis were fused to form the conjoined tendon , whereas the rest are not .

  11. 在125侧成人腹股沟区标本上,解剖观察并测量了腹内斜肌、腹横肌、腹横肌腱膜筋膜层和髂耻束。

    In present study , 125 sides of the inguinal regions in the chinese adults were used for the anatomical observation and measuring on the internal oblique muscle , the transversus abdominis muscle , the transversus abdominis aponeurosis layers , and iliopubic tract .

  12. 结果:侧路穿刺路径由浅入深的主要结构有腰背筋膜中层结构(腹外斜肌、腹内斜肌、腹横肌、腰方肌)、腰背筋膜深层、腰大肌、椎间孔和椎管。

    Result : The important structures from outside to inside using lateral puncture were medium structures of lumbodorsal fascia ( obliquus externus abdominis , obliquus internus abdominis , transversus abdominis , lumbar quadrate muscle ), deep lamella of lumbodorsal fascia , greater psoas muscle , intervertebra foramina and vertebral canal .