
fù miàn
  • Ventral surface;segmental venter
腹面[fù miàn]
  1. 胃呈U形,腹面有2个肝管的入口;

    The stomach is U-shaped and there are 2 entrances for liver ducts in its ventral side .

  2. SL阳性细胞数量较少,仅在PI后缘腹面有少量阳性细胞成团或分散分布。

    There were few SL positive cells detected , and these cells were grouped or scattered only in posterior-ventral par of PI .

  3. 腹神经节的NSC聚集成群,主要位于腹面。

    In the abdominal ganglion the NSC assemble in clusters and they situate mainly in the ventral side .

  4. 根据TDC计算病灶的血流灌注量(PF)。延髓腹面升压区提升大鼠肾灌流压作用依赖血管内皮

    Endothelium-dependence of Enhancement or Perfusion Pressure of Kidney Induced by Electrical Stimulation of Pressor Area on Ventral Surface of Medulla Oblongata in Rats

  5. 胸神经节背面的NSC靠近步足神经分布;腹面的NSC较多,靠近胸动脉孔分布。

    The NSC in the dorsal side of the abdominal ganglion lie near the leg nerve , while in the ventral side there are more NSC which locate near the thoracic artery foramen .

  6. 建立兔耳增生性瘢痕模型:2.5%碘酊及75%酒精消毒兔耳腹侧,在每只兔耳的腹面避开血管做4个2.5cm×1.5cm大小长方形的全层皮肤缺损创面,深至软骨表面。

    Set up hyperplasia scar model : Make four rectangle whole skin lack on each rabbit 's ear , avoid vessel .

  7. 通过扫描电镜分析,35S::TaFIL转基因植株子叶与莲座叶腹面的表皮细胞特征部分地趋向于野生型子叶与莲座叶的背面表皮细胞特征。

    The 35S : : TaFIL transgenic cotyledons and the rosette leaves curled towards the abaxial surface dramatically .

  8. 雄性Wistar大鼠56只,乌拉坦麻醉,双侧脑区微量注射谷氨酸钠,观察延髓腹面尾端加压区(cVMP)与头端加压区(rVMP)心血管效应的差异。

    In 56 urethane anesthetized Wistar rats , bilateral microinjection of glutamate ( Lglu ) was used to observe the difference of cardiovascular effects between caudal ventrolateral medulla pressor area ( cVMP ) and rostral ventrolateral medulla pressor area ( rVMP ) .

  9. 表达Cf-vasa的原生殖细胞形成于原肠胚时期,在担轮幼虫中对称分布于口凹两侧,并随幼虫发育迁移至D型幼虫末端后,继续沿边缘向腹面迁移。

    The putative PGCs with Cf-vasa expression form in gastrula stage , and are located symmetrically at both sides of the stomodeum in trochophore . These cells subsequently migrate to the posterior pole of D-shaped larva and then migrate towards abdomen .

  10. 46例肺心病患者舌腹面静脉的临床观察

    Chinical Observation of Sublingual Veins in 46 Cases of Cor Pulmonale

  11. 头部、腹面有淡褐色纵斑。

    Tawny spots can be found on the head and abdomen .

  12. 此时神经丘出现在胚体头腹面。

    The neuromasts are present to the ventral head .

  13. 本文描述了经猫脑腹面记录下丘脑单位活动的方法。

    A method of ventral approach to hypothalamus for recording unit activity was described .

  14. 通过大量试验证明,喷涂诸参数是正确可靠的,从而保证了铝涂层在炒勺腹面上的最佳结合强度。

    By large amounts experiments , correctness and reliability about Al coating parameter are proved .

  15. 到初孵1龄若虫时,共生菌几乎遍布虫体的整个腹部腹面,腹部背面也可见少数菌体。

    After the egg hatched , YLS covered all the abdomen of first instar nymph .

  16. 腹部背面及腹面的刚毛均比模式种的长而多。

    The setae on abdomen , both dorsal and ventral are longer and more in number .

  17. 交合伞腹面中央纵嵴末端有一孔洞样构造,直径约7~8μm。

    There was a hole at the end of central longitudinal ridge on the ventral-surface of copulatrix .

  18. 结果:致倦库蚊幼虫中枢神经系统是由脑和位于消化道腹面的腹神经索构成。

    Results : the central nervous system of Culex quinquefasciatus larvae includes brain and the ventral ganglions .

  19. 心脏是含有红血球的一个薄壁管,位于胚体头部腹面,且与中脑平行。

    The heart is a thin-walled tube containing erythrocytes . It is ventral to the head paralleled with diencephalon .

  20. 雌成虫产卵期由腹面多格腺分泌丝状蜡结成卵囊。

    During the oviposition stage , adult female secreted wax threads by its ventral multilocular disc-pores to form its ovisac .

  21. 背腹面各节皆环绕有棘刺6-8列,棘长色深:虫体末端梳状棘刺与Ⅰ期幼虫相比,数量增多,棘刺变大。

    Each segment is surrounded with six to eight rows of denticles dorsally and ventrally which are long and dark .

  22. 口吸盘比腹吸盘大,与腹面略是110°角度。

    The oral sucker was larger than the ventral one and formed an angle of 110 ° with the ventral surface .

  23. 大鼠脊髓α1肾上腺素受体参与延髓腹面升压区调控肾交感神经电活动

    α _1 & adrenoceptor involved in the process of VSMP control of renal sympathetic nerve activities in spinal cord in rats

  24. 幼虫体躯扁平,背面及腹面均为黑色,略具蓝色光泽。

    For Larva , the body was flat , back and ventral surface were black , and had slightly blue luster .

  25. 随着胚胎发育的进一步进行,脊索细胞开始空泡化,此时肠位于脊索腹面。

    During the development of the embryo , the cells of the notochord are vacuolated and beneath the notochord is the gut .

  26. 脊髓下动脉位于脊髓腹面,来自颈内动脉,有营养脊髓的作用。

    The subspinal artery , which provides nourishment for spinal cord , lies under the spinal cord and comes from internal carotid artery .

  27. 另有2条节柱也在近踝状突腹面聚集成为另一条较大的节柱,与踝状突后端的腹面相连。

    Two columns also coalesce into another major column , which merges with the ventral side of the posterior end of the capitulum .

  28. 尾部腹面可见纤毛型乳突三个,尾端具长棘40条以上。

    The tail of the cercariae had three ciliated papillae on its ventral surface , and over forty long spines on its tip .

  29. 运用扫描电镜对中国产的落叶松属8个种和9个不同种源的兴安落叶松种皮微形态进行了观察。结果表明,种子的背面纹饰、腹面纹饰和种孔周围纹饰截然不同。

    The micro-morphologic features of the seed coats of8 species and9 in-dividuls of Larix gmelini Larch 's plants in China were observed by SEM .

  30. 单一伸缩泡,位于前庭腹面。口围缘到反口纤毛环之间的银线数约28-33列,反口纤毛环至帚胚之间约5-8列。

    Single contractile vacuole situated near ventral wall of infundibulum.28-33 pellicular striations from peristome to aboral trochal band and5-8 from aboral trochal band to scopula .