
  • 网络gasteromycetes;Gasteromycetidae;Gesteramycetes;gasteromyces
  1. 腹菌纲的一个真菌目。制霉菌素对腹膜透析霉菌性腹膜炎的预防作用

    An order of fungi belonging to the class Gasteromycetes . The Prophylactic Effect of Nystatin in CAPD Fungal Peritonitis

  2. 本文报道了产于陕西省的腹菌纲真菌51种,其中包括2个疑难种和13个省内新记录种,隶属于6目、9科19属。

    There are 51 species of the Gasteromycetes , in Shaanxi Province , including 2 doubtful species and 13 new records of Shaanxi Province , belonging to 19 Genus , 9 Families and 6 Orders .