
pénɡ tǐ shā
  • bulk yarn
膨体纱 [péng tǐ shā]
  • [bulk yarn] 合成短纤维纱,含一部分已伸长的纤维,在湿整理中收缩,形成卷曲,用于针织和机织物,可达到充分的表面覆盖效果

  1. 针织用腈/粘膨体纱的开发

    Development of high shrinkage acrylon / viscose bulked yarn for knitting

  2. 高收缩缩腈纶纤维是生产腈纶膨体纱的主要原料。

    High shrinkage acrylic fiber is the main material of high bulk acrylic yarn .

  3. 混旦高缩率腈纶膨体纱毛条生产工艺的探讨

    Study on the process to produce pan bulk top with mixed deniers and high shrinkage

  4. 由高膨体纱织成的织物可以做到重量轻,复盖能力大。

    Great covering power with little weight is possible in fabrics composed of high-bulk yarns .

  5. 论述了用拉断法直接制条生产高缩率腈纶膨体纱毛条的生产工艺。

    High shrinkage PAN bulk top are produced by using the process of " drawing to break " .